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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Thick n light tek


Roommate got impatient and added lye without reducing the proper amount.
End result...2 gallons roughly.

Is it too late to reduce?
Now that product is a base, will heat for hours to reduce volume have an effect?
Negative effect that is?

How is this situation resolved?

Thank you
From my understanding now that the dmt is in its freebase form it WILL evaporate with the water if reduced. :/

Solution? Use a witches cauldron and a big stick to stir in the solvent viciously? Dont forget to cackle menacingly and add aome eye of newt...
I have had this happen before, the only way is to keep adding hydrolchloric acid untill the PH changes. I ended up using about 1 and a half litres before a big tub was reconverted back to acid.

Lets hope your roommate didnt add that much... better yet, let him fork out the bill for the extra HcL you are gonna have to buy. Viniger wont do the job I don;t think as it is not concentrated enough... you would need like 50 litres of viniger for it too reconvert lol
Don't boil the basified soup, the heat makes the base very corrosive and it is uncertain if the molecule will survive that.

Stir well when neutralizing with concentrated HCl, and cool the soup and the HCl beforehand. The neutralization reaction generates plenty of heat and neither hot base nor hot HCl are very good for dmt. Most importantly, protect your eyes from splatters!

The resulting neutralized soup, when reduced, may contain such a high concentration of sodium chloride, that the sodium chloride could precipitate upon cooling, especially so after lye is added again to re-basify. Don't worry about that, it'll help mixing when shaking with non-polar solvent.
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