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Psilocin extraction help

Migrated topic.
Hi quick update incase anyone else is experimenting as we figure this out:

- I'm having some issues recreating crystals. I think excess fumaric is needed to really make them, even after the water cleans. Some fumaric acid does dissolve in water so the ratios of fumaric to other stuff can change. At the end excess helps.
- Example pictures below. I got a waxy (but thankfully easy to handle) product (first picture). I then dissolved that in Denatured alcohol and added 1 to 1 weight in fumaric acid. After drying in the oven scooped up a crystaline like blue product (second picture).

Here are some thoughts/hypothesis:

- We can clean up the mushroom extract as much as possible (acetone protein precipitation, water naptha washes, etc). However clean the extract is, fumaric acid helps it become more fluffy and crystaline.
- Depending on the final goal this may be useful. I think we should be able to get to a pretty concentrated powdery product. Of course, need bioassay to verify, etc. Until then all this could fall appart, but so far based on where the fluorescence is going we are likely isolating the good stuff.

So we are really just doing an extract, cleaning it, and drying it into a crystaline like powder with the help of fumaric acid. I don't know if fumarates are even forming or if fumaric acid just makes things fluffy by creating a matrix around the fats.

Sorry it this is a little dissapointing after the original needle result. Still trying to reproduce that, may simply happen at a certain fumaric acid excess ratio, I'm not sure.

Looking forward to any insights or other results. Happy extracting.


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I knew of this thread but not of the other: freeze precip of psilocin - Preparation - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus .

If I've got this right:

On the one hand work has been done to be able to cause the good stuff to precipitate from solution (the linked thread) but it contains impurities. In this thread, work has been done to clean the product by separating the impurities, but without precipitating the psilocin. Evaporation is used instead. So we need to bridge the two by somehow removing the impurities using these methods. We need a way to obtain the product of this thread in solution at the correct PH to follow on with the steps of the linked thread. I don't know if the product in the previous posts would be suitable for this or not since it seems somewhat degraded if the colour is an indication.

The question is which is more worth the effort ? This or the methods from the old papers? I would say this latest work from these threads simply because we actually have photographic evidence, fluorescence, data confirmed by chemical analysis AND a way to salt it out, which I think is what we should be aiming for.

I know it's late Loveall but you deserve a lot of credit. I see you've got yourself a nice blue bottle badge there:thumb_up:

EDIT* I wonder what can be done to the product before evaporation to protect it from degradation before further cleanup steps or a possible salting. I've heard of using vitamin C. If the product is discolored here then perhaps the Fumaric acid isn't combining like it would with a normal salting, as in the other thread ?
Unfortunately the drying step really degraded the product. Air drying is a killer it seems, even when vitamin C is added.

Even the fumarate precipitation from Xylene is low yielding based in bioassay.

Because of all this current work is ongoing with ion resins. Here is the working thread (please pardon the long theoretical posts that don't always end up working).

Thanks for your encouragement Orion. Your practical work here on mushroom extraction got me interested in all this, so thanks for all those efforts.
I started another thread on a similar route without reading this entire thread.

Some thoughts. I have heard of precipitating using Iodine antiseptic solution. Pressing this person yielded little details other than what I just mentioned.

Another question; why the obsession with getting Psilocybin instead of just reducing the cybin to psilocin, titrating, and doing a STB for a smokeable green goo product or A/B for crystals?

Nother question. One poster here mentioned they did the procedure on Ps. Cyans. I am very curious about isolating actives from whatever causes WLP.
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