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Shared Experience: A Spiritual Journey with LSD

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
This is something that I experienced recently with my close friend and hyper spacial traveling companion. I wrote this as a personal record, in order to help me analyze what occurred and so that I may share with others in hopes that others can relate. It has opened my eyes even more and has left me with an evolved perception. The beginning is merely a background leading up to what, upon much contemplation, I would describe as a shared interaction with something not of this physical plane but of one of the many dimensional layers co-existing within our sentient reality-tunnel. Symbols, angels, UFO's, clear light being portrayed to myself from the deepest antipodes of the mind -- whatever they were, they allowed us to see them and communicate with them.

First dose: 125mg MDMA at around 4pm.

Second dose: 500 µg LSD at around 530pm

Third dose: 80mg MDMA at around 8pm

As I gulped down the first beautiful opaque crystal I felt my insides shiver with excitement. It had been almost a year since exploring with anything other than psychoactive plants, DMT, LSD, and cannabis and this particular batch of MDMA was very pure.

W. and I were on a bus full of rowdy young college kids, a free ride on the psychedelic express towards the sacred red rocks of Colorado. He had already ingested somewhere around 200mg of the stuff, so I could tell he was feeling the comforting blanket of ecstasy. “It’s about that time,” I said as I opened up my nicely folded metallic medicine paper and put the tabs on my tongue. He did the same.

Time passes as I look out the window, admiring the sunshine peaking through after a crazy thunderstorm earlier that day. Soon time will be irrelevant, nonexistent.

Shivers through my body, visual acuteness, and my mind starts to race. Not too long now.

As the bus pulled closer to the venue we decided to get off. “You’re either on the bus or you’re off the bus.” Kesey’s words echo through mind. We walked up the grassy hill, turned around, and gazed at the magnificent beauty of the mountains behind and the instant peace achieved by mother earth’s natural music. “Smoke one?” I said. So we sat and talked for a while, allowing the lysergic acid to take over and tune us in. W. felt the need to purge so I sat and watched as orange slop flew out of his mouth. Meanwhile, 2 sorority types walked up on the hill behind and took off their pants. I pretty funny sight to see while I’m coming up on good medicine – a regurgitating traveler, 2 beautiful naked females pissing and completely unaware of us, all nicely framed by natures swiftly changing beauty. Take it all in.

W. is a peculiar fellow – a dear friend, and this was not our first time venturing into the unknown – but peculiar nonetheless. He is a world traveler who makes his own way and has stared death in the face many times. This worldly experience gives him a certain edginess that sometimes worries me (especially in the intense altered state I knew I was entering) but also assures me that he can take care of himself. He’s the type of guy that used to throw himself down flights of stairs while intoxicated just to scare the shit out of people and now he’s one of the only people I trust when dealing with the supernatural. I don’t think he’s had a solid place to call home for the past 20 years. But where is home really, if not in the heart. We see the world in the same way, and sometimes going through grit gives you exactly what you need to really see things the way they are.

The peak creeps in, it begins raining, and I’m anxious to get in the venue. Fear is such a motherfucker. Up until this point I had no feelings of anxiety and was centered within myself – prepared as much as I could be. The here and now was taking the back seat as I let my mind drive like a crack smoking cabbie. We giggled and halfway conversed on our way in and my anxiety got worse as I watched W.’s appearance change. He began nervously putting on and taking off sweaters and raincoats and grinding his teeth. No time like the present for brushing your teeth I guess.

“Dental hygiene is important!” muttered W. through frothy Crest engulfed grinders to a couple of Wooks making their way up trail towards us. A dready fellow slinked up the steps and responded with an open mouthed snap of the tongue, and upon revealing a toothbrush amulet around his neck, popped it in his mouth, and rambled on. That gave me quite a laugh and a little relief before entering the beast.

We’re inside. Now what?

Nasty energy, even nastier vibes. Too much going on.

The frequencies being received by our beings were that of confusion and discord. It sounded like metal on metal scraping and grinding its way through all particles of the atmosphere leaving nothing but fear and anguish to breath. The orchestrator of this event was obviously not up there for his talent, and I only wish to know his name so that I can inform him the torture he ensued upon us for the following hours. Fortunately I have learned the tools I need to keep it cool, whereas my friend was letting it all in, under his skin and into his psyche.

Air pollution. The screeching sounds like metal claws on a chalkboard times 9000 mixed in with an undeniable cry for acceptance and loud loud LOUD… I can see how one could be tortured to madness given the right potions and locked in a room with sounds of someone dying or being raped, or watching someone being tortured. This was similar.

I understand the nature of my friends mind while he is sober but we are hypersensitive receptors at this point so I kept a close eye on him. I am able to keep my peace internally while I can see W. boiling from the inside out. Looking around I realize that nobody is having fun. A few people cheer after each “song” but there is absolutely no passion or energy behind the music. It seems that everyone else, especially the poor soul on stage are thinking from the outside in.

We slither to the outskirts, attempting to leave, back to paradise in the hills, but we are told NO RE-ENTRY. They must know the music is shitty. I guess we’re stuck in hell, eh boys? Keeping W. calm, and my head as straight as it could be, I continued to deter the unpleasant sounds and aggressive energy being exerted my way and focus on my breath. We were after all in a beautiful sacred place. I managed to focus on the wildlife, plants, and rocks magically dancing in the mysterious flow of the universe.

That may have been one of the more difficult periods of time I have ever experienced – though the rewards outweigh the loathing.

Silence. Release.

For about 20-30 minutes there was no music while the next performer set up. We chilled out and found a place to smoke. Loooooooong and slow… Weed has never tasted so good nor had such a cerebral calming effect. We sit and talk for a while and smoke: letting our souls relax on the sweet medicine of mother earth. Remembering where we are and what we were doing, we noticed the entire place seemed to calm down as well. The smog of Satan has been lifted. Let the bright light shine through.

Music playing – smoooooothmonkey music. I watch as the musicians on stage mesmerize my senses and I feel my body start to tune into the mood. We wander for a while and change places often, still a bit on edge about the past few hours. The acid is going strong and I am feeling good so I pop the rest of the MDMA that I had previously weighed out and put into a capsule with some vitamin C.

The sun is lightly kissing the horizon casting a marmalade blanket across the cosmos up above. Divinity and bliss and understanding and oneness. We made it through the fire and here we are on the edge of heaven – sweet alien music mixed with funky jams and dark low ohm vibrations creep up my spine as I look up to the sky thanking the star gods and wind gods and mother earth and my own earthly mother, it being mother’s day.

Now as I’m admiring the beauty of reality I notice something in the sky – it looks like a bright yellow-orange plume of light just past the rocks to my left on the horizon. It appeared to be expanding outwards and then I notice another behind it. They are coming towards the venue from the horizon and vividly clear and changing. “Wow this is some good shit!” I think to myself. Right as I’m about to ask if W. sees the same thing his arm shoots up in a pointing motion, “Do you see that?”

“Yeah I do what is that?”

I quiver as I type.

The puffs of energy, there being maybe five or six of them now, have transformed into what appeared to be metallic orbs in the sky. “Oh my god dude those are fucking UFO’s. They’re here,” said W.

As I looked around above me I noticed more and more of these orbs appearing in the sky all around us. They seemed to come out of the stars and out of nothing at all. We could feel the power of these things around us and we could also feel that they were benevolent beings; we watched them dance and reflect the lights from the show. Looking down on the city we could see MILLIONS of these little UFO like forms zipping and flying in zigzags, all different ways all over the city. They were in the mountains, the sky, everywhere, sending beams of light down scanning everything.

They are always there; we just can’t always see them. Nobody else could see them either but somehow my dear friend and I could see through the veil and witness the playtime of these beings. At times we were worried they would take us and we tried communicating with them through our thoughts, sending love and oaths of togetherness in whatever happened. At one point I completely let go and focused my mind on the universal oneness and the beings above. Stroooooooooong entire body vibrations occurred and I felt my astral body separating. I could have been beamed out, dissolved into existence at any moment. I have experienced ego death a handful of times, though this feeling was entirely unique. Fears of my physical body “freaking-out” in the middle of all those people and being carried out on a stretcher crossed my mind alongside thoughts of my girlfriend, dog, friends, and family whom would be so sad to see me gone.

Headline reads: Man on LSD Freaks Out at Concert: Claims Alien Abduction of his Soul

With the help of my friend’s interference and these thoughts I did not leave.

When you are in a mystical state it almost seems like you’re not really on the physical plane at all. It’s like you’re caught in between the unknown light of the heavens and planet earth. Floating. It didn’t even feel like we had taken any drugs. The beauty of LSD and long lasting psychoactive plants is that you have time to evaluate your experience and in my case talk about it with someone sharing the same experience.

It was extremely eerie, yet loving and familiar. I have come across many entities in the DMT hyperspace, both benevolent and dark, but this was occurring in real time with the physical plane and my friend was experiencing the same thing I was.

We looked down at the city and each orb was as bright and beautiful and endless as the universe itself: pinholes through the veil of reality and on the other side highly evolved versions of ourselves looking back through time. We were given a gift: a new way of seeing, new way of being. The more we focused on what was in front of us the more we seemed to be able to navigate.

“When one seeks one’s own mind in its true state, it is found to be quite intelligible, although invisible… Being merely a flux of instability like the air of the firmament, objective appearances are without power to fascinate and fetter. To know whether this be so or not, look within thine own mind.”
From The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation

Everything is of the mind. We came to the conclusion that these “UFO’s” or “light beings” or “angels”… whatever you want to call them are a creation of the mind. The universe itself would not exist for you if you did not have a mind. Our spirit travels in our humanly body with a human mind, but the mind has the power to control what we perceive. If you choose to perceive alternate layers of the same existence than it is surely possible.

We focused more and more and became completely meditative. It seemed as though we were no longer at a concert venue surrounded by people, but somehow above or in-between. The infinite light-holes through this realm clustered together when we focused our minds on them and they became what appeared to be an infinite peep-hole through time, and the matrix of our everyday reality was shown to me in the clearest of visions. Pure infinite and unconditional universal love in light that runs through every living thing (and EVERYTHING else) was shown to me. It is in all of us and it unites us. I could see the never ending RAW energy that is in everything no matter how large or small.


Integrating this experience into everyday life has been difficult and rewarding. For about 4 days after this experience my physical and emotional bodies were all out of whack: depressed, unmotivated, sore and questioning even more than I did before. I tried to credit this to the MDMA, but I have taken it many times as well as LSD and I have never felt the way I did after this experience. My body and brain felt as if they were being re-wired to incorporate this new way of thinking into my life. My body ached and during that week I had very intense dreams both good and bad… one of which was lucid and induced the same vibrational state I experienced when I thought I was going to be taken.

I must stress the importance of a huge lesson learned yet-again: set-and setting… I can see now that the exploration of the mind is limitless, though you can somewhat control how it goes by placing yourself accordingly. Thankfully, my internal setting was of peace.

I see the world differently. I see everything differently. I am grateful for the gift of sight into the supernatural and for the presence of a high vibrational being that is still with me. I look at the night stars expecting an orb of pure love to reveal itself. I have seen the light and I am the light. You are the light, the light is within us ALL.
Thank you very much for your report! It is beautifully written and features fascinating descriptions of your shared experience and your overall bonding with nature.

smoothmonkey said:
but we are hypersensitive receptors at this point

I know this feeling; thanks for putting it into a succinct sentence!

smoothmonkey said:
I see the world differently. I see everything differently. I am grateful for the gift of sight into the supernatural and for the presence of a high vibrational being that is still with me. I look at the night stars expecting an orb of pure love to reveal itself. I have seen the light and I am the light. You are the light, the light is within us ALL.

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