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Psychedelic therapy

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I watched the psilocybin episode of ‘How to change your mind’ on Netflix last night.

Something I was interested in was the psilocybin therapy for cancer patients. It stated that they were given a high dose. Does anyone have any idea by what doses they administer for this treatment? It was at John Hopkins.

It's about 25mg of psilocybin.

This is a good article of Ronald Griffith's work (in my opinion). It includes his TED talk. Not sure if you have seen these already but you may find them interesting if not.

Also attaching one of his papers.


  • 101177_0269881116675513.pdf
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Thanks, do you know roughly how much would that be equivalent in dried mushrooms?
woody said:
Thanks, do you know roughly how much would that be equivalent in dried mushrooms?

I guess around 2.5g of good dried mushrooms. However, since the natural product can decay it is hard to say for sure. Maybe it is more like 3g taking into account any drying and storage losses.

Hard to say, and we currently don't have an easy way to extract in the kitchen for dose control.
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