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  1. R

    99 IPA changa question

    When mixing freebase into the IPA for changa, do you also add the freebase harmalas into the liquid along with the Deemz?
  2. psychedelico

    Changa preparation questions

    So, I'm getting ready to make my first ever batch of changa. This is basically Electric Sheep, which I've wanted to try ever since I first read about it. I've been reading a lot of posts on how to prepare it, but I really want to make sure I get it right. Here's what I'm planning: - 550mg...
  3. Self-container

    The morphing state-space; a whiff of hyperspace?

    I did changa about two hours ago, so this trip report is very fresh; I don't know if waiting would spoil it or ripe it... I don't think it matters much however, as I intend to take changa again soon. I did not enter the waiting room, nor hyperspace, but I got closer than I did the last two...
  4. Self-container

    Should I go for a breakthrough dose immediately, or ease into it?

    I will likely have the opportunity to consume changa this weekend. I am excited, but also quite nervous. I know how intensely and fast the changa comes on, and so I wonder: even though I want to have a breakthrough, should I ease into it? Should I perhaps smoalk a tiny bit of changa to get in...
  5. TheCrimsonElephant

    Making changa with shredded B. Caapi (not leaves)

    Hey DMTies, I recently got interested in having longer trips to have the time to develop thorough thinking schemes while zooted. In order to do that I'd like to try changa. I have freebase DMT 86% purity (extracted but not purified), Banisteriopsis Caapi liana shredded (photo) and high purity...
  6. suleyman

    magical portal – my hypersensitive first experience – total surprise

    Hello! This is my first Experience, the one that can't mistake it for anything else. And my first message on this Forum, Thank You for this Opportunity! introduction First of all l wanted to say that English is not my native language, I am using a google-translator. Sorry for possible speech...
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