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Respect the plant spirit???

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Not to offend anyone, but what logical reason would someone think that if they eat a catus or drink a DMT tea or smoke Salvia in a certain way, that the so called spirit of the the plant will give you a good trip rather than a bad trip, i'm sure many people have respected the plant yet still had a bad trip, due to really, its just chemicals your intaking, and you outlook determans your trip.
I have a friend who knew how to make cacti resin for years, and did.
But only when they started to grow cuttings, and take care of them, did the spirit of pedro open up and start working it's healings.
As if it was very happy that someone was working symbiotically with it.

Consciousness is totally 100% moldable. It pops up all over the universe and "gets used to" it's environment on any planet.
Learning the best way to go about doing things....
it is all about your outlook...for that is who you are

the choice of living a life of spirit, or a life of chemicals, or a balance of both, is up to you.
I think these compounds are for interspecies communication between the plant world and Homo sapiens.

Whether there is a spirit in the plants or not... I don't know...
Cheeto said:
Not to offend anyone, but what logical reason would someone think that if they eat a catus or drink a DMT tea or smoke Salvia in a certain way, that the so called spirit of the the plant will give you a good trip rather than a bad trip, i'm sure many people have respected the plant yet still had a bad trip, due to really, its just chemicals your intaking, and you outlook determans your trip.

Lol when you respect the substance you actually respect yourself my friend. The spirit of the plant doesnt give you anything. You are self confident, you know what you are doing, so you most probably have a good trip, if your psychology is not bad that day. If you smoke the stuff in a wrong day, this is also disrespecting that stuff. Or should i say disrespecting your self and psychology? Take it as you understand better theres no difference between them for me.

If you dont respect the stuff then respect your body and your spirit. I have done injections before when i was a random street addict, was going for combos all the time, eating whatever drug i find, inhaling glue etc...

But now, i learned to respect my body as much as i respect the substance, through the hard way. Thats why i use DMT but i dont even smoke weed or take any other drugs for long time. If im spending my weeks to produce some nice crystals i wouldnt bother tearing my butt with them for example :p, as long as i dont have any serious stomach problems, badly damaged lungs, and i was born without nose holes.

Outlook determines the trip ? i didnt understand. You mean not my mind but my outlook will determine the trip right? if its so doesnt sound logical to me at all.
۩ said:
I have a friend who knew how to make cacti resin for years, and did.
But only when they started to grow cuttings, and take care of them, did the spirit of pedro open up and start working it's healings.
As if it was very happy that someone was working symbiotically with it.

I had the same experience with salvia divinorum.
I don't believe in plant spirits. But I definitely feel much better and get a lot more out of using substances that I've spent months preparing / growing. Its overall more satisfying and self fulfilling to see a project come to fruitation. I think its more about respecting yourself by taking the time and effort to learn a new skill like chemistry or plant growing in order to get an effect as opposed to buying it from some weirdo on the street.
burnt said:
I don't believe in plant spirits. But I definitely feel much better and get a lot more out of using substances that I've spent months preparing / growing. Its overall more satisfying and self fulfilling to see a project come to fruitation. I think its more about respecting yourself by taking the time and effort to learn a new skill like chemistry or plant growing in order to get an effect as opposed to buying it from some weirdo on the street.

you said very well, i would never summarize like this coz of my english :) thats why we are on this forum somehow, isnt it. :) for me what i yield is my precious. I like to watch it in the vial, smell it, prepare my psychology for smoking it. I am thankfull for nature that has provided this substance for me in my short life on this planet.

This is how i respect this stuff, i dont make rituals to use it, but probably there are many people doing so i respect their way too. May be if i was buying it from street i wouldnt mind, coz it would make no difference than any other powder i buy from street, white or ornage doesnt matter all are drugs and all are nice yea? No not for me anymore im sorry.
Information creates matter.
Psychedelics have their source in the spirit world. The sea of information who manifests where it can.
I surely believe that these plants are here for a reason.
Therefore you better respect it.
I don't believe nor disbelieve spiritual entities. But I do know if I grow a plant in my house, it almost becomes a member of the family. If this plant can grant me another state of conciousness then past positive associations with that plant are going to have a positive impact on the experiences.

That's the way I see it. My beliefs don't even enter into it. But plants having a spirit of their own is not such an "out there" idea.

Even mum's home cooking has a spirit like no other :)
Oh there are many different conditions that can give you a bad trip. However disrespecting the plant spirit is one of them for sure.
I did this when taking Datura lightly with a rather naive buddy of mine. We drank a cup made from half a Brugmansia flower once. Peripheral psychoactive, yet not deliriant effects. Nasty, Dark, Awkward, Dispair...are the words that come to mind. Even with such a small dose.

And I wasn't so sure about the existance of Plant Spirits before, but 2 nights after that Tea I had a VERY nasty dream where Datura's Spirit visited me and warned me to NEVER fuck with her again. It was a terrifying dream and Datura's spirit appeared to me very much like you'll hear her described in South American Native entheogenic mythology.

I believe chemical compounds in plants might actually be connected to the plant spirits. We all know Mimosa Hostilis Rootbark contains mighty amounts of NN, DMT. A funny thing to know, keeping that in mind, is that Amazon shamans that use Mimosa Hostilis religiously say that "The ancestors of their forefathers live in the roots of that Tree(Mimosa Hostilis)"

Interresting how these Forefather spirits live in Mimosa Hostilis' Roots; Just like NN, DMT crystals "Live" in Mimosa Hostilis' roots.
I wouldn't dismiss beliefs in plant spirits, just because instead you wish to have a more scientific/analytic beliefsystem.
No, Scientific knowledge and beliefs should be mixed with ancient spiritual beliefs; The truth lies in the middle of these 2.
SKA said:
Oh there are many different conditions that can give you a bad trip. However disrespecting the plant spirit is one of them for sure.
I did this when taking Datura lightly with a rather naive buddy of mine. We drank a cup made from half a Brugmansia flower once. Peripheral psychoactive, yet not deliriant effects. Nasty, Dark, Awkward, Dispair...are the words that come to mind. Even with such a small dose.

And I wasn't so sure about the existance of Plant Spirits before, but 2 nights after that Tea I had a VERY nasty dream where Datura's Spirit visited me and warned me to NEVER fuck with her again. It was a terrifying dream and Datura's spirit appeared to me very much like you'll hear her described in South American Native entheogenic mythology.

I believe chemical compounds in plants might actually be connected to the plant spirits. We all know Mimosa Hostilis Rootbark contains mighty amounts of NN, DMT. A funny thing to know, keeping that in mind, is that Amazon shamans that use Mimosa Hostilis religiously say that "The ancestors of their forefathers live in the roots of that Tree(Mimosa Hostilis)"

Interresting how these Forefather spirits live in Mimosa Hostilis' Roots; Just like NN, DMT crystals "Live" in Mimosa Hostilis' roots.
I wouldn't dismiss beliefs in plant spirits, just because instead you wish to have a more scientific/analytic beliefsystem.
No, Scientific knowledge and beliefs should be mixed with ancient spiritual beliefs; The truth lies in the middle of these 2.

Lol i had a similar experience with salvia, but that wasnt a bad encounter at all :). Here is a LINK for an old thread of mine.
Interresting how these Forefather spirits live in Mimosa Hostilis' Roots; Just like NN, DMT crystals "Live" in Mimosa Hostilis' roots.
I wouldn't dismiss beliefs in plant spirits, just because instead you wish to have a more scientific/analytic beliefsystem.
No, Scientific knowledge and beliefs should be mixed with ancient spiritual beliefs; The truth lies in the middle of these 2.

No it doesn't. Why should it? There may be some truth to such belief systems but there is also a load of cultural baggage that comes with it. Spirits living in mimosa roots sounds like a myth much like many myths of many ancient cultures.

I think the notion of plant spirits is a myth. These plants produce chemicals that happen to interact with our nervous system. Ancient people had no clue what the nervous system was and what chemicals and neurotransmitters are so of course they would come up with stories to explain why when they took these plants they had visions etc.

There is extensive evolutionary explanations for why plants produce secondary metabolites. What about all the other poisons and toxins that plants produce? Are those evil spirits? You see what happens when you start to apply all the cases of plant chemicals and their interactions with other organisms it makes the whole idea of "spirits" seem more and more like a myth. A very typical myth seen in many ancient cultures.

And I wasn't so sure about the existance of Plant Spirits before, but 2 nights after that Tea I had a VERY nasty dream where Datura's Spirit visited me and warned me to NEVER fuck with her again. It was a terrifying dream and Datura's spirit appeared to me very much like you'll hear her described in South American Native entheogenic mythology.

That doesn't prove anything. Compounds that interact with the acetylcholine system (like tropane alkaloids) can effect dreaming. If you have more vivid dreams while taking them its not a surprise. If you dream about the plant that caused it its also not a surpirse. If you personify that plant with a spirit well you are just doing what people have done for thousands of years again not a surprise and proof of nothing.
IMO when people talk of plant spirits it can be interpreted as the plant's conciousness, i.e. each species of plant has a shared conciousness, and when we ingest the plant in some way our conciousness merges with that of the plant. In cases where the plant is psychotropic, the effect is very pronounced, and can be interpreted in a bio/chemical way ... but I believe even the food we eat works in a similar way even thought the effects may not be so apparent.

Personally I think its quite arrogant to say that people's belief in plant spirits is absurd. There are many ways of looking at these things, and the bio-chemical interaction is only one of the layers, in my humble opinion.
Human wants to know theres a God and a Heaven waiting for them, to make their lifes more joyful and avoid questioning existance. So its a way of making their lifes more easy and fun for themselves.

I like to show respect to a plant, even tho i dont beleive it has a spirit like it can talk to me, i respect to satisfy my own feelings. So when i look at it, I am having an interaction with the plant/substance in this reality in a polite way, its not something im just abusing to get high.

Ofcourse a chemical is a chemical at last, and what we see while tripping are effects of this chemical on our brain and body, but that doesnt change my feelings about a substance im spending my limited time on this planet to produce and consume. Its still my precious, respecting it doesnt mean im a schizo or mythomaniac.

OR does it ?????
IMO when people talk of plant spirits it can be interpreted as the plant's conciousness, i.e. each species of plant has a shared conciousness, and when we ingest the plant in some way our conciousness merges with that of the plant. In cases where the plant is psychotropic, the effect is very pronounced, and can be interpreted in a bio/chemical way ... but I believe even the food we eat works in a similar way even thought the effects may not be so apparent.

Who sais a plant has consciousness? Organisms that don't have nervous systems display no aspect of any kind of consciousness.

Personally I think its quite arrogant to say that people's belief in plant spirits is absurd. There are many ways of looking at these things, and the bio-chemical interaction is only one of the layers, in my humble opinion.

I think its arrogant of humans to assume that because these plants effect them that the plant actually gives a hoot about human beings. Human beings are not the center of the universe. Nature doesn't set things up for us because it cares about us. We evolved we are here and we eat plants that contain chemicals that can interact with our nervous system. In some organisms these chemicals kill them or strongly deter them from feeding. Plants make them for defense in many cases this has been demonstrated. Evolutionarily it makes sense.

Human beings made up the entire concept of spirit. Nothing in nature is explained by spirits yet is explained by matter (lets not get into forms of matter we don't understand like dark matter). Whose the arrogant one now?

You better don't know what plant spirit do to people who abuse it.

Chemicals in plants harm people not spirits.

You all are just perpetuating myths brought up by ancient cultures who had no idea about chemistry, knew very little of human physiology, and virtually nothing about evolution.
Burnt, just accept the possiblility. Nobody here will ever try to proof it to you!
Yet, there are many hints, that the spiritworld exists.
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