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Practically seperating naphtha without sep funnel thoughts.

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Rising Star
I don't have a sep funnel. Swim has his naphtha and lye together but needs to get the top out.

I've read putting it in a large ziplock bag and using it as a sep works, but doesn't the lye eat up some of the plastic? Seems bad.

Would a large pipette be cool to take off the top layer?

Any other suggestions?
Having completed my first extraction, I can tell you what doesn't work well - a turkey baster. You cannot maintain a constant suction and once you have the Naptha it begins to fall back out. 3cc syringes don't work well either because the Naptha eats the plunger, first it sticks, then in pulls off. What worked for me were 60 CC syringes used for Mushroom LC. Just keep enough air in there so the Naptha doesn't contact the plunger. But after that pain-in-the-ass experience I'm buying a Separatory Funnel. Also, as a sidenote use half the Naptha Noman suggests as I found it was much too much.
how large is your container? does a glass fit in it?

SWIM uses a large 3,2l glass container, where his hand can fit in. So basically he holds a glass upright, then submerges the glass under the mix. Since the naphtha layer is on top, it is the first to go in the glass.. Then SWIM pulls it out (careful as it will be dripping basidified black liquid from the outside), and since the glass is much thinner than the big glass container, the naphtha layer is much thicker. So even if some black basidified liquid went inside the glass, now its much easier to pippette it out.

buy a pippette, its the best thing.
you can also attatch a small tube for like a fish tank on the turkey baster, hold the tube then pinch it when the pipeette reaches its max capacity of solvent.

you can find more details searching through mescal extraction teks.
crakkbakk said:
I've read putting it in a large ziplock bag and using it as a sep works, but doesn't the lye eat up some of the plastic? Seems bad.
Whow! QT's dmt extraction for students strikes back! The worst and unnecessarily complicated tek ever written!

Of course the ziplock thingy is a joke, I'm sure the guy who proposed must have never tried it himself.

A pipette works always really well, even though it does take some time.
So I found the best thing ever..

It is a lemon acid dispenser..thing. I don't know what you call it but it is the yellow lemon looking thing that squirs out lemony water or something...

So I got an empty one after I visited my parents last night. I washed it out, and then I measured how many mL it could efficiently suck up. It sucks a full 100mL!! It probally isn't the best for small amounts of liquid, but when I am extracting 150-250mL of naphtha, I can use this 2-3x and then a 10mL pipette for the rest.

Does anyone know if it is bad to combine naphtha and plastic?? haha.
the reason your turkey baster isnt working properly is a bad seal at the top. i had the same problem but if you wrap the top lip of the baster tube with saran wrap you should fix the problem. just put your finger on the tip of it after squeezing the bulb if the bulb fills with air there isnt a good seal. if there is wrap sticking below the bulb after youve done this just push it up inside the edge until you have a good seal.
Ghetto sep funnels are simple and cheap. Depending upon how large or small the liquids needing separation are, you can use a 2-liter soda bottle, to a 20 ounce water bottle.
Both of them used the same. Flip the bottle upside down with the lid on snug. This will allow you to remove the bottom layer from the top layer by simply cracking the lid and squeezing the bottle to drain the lower layer into whatever you need it drained into.
do those of you with sep. funnels find that leftover bark matter collects and clogs the opening of your funnel, or do you generally have it ground up so small that there is no plant matter?
lowjackal said:
Ghetto sep funnels are simple and cheap. Depending upon how large or small the liquids needing separation are, you can use a 2-liter soda bottle, to a 20 ounce water bottle.
Both of them used the same. Flip the bottle upside down with the lid on snug. This will allow you to remove the bottom layer from the top layer by simply cracking the lid and squeezing the bottle to drain the lower layer into whatever you need it drained into.

swim broke his glass funnel, spilling a huge amount of loaded goodness in the process as well...

hes gonna dream this route, and has already played around a bit with it (with water)

simply loosening the cap and squeezing may not be such a hot idea- just from a few minutes of playing around, swim sees that it would be better to fill the bottle with whatever, seal the cap, agitate, 'burp' as needed- then wait for things to separate, then gently turn the bottle upside down, drive a small hole into the bottom (which is now facing up) of the bottle-

then, with a gloved finger holding the hole shut, turn the bottle right side up, and slightly unscrew the cap so as to allow air to come into the bottle while pouring.

to pour, simply remove finger from the hole.

The reason for this, is that aside from allowing the liquid to leave at a constant rate, and in a well, defined stream- is so that no 'burping' happens from the opening of the bottle as the contents leave the bottle and air displacement occurs causing bubbles to agitate the separated layers.

A pipeing hot ice pick will work nice to puncture the bottle- care should be made not to crinkle the plastic midpuncture.

a point to remember: swimmers should never use flames near flamable solvents.
i think thats why he says squeeze the bottle so that it doesnt burp..the bottle should be flexible enough to let the solvent escape without the need for burping
swim understands, its just that when he went to do it this way, the liquid being poured out the slightly uncapped end kinda sprayed, and uneven pressure was applied as the bottle got more and more crinkled up. Also, some burping accidently occurred when swim went to slow the draining down when preparing to stop the flow of water. Not to mention the risk of the cap accidentally completely unscrewing.

Im quite sure after doing this a few times, it might not be too difficult to master- swim simply tried it and decided to post his revisions that in his mind would eliminate possible mishaps.
I found something at a local big box store that might work. It's an HDPE plastic container attached to a hose. It's meant for adding various fluids to cars. Where the container meets the plastic hose, there's a sort of switch, turn it one way it's on the other way it's off. Now from what I've read the HDPE plastic should be fine, I've seen it suggested a lot, but what about the plastic tubing?

It seems ideal though, I was using a double meat injector setup but constantly plunging it was starting to give me a cramp in my arm, and it was hard to get that last bit of naphtha off the top. Hopefully this will work better, I just don't know if the naphtha/lye will react with the plastic tubing?

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