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Please help with my first LSA extraction

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
After my success with DMT and harmalas extractions, and failure with bufotenine, I have tried extracting LSA from HBWR this week. This is a summary of the procedure I followed:

-Grind 10 gr. of HBWR to powder.
-Defat 4x with heptane. The solvent was mixed for hours in a magnetic stirrer and then some more hours to settle.
-After defat, dry the plant material and extract 3x with lab grade methanol. Also used magnetic stirrer to mix for hours.
-Finally, once methanol was evaporated, I obtained 1.1 gr. of brownish crystals:


This is like 10% yield, while the published alkaloid contents of HBWR is about 0.3%, so my final product is still very impure.

I am not sure what to do now for purifying this extract as much as possible. I am thinking about freebasing it and then make some fumarate salts, but the info I am gathering is a bit confusing, despite how much I am searching in this and other sites. I suspect this stuff does not work like with dmt extractions, so I don't feel very confident.

Please if somebody can help with some ideas, I would be very thankful.
These are the products I can dispose for the next steps:

-NP solvents: heptane, limonene.
-Polar solvents: water, methanol, ethanol, IPA, MEK.
-Acids: citric, tartaric, fumaric, acetic.
-Bases: NAOH, Sodium carbonate, KOH, ammonia.

Any ideas? Thank you very much in advance.

I think you should proceed from step 5 in this tek
Here they say it's a crude extract so this 10% is explainable and not all of it will dissolve in the acidic solution then u base(carefully) and pull..

Dcm or Toluene can be substituted with naphtha or hexane i think
Someone posted that it worked with naphtha

I actually tried this tek but almost substituted every material with another available one and failed so don't listen to me but this might give you an idea of how you should proceed

Also maybe work on half of it in case you failed it's hard to recover things and maybe impossible.. the crude extract would be good
Many thanks Sakkadelic. That link is very interesting because it exposes very well the freebasing and salting of HBWR alkaloids. I knew about it before, but I am reluctant to follow it because the only quality NP solvents I have are heptane and limonene, and I am not sure if any of them can substitute DCM or toluene efficiently. I am searching about LSA solubility in these solvents, but haven't found anything conclusive... that's why I am stuck now.
I could get some toluene maybe, but it is from a painting store, so I'd prefer to use my currently available and safer solvents.

Also, do you think I should repeat the defatting steps on the crude extract again? (step 6 in Kash tek) I did it as the first steps on the plant material and I hope not having to repeat, since it is boring and solvent-wasting.
You've already defatted, no need to do it again.

You can sub limo straight across for toulene.

At this point I'd go ahead and dissolve that product in water, filter, base it, pull into the limo, then I'd salt out of the limo by adding fasa/fasi (or tartaric or citric for tasa/i or casa/i respectively) till no moar precips.

That should leave you a lovely LSA salt.

Honestly though, having only started with 10 seeds, it might not be worth it to purify any further since the actual alkaloid yield will likely be in the range of a couple mg at best. You will probably be better off eating what you have now and doing another extraction using a larger amount of starting material for pure alks.
Well i really am not an expert i can just give you the view of an engineer so don't rely on my opinion i hope someone more knowledgeable of chemistry replies(oh someone already did), so i'm sorry for that.. i'm just trying to think with you here and also learn more for my next time

I couldn't find anything on solubility either
I think your hours of defat compared to the minutes of defat in the tek are more than enough but it wouldn't hurt to do that one more time using less solvents since you are waiting anyway, and also it is more efficient when it is in this form and not powdered seeds..

If you could get toluene and do evaporation test and if there was no residue but still unsure about safety i think ingesting will be much safer compared to smoking in the case of dmt extraction, personally i wouldn't worry much if the evap test was good..

And from what i understood and what i saw when i failed in my extraction don't base unless you have everything ready cz after like half an hour the solution will turn green and the high ph or the long time in base solution turns the lsa into iso-lsa which is not active..
dreamer042 said:
Honestly though, having only started with 10 seeds, it might not be worth it to purify any further since the actual alkaloid yield will likely be in the range of a couple mg at best. You will probably be better off eating what you have now and doing another extraction using a larger amount of starting material for pure alks.
10g around a 100 seed i think and not 10
Sakkadelic said:
dreamer042 said:
Honestly though, having only started with 10 seeds, it might not be worth it to purify any further since the actual alkaloid yield will likely be in the range of a couple mg at best. You will probably be better off eating what you have now and doing another extraction using a larger amount of starting material for pure alks.
10g around a 100 seed i think and not 10
Oops, I missed the grams part. :oops:

Yep, you should be good to go in that case. :thumb_up:
Yes, it is 10 grams of seeds, not 10 seeds, so I hope to obtain 10+ doses if everything ends well.

Ok, I am really grateful to you guys because I feel encouraged to go ahead and try new steps. I will follow dreamer042 advice: basify, pull with limonene and do a final FASI extraction.
I have done this a lot of successful times for DMT, but have not read about the same process for LSA. My main concern is: Isn't it too good to be true? Why isn't everybody doing it and posting here?

Anyway, the only way to address my concerns is to try it by myself. So, I will do it tomorrow (it is late night now here in Spain) and post here the results.
See you soon!
I once made a really potent LSA extract, that didn't have much nausea. Just powdered a amount of seeds, soaked in naphtha to de-fat, strain and let the seed mush dry. Then I soaked the mush in 95% polish vodka for some days, strained and just dosed the alcohol - 2 seeds per ml. It was a clear, light yellow liquid. Add it to a drink and you can't taste it.
i was working Kash's extraction a week ago, i wasnt too positive on whether or not on what i yielded was either the LSA or LSA+MgSO4.

dcm was what i used to pull it from the water layer, its much thirsty than toluene.

i froze the water out and poured what i had in a beaker i then add some MgSO4 until the dcm was dry. I let it all settle out. when i looked at it under blacklight, it glowed faintly blue but then something told me swirl it around. it then turned lysergic baby blue after it settled out it went back to that same level of blue.

it makes me think that it bonded with some MgSO4.

i swirled it up, (some chunks stayed on the bottom, while it was in its mostly blue stage i poured into a funnel w/filter. it yielded some white powder which glowed bright white under blacklight, pure MgSO4 was very dulled compared to it. i wasnt too sure what to do with it so i put in some distilled water and added some citric acid. i started with tartrate but felt like doing citric. it glows blue also.

Its currently chilling in my fridge. i want to extract it but im still skeptical on how i should extract it.

also when i evapped the dcm collections it yielded some clear crystals that didnt glow in or out of solution, although i left out for like 2 days figuring what i had in my fridge currently was the LSA w/ some MgSO4, honestly the powder would have been safe to take , MgSO4 isnt too toxic, it was also a very small amount.
by the way this stuff is good, ive yet too have a pure extract, but believe me, there is something REALLY AMAZING in these seeds, it just gets muffled by all the other garbage, music sounds amazing, honestly just like LSD. ive taken many different extractions. one was a 50+ seed dose of some simple HBWR + 3 naphtha defats then 91% IPA extraction. i tripped hard dude, i was so happy for the first half hour i felt effects but it quickly went over board, vasoconstriction, melting walls, positive afterimaging that gave my vision a shuttering/skipping effect and even the sensation and affirmation that i was going to die.

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