So i have not done anything in my sleep besides sleep since I was a teenager... and the other night my lady tells me that i pulled her hair a little and asked her repeatedly " DID YOU DO THE AB EXTRACTION?! DID YOU DO THE AB EXTRACTION?!"
That's funny shit. I used to sleep walk when I was little. My parents found me peeing in the roses in our front yard in the middle of the night a couple times.
HAHAHA i did the same thing one time when i was family found me crying and peeing on the bathroom door..i couldnt open it so for some reason that made me cry...and then thought it must be a great idea to piss all over the door..
SWIM has dreams about doing extractions..its quite funny when he wakes up and is like...damn...where did the crystals go?!
lol... i used to go into my parent bed room and pee in their dresser drawers so they tell me... its all because they used to wake me up in the middle of the night to go pee when i was being potty trained as a child i think. they did the same thing to my brother and he does the same thing lol...
yeah its obsessive alright! and really influences your dreams!
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