lowjackal said:
Ghetto sep funnels are simple and cheap. Depending upon how large or small the liquids needing separation are, you can use a 2-liter soda bottle, to a 20 ounce water bottle.
Both of them used the same. Flip the bottle upside down with the lid on snug. This will allow you to remove the bottom layer from the top layer by simply cracking the lid and squeezing the bottle to drain the lower layer into whatever you need it drained into.
swim broke his glass funnel, spilling a huge amount of loaded goodness in the process as well...
hes gonna dream this route, and has already played around a bit with it (with water)
simply loosening the cap and squeezing may not be such a hot idea- just from a few minutes of playing around, swim sees that it would be better to fill the bottle with whatever, seal the cap, agitate, 'burp' as needed- then wait for things to separate, then gently turn the bottle upside down, drive a small hole into the bottom (which is now facing up) of the bottle-
then, with a gloved finger holding the hole shut, turn the bottle right side up, and slightly unscrew the cap so as to allow air to come into the bottle while pouring.
to pour, simply remove finger from the hole.
The reason for this, is that aside from allowing the liquid to leave at a constant rate, and in a well, defined stream- is so that no 'burping' happens from the opening of the bottle as the contents leave the bottle and air displacement occurs causing bubbles to agitate the separated layers.
A pipeing hot ice pick will work nice to puncture the bottle- care should be made not to crinkle the plastic midpuncture.
a point to remember: swimmers should never use flames near flamable solvents.