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Pure white mescaline HCl from cactus using d-limonene (orange oil)

Migrated topic.
Noob said:
SWIM has done the acetate version of this with the vinegar with positive results each time, but now with the hcl method he is finding that it won't evaporate past a certain point and is left with a dark brownish red liquid similar in color to the acetate, but still quite watery and runny instead of "sticky"

Should he just wash with acetone anyway, and the mesc will just salt out and the acetone will pull some of that other stuff? Or is there a different approach he needs to take.

Turns out swim had 10% sulfuric/water solution rather than an hcl solution. Could he have just mixed the red liquid into water and then freeze precipitated the sulfate crystals out and poured off the liquid?

Should a different ratio of sulfuric acid:water be used?
The only calcium hydroxide SWIM could find came in a paste, already mixed with water. if he has 100g of this paste, should he try to oven dry it in order to dry mix with the cactus powder, or would it be possible to just mix the paste in with the powder (probably around 100g . . . about 30mm in the bottom of a quart mason jar, came from 5' of skin)? SWIM knows there can't be 300 ml of water in 100g of paste, so if it can be mixed well more water would probably still be needed.
OK so SWIM dried the CaOH and mixed most of it with the powder and some water. The first HCL (made from 50ml 38% muriatic acid in 1L of h2o) crash of the d-limonene pull was pretty much entirely a white precipitate that he thinks must be CaCl2. He assumes this is because he didn't add enough water to grab all the CaOH, allowing some of it to absorb into the d-limonene. The second crash was perfectly clear.

SWIM is thinking of testing some HCL in fresh limonene to make sure it isn't something from the limonene precipitating out, but he's pretty sure its CaCl2. There wasn't even any water layer from the first crash, just wet precipitate.

Will an IPA or acetone wash dissolve the CaCl2? Is there any chance that IPA would grab it all, allowing SWIM to use 70% IPA (there's already ~30ml of water there anyway)? Or is he just gonna have to dry the precipitate and go get some acetone?

Or is there a decent chance the Ca2+ ions grabbed most of the Cl-, leaving almost all of mescaline in the limonene?
CaCl2 and Mesc HCL are both soluble in water. You'd want to use acetone and filter out the CaCl2.

Just for future reference, the creator of this tek now views it as obsolete since discovering how to get pure Mescaline Acetate crystals by extracting with d-limonene and cleaning up the goo with MEK.
Touche Guevara said:
CaCl2 and Mesc HCL are both soluble in water. You'd want to use acetone and filter out the CaCl2.

Just for future reference, the creator of this tek now views it as obsolete since discovering how to get pure Mescaline Acetate crystals by extracting with d-limonene and cleaning up the goo with MEK.
Wait, SWIM could just filter the CaCl2 right now . . . right? leaving d-limonene and a little HCl solution (if there is even any h2o not attached to the CaCl2). Again, if the CaCl2 absorbed all the h2o, then all the mescaline should still be freebased in the limonene, right?

SWIM had been thinking MEK wasn't easily available, but he must have been thinking of a different solvent. He's short on cash and plans to continue with HCl anyway rather than having to buy acetone to fix this pull, vinegar to do the next crashes (wouldn't that still make calcium acetate if the next limonene pull gets more Ca2+?), and MEK to wash the acetate. unless you can use MEK to wash mescaline hcl.
I noticed that someone said something on the first page about using vinegar instead of... Well, thats my question. Use vinegar instead of what?

Also, is this the type of product I'm looking for for d-limonene?
optyks said:
I noticed that someone said something on the first page about using vinegar instead of... Well, thats my question. Use vinegar instead of what?

Also, is this the type of product I'm looking for?
instead of HCL, in order to get acetate
optyks said:
I noticed that someone said something on the first page about using vinegar instead of... Well, thats my question. Use vinegar instead of what?

Also, is this the type of product I'm looking for for d-limonene?
The MSDS describes that product as an amber liquid. I'm not sure what that is, but Green Terpene has food grade d-limonene.
Alright i'll order from GT.
However, that would make sense, wouldn't it, seeing that oranges are.. orange and orange oil is... amber.
Here is the stuff.
The oil is clear.


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hay all

SWIM got about 8 kg fresh sanpedro.
would be about 1kg dry
would it be possble to scale the extract up like 500gr to 1000gr of dry cacti?

greets Panoramix
Panoramix, you could, but it would probably be far from the most efficient way to go.

Having worked with 69ron's method almost exclusively in the past and having recently tried House's cactus preparation tek, I must say that House's new method is rather superb, given that it only uses slightly acidified water. I would consider doing this preparation and then potentially further purifying a la phlux-'s methodology as you find necessary.

Hope that helps :d
SnozzleBerry, i will try this with 2kg fresh cacti and do a purefacation and i wil see. ;)

im out of limonene anyway :p so let me see if this works, it would be cooler if it did.

would i be able to add some hcl instead of vinigar. and howmany would one use (10% hcl)

thenkx for lating me know about this tek.

greets Panoramix


I am wondering if the powder apears in some day's of drying isint it maby so that the mescaline is oxidizing?

***just brainstorming***

Greets Panoramix
the real trick is the paste bassification, other teks arent as effective as fast due to hydralized bass instead of damp, per say

additionally if you already have 10 percent hcl add it to 40 ml distilled water and use for 2 salts (25ml per)
I like the idea of a drytek STB when it comes to cactus, since mescaline is so very water soluble. Drying out the freebased flesh, then pulling with NP seems ideal...

Though, I've been wondering if simply scaling up this TEK would work best... 1kg flesh would require 3L d-limo per pull as per TEK scale up. This can get quite expensive, to say the least.

I was wondering if anyone had any input here?
Possibly soak dry, FB'ed flesh in acetone (or alcohol), evap to yield a cake, and then pull this crude extract with d-limo?? Or would a STB wet tek be better for larger amounts at a time?

My friend's pet walrus finished an extraction and wanted to clean the limonene before starting another. It added an equal volume of water, dropped in some conc. HCL, and separated in a funnel. It then ran the limonene layer through a buchner filled with anhydrous epsom salt. It then distilled the limonene until it was clear, but upon further examination it noticed the limonene was slightly cloudly, exactly as HCL appears in water, a sort of oily cloud. The limonene has an incredibly harsh HCL-ish smell from what it told me.

Apparently HCL dissolves in D-Limonene? Or...? Thoughts?

The walrus said he is going to distill it again and see if the smell persists. Water was added to a sample of the limonene and tested for pH, it read at about 6.
im interested to see your friends pet walrus's results. some cats have noticed limonene to act different than xylene in questionable respects. please update :)
The walrus reported to my friend that the harsh acrid smell of the limonene dissipated slightly over three days. The limonene was then distilled again during which point the walrus wondered if the petroleum jelly used to grease the glass joints had liquefied and descended into the vessel, causing the horrible smell. However once the limonene was distilled the remaining material left behind contained the awful smell. The distillate did not smell of oranges, and overall has no scent. The acidity found previously was no longer present, limoene was added to water and read a pH >7. The walrus concluded that yes, some HCL had dissolved into the limonene and that it would be very problematic to use HCL containing limonene on a future extraction. The walrus suggests passing limonene through a base, such as sodium carbonate, to neutralize any residual acidity. Also to never use conc. HCL, always dilute.

The remaining liquid is plant oils from two 100g whole san pedro extractions. Very viscous and horrible smelling.
Hi all

i've done this tech a few times with vinegar with VERY low yields. I know it wasn't the cactus as it was always very active. Reading through this I think my problem is the sturring of the hcl-water or vinegar. Up to now i've only gently swirled it around in the separating funnel as I was worried that emulsions might form otherwise. i'm currently busy doing my first HCL attempt after many vinegar failures and would like to get it right this time. Any idea how much/long the hcl-water should be stirred in the d-limonene for? I read that it's supposed to take at least 2 minutes to separate but mine separates in a few seconds after swirling it around.
Dn588 said:
Hi all

i've done this tech a few times with vinegar with VERY low yields. I know it wasn't the cactus as it was always very active. Reading through this I think my problem is the sturring of the hcl-water or vinegar. Up to now i've only gently swirled it around in the separating funnel as I was worried that emulsions might form otherwise. i'm currently busy doing my first HCL attempt after many vinegar failures and would like to get it right this time. Any idea how much/long the hcl-water should be stirred in the d-limonene for? I read that it's supposed to take at least 2 minutes to separate but mine separates in a few seconds after swirling it around.

swirl and shake away, heat will break the emulsion if needed

also, consider just doing one acid pull and titrating the amount of acid used with simple ph papers
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