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RIP Ann Shulgin

Migrated topic.
Dear Ann,
I admire the impact you have had and the difference your contributions made.
I know you will continue to inspire countless people who relate to your voice and experiences.
Thank you!
You will be missed.
RIP Ann Shulgin, one of the greats of the psychedelic renaissance.

My appreciation for her work has only grown as my own understanding of the true value of psychedelics has deepened.

A sad loss for us all - though she is surely one who understood the way forward into the void that follows this plane of life.
The end of an era. And the new world is looking a bit grim on the RC front, now called NPS (novel psychoactive substances).

I sincerely hope the Shulgins will enjoy at least a bit of the internet immortality that is currently being enjoyed by Terence McKenna. Improbable due to the fact that they didn't speak publicly very often and most folks I've met who have PHIKAL and THIKAL only looked at the chemistry and disregarded the amazing, fantastical and delightful love story contained within.

Rest in peace next to Sasha. No need to go hand in hand now that it is All One.
One of the sweetest souls i ever had the pleasure of meeting. Was at a conference just a few months after Sasha passed. I got to chat with her for maybe 10-15 minutes while eating a sandwich and sipping some tea in between speakers, and talk about the concept of love and partnership and two lives becoming one <3

Saw this pop up today on the feed, had to give my respect once more <3
Coming into this late. Rip Anne. Loved all the stories in Sashas series s about her. Never knew her but through the chapters a always felt i did. They both were a blessing and still are. Gratitude for them both
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