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SMOALK and MOAR are not a word.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello Nexus.

I've been around here for a long time even though this account is new.

Along the way I lost my old login and well, here I am.

Not to sound conceded but among my friends I am definitely one of the most open and intelligent.

I used to get on the Nexus and people would make me feel stupid. I LOVED IT!

There were so many genius minds it blew me away.

Now it's arguing over religion, sharing pictures of weed and arguing over tolerance.

I've also noticed that over the past four years people have gone out of their way to intentionally misspell things.

The biggest are "moar" (MORE) and "smoalk" (SMOKE) ...
First of all, if you're smoking DMT then you're doing it wrong. You should be vaporizing it. To go out of your way to be "hip" and misspell it makes it ten times worse.

This place has become like the Shroomery.

What happened to the Nexus?
I can't say I knew the nexus a long time ago, but it seems to me like you're just kind of offensed by slang.

When dmt is effectively smoked, is it not vaporized? or were you referring to an actual vape rig?
This is the Internet my friend. You can expect it that people will not always act in your desire.
SMOALK MORE is probably just ment to be a joke and you already see the community here failed because of it?

Im sorry but it really sounds like you are the one that needs to accept the fact that people around here will/can make jokes especially in chat or in the non serious topics.

If you dont care about religion or spirituality then just evade these threads. Or the entheogen Pr0N threads. The biggest one is on cacti and is from 2010
Maybe its not the Nexus that is getting stupid. Maybe its just your view of it that turned it stupid.

Also trying to correct something as ironic as SMOALK MOAR shows not that you are the "good" kind of smart. Just like me you are trying to set yourself above other people. If you refrain from that you will grow as a person and will be welcome in this nexus.
Maybe its not that the nexus is stupid now. Maybe you are just unable to see the "good" smart people.

And you can keep that "I was a member long ago just dont have account" to yourself. Nobody cares about that or knows if its correct. It just puts you in a bad light because you are trying to put yourself above other new members.
I think ULIM hit the nail right on the head.

It seems like your perception of the nexus was that it is some sort of elite snooty place & now that you`'ve been here a while you are noticing this is not the case.

The members here are all people just like you. Many of whom have been regulars for a long time. Is it really that big of a deal that people sometimes make jokes or the things discussed are not always serious or high leveled discussion?

Lighten up, get comfortable, participate in the community & in discussions that you find interesting or post your own topics & maybe be a little less critical. Not everything is serious.

You wouldn`t go to a local social gathering & behave in such a critical & condescending manor to everyone present would you?
Why is it acceptable to do that here?
OfTheVoid46 said:
Not to sound conceded but among my friends I am definitely one of the most open and intelligent.

Don't you mean conceited? If you mean "conceited" then you have an excessively favourable opinion of your abilities.If you mean "conceded" then you have given up with your comparatively slackjawed friends. But if you meant conceited but wrote conceded while berating others for mis-spelling, is it some kind of highbrow ironic joke? If you meant conceited but wrote conceded by accident, maybe you are not as intelligent as you think and therefore will fit in quite nicely with the rest of us dummies.

All of these outcomes seem to be quite favourable to my eyes. Therefore there appears to be no real need to complain.
hug46 said:
OfTheVoid46 said:
Not to sound conceded but among my friends I am definitely one of the most open and intelligent.

Don't you mean conceited? If you mean "conceited" then you have an excessively favourable opinion of your abilities.If you mean "conceded" then you have given up with your comparatively slackjawed friends. But if you meant conceited but wrote conceded while berating others for mis-spelling, is it some kind of highbrow ironic joke? If you meant conceited but wrote conceded by accident, maybe you are not as intelligent as you think and therefore will fit in quite nicely with the rest of us dummies.

All of these outcomes seem to be quite favourable to my eyes. Therefore there appears to be no real need to complain.
I think he meant condecending
Ulim said:
I think he meant condecending

I myself would have gone for conceited but i guess we will have to wait for the Nexus' answer to Noam Chomsky to grace us once again with their presence in order to get the correct meaniing.
Also people, lets keep this thread civil ok?

What I have seen over the years is that a new generation comes more and more often here. They have slightly different worldviews and behave accordingly a bit different. Also most of the basic research that could be done is now covered so that is also a reason why you will see less new developments.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
I like it.

Terence mckenna said "we must stop consuming cultures, and start creating them"

Rather than using slang terms of accepted cliques or subcultures, this group of friends has their own inside linguistic alterations...

...I've never had issues understanding what was meant, pretty harmless if you ask me.

obliguhl said:
It seems like your perception of the nexus was that it is some sort of elite snooty place & now that you`'ve been here a while you are noticing this is not the case.

Sort of has grown into the place you think it isn't

I don`t feel that way. I mean the knowledge & quality of information here seems to be better than most places in regards to DMT, but then shroomery & some of the mushroom dedicated forums seem to be more suited to quality info on their subject matter also.

I don`t really get a snooty vibe here personally. It seems a like the attitude section just does a better job at keeping people in check than forums where no attitude section is implemented & also the whole registration process blocks out a hoard of 15yr olds that tend to show up at places like shroomery or reddit.

It seems a little more of a mature crowd here most of the time.
Q: What do you get if you cross a toad and a dog?
A: A croaker spaniel!

Q: What do toads drink?
A: Croaka-cola!

Q: What do you get if you cross a toad with a ferry?
A: A hoppercraft!

Q: What do toads drink?
A: Hot croako!

Q: What do you get if cross a science fiction film with a toad?
A: Star Warts!

Q: What did the bus conductor say to the toad?
A: Hop on!

Q: What goes dot-dot-croak, dot-dash-croak?
A: Morse toad!

Q: What is a toads favorite place to eat?
A: ihop!


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If you're going to self-righteously judge us, you might want to double check that you're titles are grammatically correct. You loose the intellectual high ground pretty quickly otherwise. It should either be:

"SMOALK and MOAR are not words"


"SMOALK is not a word, neither is MOAR."


Another coin up in chat from me:

17:28:44 ‹ClaroinVitam›' Also trying to correct something as ironic as SMOALK MOAR shows not that you are the "good" kind of smart.'
17:28:45 ‹ClaroinVitam›fried
17:28:57 ‹The Traveler›But you people all misunderstand that person.
17:29:15 ‹ClaroinVitam›there's too much presumptions
17:29:21 ‹The Traveler›It is not about the SMOALK and not about the MOAR, it is about the declining attitude and less research going on.

So maybe we can redirect the animosity in this thread to something useful and talk about the declining attitude and less research that is going on.

So lets take this apart in two different things:


Yes, I see constantly that a new generation reaches the DMT-Nexus and that they have quite different expectation from coming here.

Back then people came to explore, now more people come here that want to have answers and also they want those answers fast and bite-sized. ;)


About all the basic research seems to be done these days. New things do pop in but are more advanced, thereby loosing the interest of people who can only grasp the basics.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
The Traveler said:

Yes, I see constantly that a new generation reaches the DMT-Nexus and that they have quite different expectation from coming here.

Back then people came to explore, now more people come here that want to have answers and also they want those answers fast and bite-sized. ;)


About all the basic research seems to be done these days. New things do pop in but are more advanced, thereby loosing the interest of people who can only grasp the basics.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
In the 4 years or so I've been here, I think one thing I've noticed is a shift towards DMT as a more spiritual/religious thing. More people seem to arrive with preconceived notions about how DMT fits into a larger spiritual framework, whereas before, it felt more like a bunch of people had just kind of stumbled on this wild thing and wanted to explore it.

A large part of that seems to be that DMT is becoming culturally more normalized and available to the general public (thanks largely to the world done here).

As for the basic research, I think that may be true for the chemical side of things (although there are a few outstanding questions, like extraction of 5-MeO), but I see massive potential for underground psychology and neuroscience studies. I'd love, for example, see folks try and set up diy studies of how different cognitive processes are altered by DMT. There are plenty of commonly used paradigms that only require a computer and timer.

There seems to be less interest in that kind of work though, maybe because more people are approaching it as a religious thing rather than a scientific puzzle.

Sometimes I feel like the chemistry was appealing because at the end of it, you got drugs, while other work doesn't give the same payoff.

Nathanial.Dread said:
As for the basic research, I think that may be true for the chemical side of things (although there are a few outstanding questions, like extraction of 5-MeO), but I see massive potential for underground psychology and neuroscience studies. I'd love, for example, see folks try and set up diy studies of how different cognitive processes are altered by DMT. There are plenty of commonly used paradigms that only require a computer and timer.
I totally agree Nathanial.Dread.

And in the (near) future this will get more attention, so people, already take your notes and note everything that happens before, during and after you take any substance!

Kind regards,

The Traveler
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