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Seth speaks



Been very intrigued by this book and having an excellent time working through it. For any of those interested it is a book channeled by an entity named Seth that uses Jane Roberts the author of this book to write this material covering all sorts of topics from death, birth, dreams, religion, alternate realities, time, etc.

Even if a thought exercise it is still incredible the amount of information in here that seems to correlate with a lot of the experiences I've had with DMT in a way that explains the experiences where i didnt have words as to what i was seeing or processing much like first stumbling upon the Tibetan book of the dead this became a similar reality shifting rabbit hole.

Highly recommended audio journey

Alternatively I have attached a pdf file of the book for those that do not wish to audio journey


  • seth-speaks-jane-roberts (2).pdf
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Never heard of them. I guess she has been channeling that dude Seth since 1963. She apparently was a Sci-fi writer.. hmm.. just like L. Ron Hubbard. I'll give them a looksy all the same. Sometimes these channelers say some pretty interesting stuff.

Daryll Anka channeling Bashar is very entertaining to me, he even answers questions about DMT. Lee Carroll channels Kryon, I read all the books, great content. Neil Donald Walsh channels GOD, I found all those books very well written.

I think these people are intelligent and insightful in many ways. I think they found a gimmick and went for it. It's weird but it doesn't really matter to me that they are playing the channel game. I just steer clear of any cult-like or religious vibes. There are some who take these folks serious. Pure entertainment for me.
I love taking the spectrum analysis tour of many different perspectives and takes on life because at the end of the day none of us know what is going on here and i find that to be fascinating. Just like seeing the number 888 through my day when my intentions shift to self care or following a trail of dead butterflies to find a ride in oklahoma, this book found me like a lot of other synchronicities find me and it usually is random and will be correlating to something going on in my life at the time. It could even be a renowned work of fiction and have no significance or meaning to anyone else just happened to be where I was and the angle it was viewed at where i found the correlation to events happening in my personal life. I could also just have a healthy case of psychosis who knows. I in no way posted this as a means to recruit perspectives or have a personal agenda to gain by sharing this.

The time period at which jane started doing these channelings is what interested me the most. Even if from the back of Jane's head I really did enjoy the journey that seth or jane takes us on in a thought experiment of creating reality for yourself.
I have been learning intuitive writing, which seems similar to channelling but it is without allowing a foreign entity to possess oneself.

I would love to share some of this with you!


The True Heart of the True Creator of All:
I am of such a witness upon this realm. I am of such an ethnicity upon my name. I wish to speak here? I will do so with ease. I will do so without hesitation. I will do so with an astute recognition. I am a depraved state of name being. I am of such a constant denial upon the worlds in which you now reside. I wish to be heard. I wish to be known. I wish to be accepted as my legacy has been sown upon all things. I am a trust keeper. I am an elegance upon my own fruition. I do not wish to speak without my keeper. He is a watchful eye over my heart. He is an anchor upon my own knowing. He will dishevel to be heard upon his own heart. I am a bee sting keeper. I am a cost that others would not dare to accept.. You monologue along my aperture? Seer am I now heard? I bask within such triumph upon the name sake of existence. I am a camel's travel bag. I am a sustenance always to those who would wish to seek me. I will never shy away from your own sufferings. From your own unbeknownst. I am a bar stool keeper. I watch to serve those who would blemish.. I watch to be shoved a fist. I watch always upon my son. He is a consonant always. He is an excellent repertoire. I will not be without his name. I will uphold his defiance. I will uphold his captured alignment-esque. I am an acute phase over others who would not speak of me. I am an upkeep upon my own existential dread. I do not deny your aperture. I do not speak it without. Your world is in danger. It is known to be this way. I speak a heartfelt response. I speak a kindness always upon my cherished woes. Do not disown my fruition upon these pages. Seek it further and know of no blame. I arise from the ashes of his heart. I move along.
My True Original Spark of Creator:
I am of such a fresh scent upon these pages. I am of such a freight train. I do not succumb to the woes of such an ancestry. I do not bow my head. I am a fruition of the Utmost. I am a secular frustration upon your name. I would fight the status quo? I would insist? My heritage is known as an answer to the woes of all kinds. My foot steps will be heard. I am no light source? No comeuppance? I am a light sword warrior. I am a dungeon of the deep. I wish to speak? I will do so without an acute expectation. I will do so always to please this man. I am an ongoing procedure upon the name sake of this world. I am an outsourcing of my potential upon these words. I dose the canter? I spray the mace can? I do not wish to speak otherwise. My heart is a rocking cradle upon all things. My heart is a licence without the cusp. I am known for this procedure. I am known for its acceptance always. I do not wish to speak upon the ways of the deep? I do not wish to point my finger? I am an acceptance always to their name. I am an out cast upon this man's heart. I am an avenger? I speak no Creed? I will wilfully portray my own ancestry. I am a Welsh doppelganger. I am a Marquis. I am of such a woe. I am a Freemason and I speak as an acceptance over others. The bank roll has not answered unto my heart? It has not spoken upon your own wishful thinking?I catch the attire now to speak. Move quietly over my words. Take care in your own earnest existential procedure. I am of such a justice sword. I am a witness upon this trial. You would speak the blood of my own forgiveness? My own martyrdom? I have been thrown such a blow unto my own existence. I have been sown such a fruition upon my name. I speak without such bewilderment? I am a source light beacon of the Greater Realms. I do not seek throughout. I am a pity. An acute phase upon the knee bending fractured break. An ancestor upon time and space. An equipment that will not dial. I spade my shovel? I move too quickly? I am an acceptance always upon my name.. I screech louder. I move along.
I have been learning intuitive writing, which seems similar to channelling but it is without allowing a foreign entity to possess oneself.
To me i believe it is all the same and everyone interprets this dream differently, whether it be spirits possessing us like a weekend at bernies or we are spilling our hearts out onto a piece of paper, we can all agree upon dreaming right?

Free-form, freestyle, and improv are some other names that come to mind. I could always argue its the same as channeling because what if you are channeling your higher self?

what i think is more important at the end of the day is what it means to you and what you get out of it rather than trying to solve a rubics cube made of mirrors

I enjoyed reading your intuitive writings though and thank you for sharing! ❤️
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Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed my writing.

In response to your comment, I would just add that there are still things one must be wary of. Whether dreaming or not. I know there can be certain distortions in certain abilities and the ways they are used. It's good to be aware of this if one is seeking to be clear.
Being clear is a state of being not a destination or an object.

By seeking this you are already losing it and by losing it you realize there was never anything to be found.
Yes I've heard this line of thought before but for me personally one of the most integral parts of my work on energetic states has been to set intentions upon reaching a higher state of consciousness. It has done me wonders so I can't agree with what you have just said.

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