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Migrated topic.
Yeah, sounds like a lot of philoshophical concepts are getting tangled together here, I guess thats fine, finding ones path can be confusing.

Remember the little white dot in the black side an viceversa in the yin yang? Duality is fun if undertood as such, looking for what is right and what is wrong creates more of both.
Still might be something worth pondering depending on where you are at in your own path.
The tricky thing here is that we are talking concepts, so service to others and service to self can easily be seen as the same and opposites at the same time.

Those paths will feel very different if pursued though, the paradox being that the positive one is actually the path of balance or union.
When you find something see its opposite, its not so much about being a good person, but about being who you trully are.
That actually might requite a bit of faith in that who you actaully are is not wrong.

And, in a more grounded way, yes, IMO besides harming others, everything else is probably fine, though I would also emphasize the importance of growth, which is indeed a sacrifice.
Service to others will come naturally as you dissolve the seeming separation from others, focusing on the self from time to time is necessary, making sure that the foundation that supports you is strong enough.
Once you have enough love withing, it will naturally flow outwards.
ShadedSelf said:
Those paths will feel very different if pursued though, the paradox being that the positive one is actually the path of balance or union.

ShadedSelf said:
And, in a more grounded way, yes, IMO besides harming others, everything else is probably fine, though I would also emphasize the importance of growth, which is indeed a sacrifice

Hm, another paradox, a recursive one specifically: sacrifice of self for self.

One love
ShadedSelf said:
Yeah, sounds like a lot of philoshophical concepts are getting tangled together here, I guess thats fine, finding ones path can be confusing.
I am here to learn :d

ShadedSelf said:
And, in a more grounded way, yes, IMO besides harming others, everything else is probably fine, though I would also emphasize the importance of growth, which is indeed a sacrifice.
What is your definition of growth?

ShadedSelf said:
Once you have enough love withing, it will naturally flow outwards.
But what about people who, despite not loving themselves, nor particularly the world in which they live, still work for others, and give them the crumbs of love that they manage to squeeze out of themselves? Could it be said that this is a wrong path?
What if there were people unable to love themselves, or within themselves? After all we are not all the same... it's true, on this forum I think we all agree in saying that we are part of a single organism, "we are all the same thing", but in any structure of the microcosm there are different elements that have different structures and that do different things.
Even going the wrong way in theory could be useful to the mechanism of the whole. Of course, everyone wants the best for themselves, but it may be that there are people who are born to do the wrong thing well. :lol: It is a discourse that could go infinite... :lol:
What is your definition of growth?

I guess in a simple way, Id define growth as the change that allows one to utilize what life throws at you more and more efficiently, effectively crystalizing and purifying the self so harmony and love can shine through.

You can put a human and a guitar together, but unless some work has been done from the side of the human, little music will come through.
The human eats the same everyday, but as it learns the joys of playing the guitar, the energy in that food gets transformed into prettier and prettier tunes.

Personally I dont think there is a wrong path, all journeys are different, yet they all end up in the same place.
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