Rising Star
Hello Nexus.
I've been around here for a long time even though this account is new.
Along the way I lost my old login and well, here I am.
Not to sound conceded but among my friends I am definitely one of the most open and intelligent.
I used to get on the Nexus and people would make me feel stupid. I LOVED IT!
There were so many genius minds it blew me away.
Now it's arguing over religion, sharing pictures of weed and arguing over tolerance.
I've also noticed that over the past four years people have gone out of their way to intentionally misspell things.
The biggest are "moar" (MORE) and "smoalk" (SMOKE) ...
First of all, if you're smoking DMT then you're doing it wrong. You should be vaporizing it. To go out of your way to be "hip" and misspell it makes it ten times worse.
This place has become like the Shroomery.
What happened to the Nexus?
I've been around here for a long time even though this account is new.
Along the way I lost my old login and well, here I am.
Not to sound conceded but among my friends I am definitely one of the most open and intelligent.
I used to get on the Nexus and people would make me feel stupid. I LOVED IT!
There were so many genius minds it blew me away.
Now it's arguing over religion, sharing pictures of weed and arguing over tolerance.
I've also noticed that over the past four years people have gone out of their way to intentionally misspell things.
The biggest are "moar" (MORE) and "smoalk" (SMOKE) ...
First of all, if you're smoking DMT then you're doing it wrong. You should be vaporizing it. To go out of your way to be "hip" and misspell it makes it ten times worse.
This place has become like the Shroomery.
What happened to the Nexus?