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Quidding is not working for me.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So this is my second time with Salvia Divinorum. This time I tried quidding 5grms of dried leaves, left the whole thing in my mouth without swallowing, swished it around, chewed and masticated the quid until the juices went somewhere and chewed and chewed until there was a quid the size of a 50pence peace. 30 minutes of chewing the bitter stuff. What happened?

Nothing. Nothing happened.

The best experience I had from this was the beef stew waiting for me in the slow cooker.
How fresh were the leaves? IME, the fresher the leaf (like right off the plant) the more potent it will be. The psychedelic properties seem to deteriorate rather quickly after being removed. I've read reports of some people having success reconstituting dried leaf but this has never been the case for myself.
Ive read that quidding a small amount of 10x salvia dried leaves can work sublingualy..?

also here is some info on making salvia blotter...

Oral use - - Using salvia 10x extract without smoking it | Drugs-Forum
https://drugs-forum.com › ... › Ethnobotanicals › Salvia divinorum
Dec 16, 2008 - Re: Using 10x extract without smoking it. Lizard tried quidding 10X on a bus ride and got marginal to non-existant effects. He got better results from making "Salvia blotter": extracted Salvinorin A, dissolved into Acetone, dropped onto paper towel (didn't have blotter paper, lol) and allowing the acetone to ...
type these words below on google search ..the info should pull up....

[[[[Oral use - - Using salvia 10x extract without smoking it | Drugs-Forum]]]
Chewing and masticating dried salvia extracts definitely will yield limited or poor results. Dried material is meant for smoking, vaporization or possibly other methods. Fresh leaves is what you'll need for a proper oral experience. Start low and set your setting accordingly. :thumb_up:
Cognitive Heart said:
Chewing and masticating dried salvia extracts definitely will yield limited or poor results. Dried material is meant for smoking, vaporization or possibly other methods. Fresh leaves is what you'll need for a proper oral experience. Start low and set your setting accordingly. :thumb_up:

Then there must be something else besides salvorian A that aids absorbtion .. in fresh leaves that aids absorbtion ,...

Maybe after drying the leaf this leafe substance evaporates somehow?

..if this substance could be identified... it could be added to dry leaf allowing it to work ...
because there is much more salvorian A in salvia extracts compaired to fresh leaf...

Maybe someone could try quidding 50 percent dry active salvia divinorum leaf..and 50 percent of another related salvia species in fresh leaf form .. the fresh non active salvia leaf may supply

the substance missing in the dry active leaf making it absorb better?

There are many diferent species of non active salvia that can be bought at local flower shops cheaply...

The fact that the dry extract leaf works some what .. shows that something is missing in the chew.. ?
I think the big secret as to why fresh leaf works much better than dry leaf will turn out someday to be not such a big secret after all... when enough research is done.. the secret will be found...

The missing ingrediant in dry salvia leaf is missing for a reason related to the drying process.. ..and that ingrediant MaY..be found in many fresh green leaf plants.. who knows?

We have a lot of intelegent people here on the nexus who could figure outwhat this missing substance is..
Ulim said:
I already told you. Quidding only for fresh leaves.
Dried leaves dont work for that.
I m soon to try smoking it but haven't got a clue about what equipment to use.
also read these past posts claiming dry salvia leaf does work!..

Quidding success!! Options

Posted : 8/24/2010 7:33:07 PM

Chairman of the Celestial Divison

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I have finally had success with quid!

At first, I had no effects at all, no matter how much I chewed.

But now I have amazing inner experiences every time I quid!

What I do is first throughly use high strength mouthwash to maximize absorption.
Then I basically carry a big bag of salvia leaves, and just chew for 15 - 30min, Spit, and chew, and Spit, chew, spit, all day long.

The bitterness grows on you believe me.

The first time it took about 3 maybe 4 hours before I got extremely interesting effects.

Now every time I quid It only takes 30 - 45 min max before I enter the divine consciousness of salvia!
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He alone sees truly who sees the Absolute the same in every creature...seeing the same Absolute everywhere, he does not harm himself or others. - The Bhagavad Gita
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Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!

Posted : 8/25/2010 7:56:23 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Fascinating, do you mind telling us a bit about how the effects came on, what your experiences were like , and compare it to the effects of smoking?

what were some of your "Extremely interesting" affects?

Im interested in trying this, would be nice for someone to break down their experience so myself and others can have an idea of what to expect and how long we should expect to be enjoying the ride.

Obviously everything the Shaman says is Hyperspace Hyperbole

Posted : 8/25/2010 7:57:06 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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hey were both Hand avatars! same hand too Very happy
Obviously everything the Shaman says is Hyperspace Hyperbole

Posted : 8/25/2010 10:33:33 AM

Chairman of the Celestial Divison

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The_Shaman wrote:
Fascinating, do you mind telling us a bit about how the effects came on, what your experiences were like , and compare it to the effects of smoking?

what were some of your "Extremely interesting" affects?

Im interested in trying this, would be nice for someone to break down their experience so myself and others can have an idea of what to expect and how long we should expect to be enjoying the ride.


The reason I wanted to start quidding, is because of the way too fast, usually freaky onset of smoking.

I would say smoking is more insightful, but when you quid it is definitely more divine and healing.

Some of my extremely interesting effects, were because around the second hour, I think my 5th quid, I felt like I had gone on a long journey that I could control.

It's kinda hard to explain. You know when you smoke high extract salvia, ( 20x+ ) and there is that moment where you feel barely feel anything, and the next moment your thinking absolutely crazy on a crazy salvia trip that you can't control.

Well when I quid, It feels that it fills the gap between barely noticeable, and full fledged madness. In this gap, it feels you travel aimlessly, but with direction. Divine direction. I don't know if the same thing happens to you when you smoke, but when I smoke, it feels like something is controlling me. With quid, the gradual come up allows me to have control.
I also feel the classic sort of dissociated body effects also when I quid.

The_Shaman wrote:

hey were both Hand avatars! same hand too Very happy

Awesome! haha Very happy
Expect nothing, Receive everything.
"Experiment and extrapolation is the only means the organic chemists (humans) currrently have - in contrast to "God" (and possibly R. B. Woodward). "
He alone sees truly who sees the Absolute the same in every creature...seeing the same Absolute everywhere, he does not harm himself or others. - The Bhagavad Gita
"The most beautiful thing we can experience, is the mysterious. The source of all true art and science."

Posted : 8/25/2010 8:30:29 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks Mindlusion, I like the idea that it felt more healing to you. I know this is POWERFUL medicine, but I havent quite worked it out yet , Im always hesitant to use it , it really does have my full respect. so I think a quidd is next for me. I really like that you felt more control as well. I look forward to more trip reports as you work with Sally-

Obviously everything the Shaman says is Hyperspace Hyperbole

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Posted : 8/26/2010 3:32:12 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I have allways wanted to get effects from quidding and have tried it a fair few times. However I don't think I had the dedication. It is really interesting to hear reports of someone that has managed to attain successful effects from quidding.

It seems to me that one has to have extreme dedication to get effects from quidding, both overcoming the bitternesses and having the persistence to repeatedly chew leaf material for a good amount of time. Very happy

How much salvia are you using for each quidding session?
People spend their lives searching for perfect moments and fail to see, that there are many unappreciated perfect moments everyday that are overlooked.

Posted : 8/26/2010 7:42:02 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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were these fresh or dried leaves?

Posted : 8/27/2010 6:09:16 AM

Chairman of the Celestial Divison

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I agree It takes dedication. But its really not that hard, You just have to be in the right mind set to say things to yourself like. “I think I will have another quid” and just carry the bag with you.

I was using dried leaf, and crushed dry leaf.

I was quidding a large amount each time. Enough so its noticeable you have stuff in your mouth. Normally I go through about 10 - 12g dried every 2 hours.
Expect nothing, Receive everything.
"Experiment and extrapolation is the only means the organic chemists (humans) currrently have - in contrast to "God" (and possibly R. B. Woodward). "
He alone sees truly who sees the Absolute the same in every creature...seeing the same Absolute everywhere, he does not harm himself or others. - The Bhagavad Gita
"The most beautiful thing we can experience, is the mysterious. The source of all true art and science."

Posted : 8/27/2010 11:26:03 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I hear fresh leaves straight off the plant before oxidation is a lot different, and the way to go, if you want to quid.
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Posted : 8/27/2010 11:40:04 AM

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Yeah, I have not experienced anything great from dried leaves. Fresh leaves directly from the plant, however, is a truly amazing experience. This is backed up by the traditional usage, where the shamans of Oaxaca, Mexico only use fresh leaves harvested the same day as the journey. They actually carry the salvia to the ceremony location packed in other leaves in order for them to remain fresh when consuming. They believe and experience that the spirit is dead when the leaf is dead.

My own experiences leads me to believe that this is the truth. I think salvinorin A is a degrading compound of the real treasure in salvia. Or perhaps salvinorin A just is one of the active compounds, where the other one is rapidly degraded. Smoked extract does possess some of the same qualities as quidded fresh leaves, so salvinorin A is at least acting similar to the real treasure. However, this speculation has yet to be established scientific, it is only based on subjective experiences.

Posted : 8/28/2010 7:51:53 AM

Chairman of the Celestial Divison

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Evening Glory wrote:
Yeah, I have not experienced anything great from dried leaves. Fresh leaves directly from the plant, however, is a truly amazing experience. This is backed up by the traditional usage, where the shamans of Oaxaca, Mexico only use fresh leaves harvested the same day as the journey. They actually carry the salvia to the ceremony location packed in other leaves in order for them to remain fresh when consuming. They believe and experience that the spirit is dead when the leaf is dead.

My own experiences leads me to believe that this is the truth. I think salvinorin A is a degrading compound of the real treasure in salvia. Or perhaps salvinorin A just is one of the active compounds, where the other one is rapidly degraded. Smoked extract does possess some of the same qualities as quidded fresh leaves, so salvinorin A is at least acting similar to the real treasure. However, this speculation has yet to be established scientific, it is only based on subjective experiences.

Wow, I guess I have been missing out.
My leaves were from my plant, that I collected over time.

I guess I am going to have to try my technique with some fresh leaves. That ought to give me extravagant results.

Thanks Evening Glory, and PsilocybeChild
Expect nothing, Receive everything.
"Experiment and extrapolation is the only means the organic chemists (humans) currrently have - in contrast to "God" (and possibly R. B. Woodward). "
He alone sees truly who sees the Absolute the same in every creature...seeing the same Absolute everywhere, he does not harm himself or others. - The Bhagavad Gita
"The most beautiful thing we can experience, is the mysterious. The source of all true art and science."
starway6 said:
Cognitive Heart said:
Chewing and masticating dried salvia extracts definitely will yield limited or poor results. Dried material is meant for smoking, vaporization or possibly other methods. Fresh leaves is what you'll need for a proper oral experience. Start low and set your setting accordingly. :thumb_up:

Then there must be something else besides salvorian A that aids absorbtion .. in fresh leaves that aids absorbtion ,...

Maybe after drying the leaf this leafe substance evaporates somehow?

..if this substance could be identified... it could be added to dry leaf allowing it to work ...
because there is much more salvorian A in salvia extracts compaired to fresh leaf...

Maybe someone could try quidding 50 percent dry active salvia divinorum leaf..and 50 percent of another related salvia species in fresh leaf form .. the fresh non active salvia leaf may supply

the substance missing in the dry active leaf making it absorb better?

There are many diferent species of non active salvia that can be bought at local flower shops cheaply...

The fact that the dry extract leaf works some what .. shows that something is missing in the chew.. ?
I think the big secret as to why fresh leaf works much better than dry leaf will turn out someday to be not such a big secret after all... when enough research is done.. the secret will be found...

The missing ingrediant in dry salvia leaf is missing for a reason related to the drying process.. ..and that ingrediant MaY..be found in many fresh green leaf plants.. who knows?

We have a lot of intelegent people here on the nexus who could figure outwhat this missing substance is..
I think it's water.
Dry leaves absorb water. This makes it more difficult for salvinorin to get absorbed through the mouth.

That this absorbtion is an issue, is demonstrated by the fact that something like using mouthwater or brushing your teeth before chewing, already makes a huge difference.

If i'm right about the water, then soaking your dried leaves in water for a while before chewing them, will make them more active.
palosanto said:
Ulim said:
I already told you. Quidding only for fresh leaves.
Dried leaves dont work for that.
I m soon to try smoking it but haven't got a clue about what equipment to use.
I told you that too :?
Dont make duplicate threads please.

I said use a bong. High heat and hold the smoke for 30 secs.
Trolling? I doubt it, but.

Strong extract enhanced leaf, smoked, will NEAR universally bring>>>"Salvia Droid" to the masses. There are exceptions.

Once experienced a few times, many, not all, can achieve discernible salvinorin effects from quidded leaves, fresh OR stored/rehydrated!

Give it a try!

Read this post on quidding 15 x salvia...

It appears that the diference in quidding non fresh leaf may be the time kept in mouth?

This report says he kept a few pinches of 15 x in mouth for 30 minutes and it worked...

read report below...

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15x Salvia Trip - Oral Ingestion
#7302415 - 08/16/07 08:42 PM (10 years, 6 months ago)

Hello everyone! I have posted some of my previous trips with salvia divinorum 15x, but this one was quite different! I have never experienced an oral dose, and I decided to make it a nice one since I had enough 15x to go around... I sat in my room, unplugged anything electronic. Lit some insence and a candle. I do not know how much I ate, but it was several good-sized pinches that went into my mouth in 10 minutes. I held the extract in my mouth for about 30 minutes. The taste wasn't horrible, but it was certainly uncomforatable holding it in for half an hour!

The first effects of it were kicking in shortly after the 30 minutes of it being held in my mouth. I felt a more mild version of the buzzing sensation (of the usual smoked dose) going through my body. After several minutes of getting used to this, the feeling intensified. My legs began to feel heavy and awkward, so I decided to lie down on my bed. I began to feel like my soul wasn't in my body any more... I felt like I was looking through some sort of ripple on the water. My vision was limited to a 2D view of the room, and a slight ripple effect came out of the middle of my view every so often. I knew the trip was really kicking in when the shadows from the candle in my room started to flicker to life! One figure appeard to have the head of a frog, and the body of a human. It was talking to a robotic looking shadow on the wall. I couldn't hear their whispers, and I couldn't get out of bed! The other figures I noticed were like two tiki heads. All of the shadow figures appeared to be arguing! I believed they were my spiritual council trying to figure out a journey for me. They argued and argued, then I had the sudden urge to close my eyes....

As soon as my eyes closed, I felt a gentle spiraling sensation. It was like I had just fallen asleep and was having a vivid dream. The first person I could make out was none other than Lady Salvia. She was sitting on a throne watching me on an empty street. All of a sudden, a parade filled with phycadelic creatures made up of shapes and humanoid parts. They celebrated, and I was trying to ask Salvia what was going on through the crowd, but she just sat there and watched. Several different phycadelic things traveled through the parade and more and more things covered up my attempts to speak to Lady Salvia. The music was strange and sounded like a cazoo with other interesting phycadelic noises intertwined. There was exploding confedi everywhere as well. I could see lady Salvia as I slowly drifted out of the visions, she just started at me with her beautiful eyes and her mysterious smile, I then lost sight off all phycadelic visions...

After I waited off most patters to stop, I opened my eyes. I was all sweaty and I was still walking awkwardly. When I ended the little cerimony by putting out the insense and blowing out the candle. Upon checking the time, it had been over 30 minutes! I had been lying there watching the phycadelic events for over a half an our! It had been good, but took a lot of Salvia to even have interesting journey.

I loved this experience, but I do not understand it yet. It seems a mystery. The parade can be linked to a festival that's going on in my town now, but I cannot explain the communication issues with Lady Salvia. Your comments are much appreciated!


I believe with the advent of acid we discovered new way to think and it had to
do with piecing together new thoughts of mind. Why is it that people think it's
so evil? What is it about it that there is scares people so deeply? Because
they are afraid that there is more to reality than they have ever confronted.
That there are doors that they're afraid to go in and they don't want us to go
in there either because if we go in, there we might learn something that they
don't know. And that makes us a little out of their control.

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Ancient Light

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Re: 15x Salvia Trip - Oral Ingestion [Re: colimon]
#7302925 - 08/16/07 10:35 PM (10 years, 6 months ago)

Tell more about your preparation. Did you brush your teeth or use mouthwash?

If you like the oral experience, buy an ounce of dried leaves online.

How did you feel afterwards?

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Re: 15x Salvia Trip - Oral Ingestion [Re: colimon]
#7303161 - 08/16/07 11:33 PM (10 years, 6 months ago)

Well, my preparation was quite simple! I had a dark room, and no electronic interfearance inside it. I lit some insence and put the smoke in all corners of the room... I lit a candle. I prepared the extract by just putting as much of it in my mouth as I could without gagging or swallowing. The extract was broken leaf, so it worked out better. Whenever I felt that it had been broken down, I then took an other pinch. I did attempt to clean the rest out of my teeth with a tooth pick. That's pretty much it, I just simply held it in for 30 minutes and then swallowed. The effects came very shortly after!

I believe with the advent of acid we discovered new way to think and it had to
do with piecing together new thoughts of mind. Why is it that people think it's
so evil? What is it about it that there is scares people so deeply? Because
they are afraid that there is more to reality than they have ever confronted.
That there are doors that they're afraid to go in and they don't want us to go
in there either because if we go in, there we might learn something that they
don't know. And that makes us a little out of their control.

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Re: 15x Salvia Trip - Oral Ingestion [Re: Compass]
#7320664 - 08/22/07 05:28 AM (10 years, 5 months ago)


Compass said:
Tell more about your preparation. Did you brush your teeth or use mouthwash?

If you like the oral experience, buy an ounce of dried leaves online.

How did you feel afterwards?


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Great information here. I have much to learn. I am due to buy a bubbler soon so I'm goign to be reporting on my experience soon.
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