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Short Intro and my most intense trip: caught by the hyperspace clown

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey there hyperspace friends,

i am Uli, the magical toad from outerspace.

I had my first experiences with psychedelics around two years ago and have been facinated with the topic ever since. I have had a wide array (concidering the short amount of time) of different experiences with LSD, DMT, Ayahuasca, Psilocybin and MDMA. I have been addicted to Cannabis for most of my life and i think im finally kicking the habit (havent smoked weed for the past 4 weeks and it feels awesome!).

LSD is the substance i am most comfortable with since i have the most experience with it.
I have extracted my own DMT, cooked my own Ayahuasca and grew my own Shrooms.

Last Weekend I had one of my most intense and life changing experiences with DMT. Ever since, my energy level is increased in a manner i couldnt even imagine. This is what allows me to post here today as well.

I would like to share this experience with you. I wrote this right after comming back from hyperspace prison on the tail of an 400ug LSD experience:

Caught by the DMT Clown…

I’ve been had by the DMT Clown. He got me so bad!

This happened on a wonderful Saturday evening. I took 400 ug of LSD and had a very intense trip for the first 3 or 4 hours. I experienced our wonderful grandeur, our wild nature and had wonderful visions of the future to come. After that the effects ebbed of a bit and I started wandering around the rooms, dancing and feeling very light and elegant.

At some point my girlfriend came home, we had a chat and she went to bed. I was still rolling and knew it would be a couple more hours until I could sleep.

I had a few DMT trips before this one and after a few wonderful trips, I would always end up in this super surreal and plastic dimension filled with strange and often quite annoying pieces of hyperspace art. I never felt like there was much for me to gain there, to be honest. It still sucked me in and I wanted to see more, hoping I would be able to take something away from these experiences that were quite intriguing to say the least.

So, in this quite blissful state that I was in, I decided to invite the DMT Spirits into the game.

I was sitting outside on my balcony, the warm air on my skin and some deep trance meditation music playing.

I sprinkled some Changa into my pipe and took a deep hit. My Vision started to shift, everything was getting more pixelated and fake looking with eyes open. I was urged to take another hit. It didn’t fell like it was a choice anymore at that moment. I inhaled, held my breath. Exhaled. Again, it made me do it. In, hold forever, let go. And there I was, closed eyes in this surreal dimension with blinking billboards and strange multidimensional annoyances all around. A plethora of wild and unimaginable images laced with shit emoticons, $ and bitcoin symbols and micky mouse hands flipping me of.

I opened my eyes and I instantly knew I had been caught by the hyperspace clown.
With eyes open, I was sitting there not able to move and everything looked fake, pixelated and lifeless. At that moment I knew I had done it. I overstepped a boundary I never should have even gotten close to. I knew there was no way of getting out. I was trapped in this dimension with everything being fake and void of meaning. Trapped on my beloved balcony, on these 2.5 square meters that I loved so dearly. Now it was my prison for eternity. Fake, devoid of life, meaningless shit pouring on me from all directions, no way out.

The entity that brought me here mocked me and destroyed everything I loved. I GOT YOU! It taunted me. I saw everything that let me to this point in clear detail. All the synchronistic events that the clown had used to lure me into his trap. Now I was his. I had a wonderful life, I felt like everything was finally falling into place. Great friends, family, a soulmate who I could grow with on our way to enlightenment. And just in that moment, when everything was perfect, he got me. Turned everything into shit into meaningless garbage rummaging around my mind, every thought of my loved ones destroyed by disgusting imagery and sounds of Pupspröt-Didlidu-Fuckdedirida.

I felt so alone, so devastated so sad and hopeless. I knew this devastating fuckfest was mine forever. Mocked for everything that I had grown to believe, away from all that I had worked for, everyone that I loved. I gave up. Not like I had a choice…

My eyes closed and I saw gurgling masses of shit and mucus and then finally after what felt like an eternity, a glimmer of hope. New life? YES! It hit me. I would be born again! To live this life again. From the beginning! I had died and I would live again. I was given a second chance. I worked my way through the birth canal and emerged anew. As I opened my eyes again, I came back to this dimension realizing I wasn’t a baby like I had thought but right back where I was in my body with all my thoughts intact. All my loved ones where still there! I could continue my path. Gratefulness overcame me and I was so thankful to be back in my reality, back to live.

Fuck you, thank you Clown.

Everything you believe to be true is false.

Would love to hear, what you think of this experience. Has anyone experienced something similar before?

Thanks for reading. I am really exited to become part of this wonderful community.

Love and Light.

Uli the magic toad
Hello Uli, and welcome to the Nexus!

That is quite a trip report you have written there, holy crap man, literally!

Even after "dark" journeys on DMT, I have always come back to consensus reality with the same deep gratitude for life as you speak of. This is one of things that I have come to really appreciate about DMT, i.e., its gratitude-generating ability. IMHO, nothing gets you through life better than having huge amounts of gratitude and being grateful for the many wonders we experience every day, no matter how difficult, dark or frustrating life can be all the time.

That being said, I would like to give you a suggestion, if I may...

Next time you find yourself in a "dark" DMT journey, try singing. I am dead serious...Singing has instantly taken me out of some of the most hellish hyperspatial scenarios ever and I'm talking split-second instantly. From all my experiences experimenting with this fascinating phenomenon, I have found that any kind of singing will do, although I have also found that the more "pretty" and more "soulful" the singing is, the more beautiful the scenario you are transported to end up being.

For example, sometimes I have experimented with chanting very low, guttural sounds very much like Tibetan Buddhist monks' chanting. This will take me into a stable space, but not necessarily really beautiful, but if I sing a "pretty" (even just one line of one verse or chorus), I am instantly transported to beautiful worlds. Often times this has taken me to incredibly gorgeous, ornate ball rooms or concert halls filled with hyperspace entities dancing or playing together in a symphony. It really is worthwhile to experiment with this!

Take care!
I wholeheartedly agree with everything Doc stated here!

I have had experiences completely transform to the positive when using my voice.. be it chanting.. humming.. singing or simply making odd mouth noises.

Gratitude is a great thing! DMT does seem to generate this in the most profound ways!

Welcome to the Nexus!
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