Rising Star
Hello everyone,my name is Ren..I have been cruising thru The "DMT Nexus" for a little while now..I find this to be such an interesting community who values growth and positivity..In a world of so much confusion and chaos at times ,it gets difficult to escape and find that positive energy at times..(at least for me )..I am 37 years old,married with 2 step-children..(But I never call them that,they are just my kids)
I have been thru alot in my life,with a troubled past and youth like so many..I was introduced to Cannabis as a medicine since I was 12,yet at the time it was far from a medicine to me,just plain fun,lol...Once I was in my early 30s and life was really confusing and hectic for me ,I started really using it as the great medicine it is and it did/does wonders for the soul and body..
Upon studying for years how to transform my self and life towards more positive growth ad learning to let go of the past that bothered me ,I was reintroduced into the Psilocybe Cubensis world for healing..It has shown me wonders and truths about myself and life in a way I know almost all of you reading this understand and feel..I have overcame my anxiety and depression,upon so many other trials I faced,,Truly is ,and always will be a part of my life...
BUT I then was shown my what seems like a Invisible Force the path towards DMT..And i feel like it has been calling me to plunge in the dimension it offers and reveals to us..Such a strange feeling that only you all could understand..I tried explaining this to my wife,who is super cool and supportive,but she honestly looked at me and told me."Babe,I'm trying to understand what u r telling me but ,I really don't get it and support u in what is feeling like a calling"
so ,I totally get it,and decided to join this awesome community and share my life and soul with you all the way I see it shared in here..I will be taking my first trip ever into DMT land within the next 2 weeks,and I am so looking forward to it:grin: ..So many emotions I'm feeling,,but I think it's from just all the reading and stories Ive read on here amidst other sites and forums..Also my friends who have shared there experiences also..I am trying not to expect anything and just surrender to it and let it take me and show/teach me what it chooses..Anyways,it felt good sharing a tad bit of myself with all of u,,I haven't done that I don't think in a long time haha ..Well I guess that's my introduction for now,,I wanted to share myself first before lingering in the shadows reading and going further into the Nexus...Mush Love to u all,and positive vibes and blessings always