antichode said:
lets just chill out..... Cactus potency varies so much, if a 12 inch cutting is fat enough it can equate to about 50 grams of dried outer green flesh, SWIM has harvested 100 grams dry green flesh from two feet of super thick cacti before
Well than that makes sense to me from my experience with torch..never had pedro or any other cactus..
A friend(who has tons of experience with psilocybgin) and I each ate 10 grams of dry torch outer flesh and both had a psychedelic exsperience complete with visuals and were both still feeling it a full day later.
If 1 foot of the same cactus contained 50 grams that would easily be 5 good doses for me and my friend.
I also gave 5 grams of this same cactus to another friend who has experience with peyote in a traditional native ceremonial setting and he felt efects that he said were light but undeniable and very pleasant.
I think that maybe some people are very tolerant to
mescaline and others are very sensitve to it..or lots of shitty cactus is being sold...
I have even had very mild but noticable euphoric and stimulating effects from 3 or 4 grams of the same dry torch chips..and it's not placebo..I have tested this cactus a few times in the last few months and the results are consistant.
Makes me worried that the torch I am growing might dissapoint me...I hope not..
However, I have heard over and over again from others on this forum and other ones that doses as little as 2 grams torch gave them light anti depressant and euphoric effects and helped them stop drinking..
Also it might help if people report as to weather or not they are smoking cannabis while taking the cactus..I have found that cannabis greatly potentiates
mescaline..I found this on my last cactus trip..a few hits a fe hours after ingestion of about6-7 grams and I had full on visions and extreme time dialation..complete mind fuck and confusion..before I smoked the pot I was only feeling normal low dose
mescaline effects like euphoria, sense of well being and empathy and very mild visual enhancement.