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Satire / Irony... Not exactly sure what to call it

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
So I'm sitting here watching the Nat Geo special "Journey to the End of the Universe". The show gets to a section on how tiny the Earth is within our own galaxy, and the if the Earth was to perish in an instant, "who would even know"? The show then proceeds to go deeper, beyond the Milky Way, and what is or may be beyond. I'm nearly sitting in my own puddle of drool thinking about these complex questions, and exercising my brain to the point where it physically hurts. And then, out of nowhere, the show goes into a commercial break and the first thing that pops onto the screen is "This program has been brought to you by Kellog's Rice Krispies"

Does anyone else see the humor, and raw unintended satire in this experience? Seriously... From some of the most important questions in the universe, to a commercial for Rice Krispies... Shit that is disturbing and funny all at the same time!!

LOL! Yeah, I can definitely appreciate that!

I remember I was on some L once and I just got done watching A Scanner Darkly. I turned on CNN to find Nancy Grace talking to the coroner of Anna Nicole Smith. The dude looked like Igor and literally has a giant lump on his head. The whole interview was about how ANS died from a blood infection stemming from an abcess in her left buttcheek. And I'm watching this interview, tripping balls, and they're seriously talking about the color of the pus that was oozing out of the ass cheek of Anna Nicole's corpse. No joke! I couldn't make it up if I tried! I'd love to find that interview on video ...
LOL man! I feel like I was in the room with ya! Been there! It's great how 'delics open our eyes to how insignificant and trivial most of the drama in our world is. Haha! I'm still laughing!
Synchronicity at its finest, as I just posted a retardedly long thread on laughter! I have experienced this effect as well, and I think it is one of the things that causes that hysterical non-stop laughter sometimes found on shrooms and acid as well. Makes one realize, being trivial ain't so bad, especially since it's based on perception.

Hypothetically, if twenty other entire alien species somehow DEPENDED on Earth's survival and we communicated with them frequently, then bam, if Earth was to perish there would possibly be galaxy-wide responses. A rag poked through and tied together holding in beads is a useless shitty pillow to one, a chew toy to another, a living human to a child.

Laughter and synchronicity are both two things the spice seems to really like to share with us all, and synchronicity always makes me laugh, and it's usually when I'm laughing about stuff that I begin to see the synchrony of it all. What a groovy loop!
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