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Psychedelics are no Enlightenment shortcut, but they certainly give one a glimpse

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
(EDIT: I apologize for being a dick here. I was butthurt that I had to take the time posting instead of my thread, but then I started having fun telling a story)

Hello, Nexus. So I registered a while ago, but my practical need to post on the site wasn't quite enough the motivation to write my intro essay. Well I've now come across a legitimate reason to start a thread, but I can't exactly post in the appropriate section, so I am forced to come to the intro essay section instead. I've no problem with introductions, but I must say I don't like the idea of incentive coming from a desire to participate in a free exchange of knowledge. Anyhow...

I haven't been using psychedelics for very long, but I am also likely younger than a lot of members. I was around many psychoactive drugs and had seen them in use since early life. I was always drawn to them in some manner. As I aged I believe I also developed many escapist-type psychological coping mechanisms. My ADHD-primary inattentive and crappy social skills that became apparent later on I think made me more of a daydreamer or introverted escapist. I longed for the days when the imaginary worlds my friends and I would play within felt more real than anything.

One of my first psychedelic experiences outside of the psychedelia of childhood and the spontaneous peak experience (to which I am very emotionally susceptible) was from music. A gorgeous song from Moby's first album produced dreamy blue visions for a short while. Music is important to me because it seems to line up my brain to be receptive to experience. I crave experience, but have a hard time living in the now. This could be chalked up to a lack of dopamine in the brain, but I think this is the basis of my love for music and of psychedelics. I think when my brain or perhaps anybody's brain is calm, there is a tendency toward psychedelia. Not in the manner of sensory deprivation-induced calm, but something different. The calm of a focused mind.

My first psych was DMT. When I first got my license, I picked up a long-time friend whom I hadn't seen in a while because he was going to get me weed. I drove my truck without the direction of another licensed driver for the first time to a random weed dealer's house, and nearly crashed on the way. My friend walks back out of the guy's house and tells me he is also selling DMT. DMT is the psych I had the strongest curiosity for at this point, and my buddy was literally just talking it up before this. Of course I got some (the guy was selling buy one dose, get one free :?: ), and thus my first experience was as breathtaking as could be. I was quite hooked.

Now DMT proved hard to procure after this, but summertime was fast approaching, and apparently my buddy knew all about shroom-hunting. Shrooms were magical to me, and I overcame my fear of being arrested for trespassing many times that summer searching for cubensis. Now fast forward a few years and my fiance and I work with all kinds of psychedelics because we believe they are the best therapeutic substances around. They allow for a sort of cognitive behavioral therapy while putting one in touch with "the truth", or "the divine", or the beauty of the moment. They can show you how to find bliss in everyday life, if your coping mechanisms have been so screwed up like mine have, or even if they haven't been. They show the complexity of consciousness and what we are capable of experiencing while still physically alive.

And so, to close--may I post a thread regarding my current bufotenine extraction? I'm experimenting with reducing the (hypothetical) N-oxide to freebase, but it always seems to re-oxidize in solution when evapping or basing.
safrol said:
SpaceIsOnlyNoise said:
but I must say I don't like the idea of incentive coming from a desire to participate in a free exchange of knowledge. Anyhow...

(the guy was selling buy one dose, get one free :?: )

1. if you don't like it here, leave.
Yeah, I'm a bit embarrassed about that part. To be honest the Nexus is more intimidating than anything. I don't know the community. Really, I just read old threads. I've learned so much from the Nexus, it's incredible, but I don't talk to people in chat or post or anything.

I thought about a thread I wanted to start about bufo and realized I hadn't done an essay. I was in a bad mood and it felt like homework before play. I felt entitled to be a dick. I was not.

2. tell your friend to tell that dealer to never sell dmt again or we will come to his house. we know where he lives. im serious.
3. don't buy dmt (read the faq/attitude pages again tbh, and read them through like a million times if youre unable to concentrate on simple matters)
This was a one-time thing when I was sixteen. I highly doubt this guy sells DMT anymore. I feel this was appropriate to include as it was my first psychedelic experience, and what an amazing way to pop my cherry :lol: ... just has a funny backstory.
I know what you mean dude, I never bothered to register because, well... paranoia... but now i have an um... i guess you could say "advanced" question. However, being active in other types of forums, i appreciate the privacy and security around membership here. Welcome.
OP, You don't seem like your being a dick. Below is the first bit of the attitude page. I think if you read it through and absorb it you will find that the nexus is the nexus because of this positive attitude. If you have learned something from the content here or it has helped you in any way, then give back some content. Nothing bad about that. Energy out - Energy In. It's breathing!

Learn and give back

The Nexus is a community that thrives on the collaborative efforts of members in different areas throughout the years. We depend on the contributions of all Nexians, be it seniors or new members, to create, maintain and update the quality information here. If you have enjoyed, learned from and made use of the information and discussions here, please take your time to also contribute back. Each person has their own unique way to contribute, so you have to find your own. A few ideas: improve chemical knowledge and do side-by-side tests, participate in discussions and criticise constructively other arguments, critically question other people to improve depth of discussions, contribute to the Nexus wiki, sharing trip reports, mediating arguments between people who cant find consensus, post interesting links to related subjects, contribute to the sustainability of the Nexus, donating, suggesting new changes to design or forum, etc. Give back, and be a co-creator of this incredible place :)

Respectful communication

Watch your language. Communication is comprised of not only the explicit but also the implicit messages, which are transmitted through choice of words and general tone of speech. We do not want curse words and immature slang in the Nexus! Please use language in a dignified manner.

Safe and constructive drug talk

This forum is not a place for superficial unsafe talk of drugs such as excessive use and dosages, unsafe combinations and settings and careless use of substances that naturally have a riskier profile without due disclaimers and clear signs of having learned from mistakes and offering insights for better usage. See this thread for more info: Policy regarding discussion of different drugs. Substances such as research chemicals have some added dangers that should be taken in account and explicitly recognized when talking about them in the forum, as this thread explains.

Also we do NOT give medical advice here (such as telling people not to see doctors and go to shamans for serious medical problems, etc), as this thread explains. Lastly, please read the Health and Safety section and the for contraindications, facts and tips on safety, reducing risks, dealing with difficult experiences, integrating the trips and maximizing benefits.

Critical thinking and basic autonomy

We try to encourage and expect critical thinking between members. This means one should question one's assumptions and actions, for example seeing if it can impact negatively upon oneself or others around you. We do not want people displaying arguments and trains of thought that are reckless and dangerous, or talking about things that can be a liability. Also one should do basic research before asking and saying things, we do not want to spoon-feed answers. The FAQ and WIKI, the Nexus search function and Google are basic tools everybody should use and should already help prevent the repetition of topics, that conversion remains superficial and that members have to repetitively respond by pointing to the obvious.

Quality of information and discussion

If you post something as a fact, you have to be able to provide a reliable source for your argument. This depends contextually, but a peer-reviewed publication is an example of what could be a good source, and a random unknown website or what “someone said” could be an example of an unreliable source. If you state something as your opinion then please support that opinion with good reasoning. If you cannot do that then don't state your opinion at all since it's useless for others. This is not Facebook with like/dislike.
1. if you don't like it here, leave.

Yeah, I'm a bit embarrassed about that part. To be honest the Nexus is more intimidating than anything. I don't know the community. Really, I just read old threads. I've learned so much from the Nexus, it's incredible, but I don't talk to people in chat or post or anything.
No need to be intimidated at all, just have a look at the ATTITUDE page once in while. Sometimes even I have to take a look at it, even though I've read it mulitple times. And believe me, even the Mods have to take a look at it, at least sometimes. Nobody's a 100% perfect.

So yeah, feel free to post fresh from the heart and don't let the occasional weird post let you down or feel butthurt. After all it's a wellcomming community made out of humans.

New here too! Although I have been reading threads here for years.. I know what you mean that they are not a shortcut to enlightenment; there's still nothing wrong with a good old dip in the river to use a Buddhist metaphor! I think if sacraments are used properly in combination with regular meditation, they can be incredibly helpful on the journey Home. Hope to see you on the other side :)

The Wizard 8)

*The Wizard assumes that any mentioned use of sacraments is done safely and legally
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