You hit the nail on the head, the problems arent in washington, the problems arent in hollywood, the problems are in the weak divided sects of jaded Christians. But what does that have to do with YOUR faith? It seems like your blaming your lack of it on other people here, how do they effect what you feel and believe from Jesus? And why did you never bring this up to them that they never asked questions, you saw people who obviously were in need of some new life in their faith, and instead of helping them to see this, you turned your back. Why?
Who do you think made the mushrooms?
And you say you were saved, you say you tried to learn, but were you really? Or were you just doing what you were told, were you just doing what seemed to be the appropriate thing at the time? Also, could it be you found Jesus, and just diddnt like his terms and conditions, was it that you couldn't just do what you wanted? Because it seems to me thats the case with most people, oh the rules oh the inability to just go do what I want without consequence, I hear it alot. Its like a 3 year old crying and telling his father he hates him, because he cant have a cookie before dinner. No, its not a lot like that...ITS EXACTLY LIKE THAT! Would you call a respected physics teacher foolish because when he tried to show you physics, you diddnt get it? No, of course you wouldnt, so why does Jesus deserve any less respect?
You say you never had a direct experience with him, is it because you were expecting to much? If you arent willing to open your heart to the subtleties of his works, then no you arent going to experience him, because you've already closed your mind as to what that entails. Hes not going to fly down on a cloud, or freeze time and take you around showing you the ghosts of Christmas past. It just doesnt work like that.
And God gave everyone free will, the ability to go and worship who they want. Will he cast into hell those who never had the CHANCE to know him, well, youd have to ask him, because I dont judge, and thats why in this, I never said you were wrong. Because that would be biased, lol.
Also, yes the Bible has alot of lineage, but its a life applicator, yes the Jewish people were OBSESSED with bloodline. They wrote the Bible, so yes in fact there is alot of linage. Doesn't mean there aren't LOTS of great things and promises from God.
"God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?" Numbers 23:19
God always keeps his promises, the problem is, humans are so impatient, so at the first sign of a rough patch, instead of turning to him, they turn away calling it foolish.(I might add I never called what you believe while you accuse me of being biased if saying your wrong, you've done the same thing before I even replied.)
And you can say what youd like about Mr. Icke, but bringing him up wont add and discredit to my side. Id also like to point out nobody has ever proven anything he says to be untrue. Because nobody investigates what they believe to be absurd.