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Shaking as if it's cold when I think of smoking dmt.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
It's something that's happened to me lately. It's odd, sometimes I think it's my body's way of telling me it fears the substance, but my mind yearns to vaporize it. Anyone else get a feeling like this?
It is pretty much the norm for me, just the thought of it can induce anxiety in myself. Smelling it is worse. I've come to terms with this and calm myself through meditation before hand, it works but the fear is always there. Just try to calm yourself before hand the best you can, if you can't then its best to wait until another time.
Something that helped me was to rename my fear. Identify it in another way. I interpret my fear as excitement. That's how I see it. There can be fear in excitement. Like waiting to go on a roller coaster or maybe jump out of a plane skydiving.

I don't identify my fear as terror. I just don't see it like that anymore. Sometimes I want to ride the coaster and sometimes I don't. Either way it's ok. When I get in line, I look forward to it, I enjoy the anticipation and excitement even though I have fears of the ride. Roller coasters and jumping out of planes and DMT can be scary but at the same time you get to experience something amazing. I get excited for the amazing. I concentrate on that.
The stuff scares the willies out of me too, until I taste it.

Then again, so do most substances. The only thing that doesn't give me any anxiety is LSD, which I could probably use more of as I tend to overindulge a little. Lucky I've got a stellar partner who makes suggestions like taking half of what I'm considering eating, she's saved me a couple of times like that.:love:
In terms of physical body reaction I do shiver occasionally except this only happens to me either directly prior to the experience, during, or right after. I don't usually get that when I solely ponder the event. I would say it follows suit of a quasi-cold feeling.. the sheer awe and memory certainly induces this.
I can make my heart race at will. I can also decide to shit and/or piss on command, merely thinking about smoking DMT. Whenever i anticipate it, my body starts prepping itself, by purging everything that needs to go. I always feel the urge to shit or piss before and sometimes after DMT. Sometimes nothing comes out. But i still go, to convince my body "don't worry, we won't shit ourselves while in hyperspace."

The shivers are also there. Not from cold, more from nervous excitement.
I don't experience fear from thinking about it. Until the day arrives. The moment I wake up, it's along the lines of "woohoo, it's dmt day today!". Anticipation anxiety often creeps in though and I end up changing my mind endlessly. One time I must have changed my mind at least 100 times in a day then ended up not doing it. That decision came as an incredible relief so now I try not to pre plan a dmt day and instead aim for a more spur of the moment type thing. There's still fear, shaky hands and such but I know that if anticipation anxiety makes its presence felt, it's a no go that day.
I'm not alone after all :) every time hand sweaty chill like surrounding temperature suddenly drop
fear is my biggest obstacle to go to the side
myself mental not strong enough I guess
waiting for the day I'm ready
ghrue84 said:
It's something that's happened to me lately. It's odd, sometimes I think it's my body's way of telling me it fears the substance, but my mind yearns to vaporize it. Anyone else get a feeling like this?

Absolutely. It sounds like simple anxiety.
Over time it will die down some like, you may not be as anxious as to feel temperature or heart rate changes in your body but many people still get anxiety before every blast off.

After years of experience with this wonderful substance, I still get anxious even thinking about vaporizing it. Once I'm "in", it's lovely.

I think it's a very natural thing to occur with a substance so mind blowing.
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