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Should I go for a breakthrough dose immediately, or ease into it?


I am in me
I will likely have the opportunity to consume changa this weekend.

I am excited, but also quite nervous. I know how intensely and fast the changa comes on, and so I wonder: even though I want to have a breakthrough, should I ease into it? Should I perhaps smoalk a tiny bit of changa to get in the mood, and then go for a breakthrough bong rip? I assume a breakthrough is unimaginable to me right now, given that I haven't even reached a waiting room experience. So, given the immensity, should I perhaps go for milder experiences first? I do wonder if those milder experiences may in fact produce more anxiety, due to the higher presence of my ego (and thus its fears and attachments). But I have no clue about this; I'm a newb! (I've been waiting for the opportunity to use the rather outdated but cute-and-derpy term newb for a while now).

Another, quite unrelated question; should I do it alone, or with someone?
Do you have solid experience with psychedelics?

If not, have a sitter you can trust and has experience.

Take you first one like dipping the water with your toes.

The next one slowly getting in more, and if you feel like it you can go for a full one! (all with a solid sitter that you fully trust and knows how to handle spicey situations).

Kind regards,

The Traveler
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That is excellent advice above me. You don’t really know what you’re going to experience yet. You may have a lot of stuff you’re going to go through.
I for one hope you have a great experience, regardless of which one you try. But I would try easing into it first. Just to see how you react.
Definitely ease into it, especially with changa there is no need to jump into the deep end. Just feel the changa, if it pulls you in with all it’s wonder and you have this feeling of wanting to discover then just let go and smoke some more, if you need a bit more time to process and relax just wait until you regain your senses a bit. Just playing with it and feeling the power is what I would suggest, the breakthrough should not be a goal it wil happen when wil happen.

Have fun 🤩
Do you have solid experience with psychedelics?
Thank you for your reply😊

I would say I have an intermediate amount of experience, like 16 trips of varying intensities and challinging me to different degrees. I have been alone for many of them, including some challenging ones. The two times I've done changa however, I was with someone.

Take you first one like dipping the water with your toes.
I see, so I should not try to properly trip balls on the first, but rather get a small buzz? Then I can gradually go up, or potentially even go for the breakthrough after just the second one? Also, how many times can one smoalk before same-day tolerance becomes an issue?

I for one hope you have a great experience, regardless of which one you try.
Thank you 😊 I might try a bit of both, it does seem quite interesting to just blast off immediately, though I already know to a small degree how scary that is:p

Just feel the changa, if it pulls you in with all it’s wonder and you have this feeling of wanting to discover then just let go and smoke some more, if you need a bit more time to process and relax just wait until you regain your senses a bit. Just playing with it and feeling the power is what I would suggest, the breakthrough should not be a goal it wil happen when wil happen.
I see, thank you😊 Yeah, letting me pull me in seems very nice, although in one sense, it has already pulled me in. I of course have some nervosity, but I feel it going more and more away, not due to thinking I am prepared or can handle it, but because I am accepting that I might not. I am working on letting go before the trip. However, blasting off immediately may wipe away all that work, so easing into it may preserve the attitude all the way up to the last, breakthrough dose.
Do you have solid experience with psychedelics?

The highest dose of shrooms I have done is 5.6 grams of psilocybin cubensis Z-strain. This trip was special. I have done far higher doses of LSD, but LSD has never affected me so personally. I am fearless towards LSD (perhaps too much), but shrooms demand respect from me
Sounds to me like you're more than ready to take the plunge. Get your space spruced up and smelling nice! Be ready to surrender - but your attitude of easing in slowly is both wise and well suited to the way changa works (assuming you mean the stuff with MAOI rather than just enhanced leaf).
Sounds to me like you're more than ready to take the plunge.
Thank you, that is reassuring 😊 Of all the trips I have had, the aforementioned 5.6 gram shrooms trip is one of those I expect have prepared me the most for the unpreparable.
Get your space spruced up and smelling nice!
Actually, I won't need to spruce it up; it'll be naturally spruced on account of consisting of spruce trees ;) That is, I am planning to trip outside in the forest, as that is where I feel the most comfortable tripping, as opposed to a locale where the uninitiated may arrive. People do hike, but not where I'm going; it's a dead-end in the forest that can only be reached by a long, gruelling hike at what my legs calculated (screamingly) to be a 90 degree angle.

I like the idea of having to hike all the way up to the smoalking place. It's a ceremony, symbolizing the price and pain of knowledge, and symbolizing the elevation it provides. The forest itself symbolizes growth; as a coniferous forest, it also adds the symbolism of how one must stretch for the stars if one wants to bask in the light. If a spruce tree does not keep growing, the forest around it will plunge it into the shadows. Furthermore, spruce trees are evergreens, symbolizing perserverence. Looking at them, I get that feel from them in general; they are tough and harsh; literally covered spikes! Yet if you are blessed enough to be let in past their tough exterior, they can provide you a home; I expect squirrels and birds know this well.
Actually, I won't need to spruce it up; it'll be naturally spruced on account of consisting of spruce trees
Well, I did have more than a sneaking suspicion that that might be the case. Another one to chalk up on the "Is telepathy real?" thread…

I'm 100% with you on the idea of the sacred journey - it's been a big part of experiences for me in recent years. Presumably you're well versed in looking after yourself in the wilderness, and will be astute to avoid the usual various physical hazards within good reason? While not wanting to sound overly parental, this is something I'd be inclined to do with some kind of accomplice, yet at the same time I can fully appreciate the appeal of solitude and possibly even "no back-up". I just feel the need of acknowledging the Nexus' harm reduction policies!

Still, tomorrow there's a tiny but nonzero chance that one or more of us might get flattened by an ISS battery module, so who can ever truly say?
Presumably you're well versed in looking after yourself in the wilderness, and will be astute to avoid the usual various physical hazards within good reason?
Yes, thank you for your concern 😊 Where I live, we are fortunate to not have to worry about dangerous animals in the forests; there just aren't any! And where I'm going, I will make sure to trip a good distance away from any cliffside, scree and marshland, so on the off-chance I sleep-walk during the experience, I won't fall on a dangerous spot.
I just feel the need of acknowledging the Nexus' harm reduction policies!
Yes, and I appreciate that you do; it is one of the most important roles the Nexus plays I think😊 I do also agree it would probably be the safest to bring someone, but the two only friends I'd trust with this are currently unavailable and far away. So, I am torn between waiting, or not.

I have done most of my trips alone, which is not the safest path, but I find it allows me to have a more personal trip (even though tripping with others is beautiful and gives me a lot personally too).
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