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Smoking monomescaline citrate is not recommended

Migrated topic.
Hard to say how much, kept smoking until we felt light effects. It would have been a light dose it was not measured properly. Started low and just kept adding more. Definitely pyschedlic effects but very light effects, it didn't last for too long. Different than oral. Pleasant body load and there was a nice light visual element to it. But more digital than organic.

I plan to explore this more in the future.
Well it would be great if BW does some investigating on mesc citrate in the meantime, but I'd feel comfortable testing it again, I can't encourage others to do it without more data. Maybe I'll try the ph test on the vapour if I have time, not something I have time to be revisiting again anytime soon.
Well it would be great if BW does some investigating on mesc citrate in the meantime.

All I can measure does not include true validations if smoking is safe, I simply have the TGA shown here and it does not look like a clean evaporation. So just from that picture I would expect more combustion / harsh smoke?

Only additional thing could be measuring plain citric acid and then check if (like told on wikipedia) it will just decompose instead of evaporating. That would be indicated while showing some strong signal in DSC (which shows melting and potential reactions happening) at the same point where it might loose some weight in TGA.

But as it seems already proven that it mostly decomposes (makes also more sense due to formula, many OH or even COOH groups will greatly disfavor clean evaporation) and I also tried evaporating it on a hot plate, it rather became black after 200 °C and fumes were minimal. At the end I never came to a full evaporation, so I stopped at 250°C, where I did not get any further fumes.

But this might have been a sample I had that mostly contained citric acid? Dont know so far. Still if Citric Acid behaves like this it might not be different for the Alkaloid salt, which looks like it in that TGA.

Still at the end as long as you get some vapor and as long as it feels smooth I would say it should be quite fine to "test it". But that would be probably only valid for smoke that you generate to a max of 200 °C, because at 250 °C there should be soon also combustion of Mescaline itself starting.

About the fear of acidic vapor and thus hazard to the lungs:

Actually I'm quite sure it will not be too dramatic. Monomescaline Citrate will still have 2x protons of course, potentially causing a strong acidic effect on any tissue. But even though these groups should have all the same acidic strength, their pKa is not the same. That is not actually based on the actual constitution, but rather after the first proton is shot off, only at this point the pKa of the others will dramatically rise (hence get weaker). Reason is that in nature a high density of charges is disfavored, as this is creating a too high potential. Therefore the chance of shooting off more protons is decreasing more and more the more charges the acid already has. Therefore already the second proton is even less acidic than Vitamin C (which is sour on your tongue, but still regarded a really weak acid). The third one being then extremely weak ... So Citric acid that has already deprotonated 1x is actually a weak acid.

Furthermore you can quickly verify if it truly has a caustic effect. To check if I should notice if my salt is acidic, I made a blind check and smoked just pure Benzoic Acid. Only 1 mg will give VERY strong irritation to your lungs. Dont worry, it will just feel like opening your aceto balsamico and get a full nose right at the bottle tip. Irritating, but not hazardous. So if you can inhale your smoke and it will not instantly cause extremely strong irritation (like smelling at the top of your household acid bottle) then I am really sure that this vapor is free of substances with any reasonable acidic effects.

Lastly I also did that evaporation test with pH paper. Pure benzoic acid in a glass banger and added WET pH paper = instantly red. When I did the same with at least DMT Benzoate = stayed "colourless" AKA Orange. Maybe the citric acid proton #2 could still colour it yellow?
Thanks for the information BW, great write up as always. We all appreciate your tests, findings and knowledge that you bring to these discussions.

Moving forward this makes me feel a bit better about give it another go. Might try the old wet ph test first though.
Tried 65 mg of mescaline citrate from CIELO, nice and clean product, I powdered it and fill the titanium bucket of a SAI atomizer Top airflow. Bucket admits much more material, probably even 300mg or more but had not the courage to use more.

Powered it with 25 watts as is used with THC oil. I pushed the buton of the mod and after a few seconds I saw the powdered crystals melt and a little vapour appears. quickly I closed the atomizer and started to inhale..surprisingly very smooth vapour, easy in the lungs. I needed about six inhalations to vaporiza all product. then I open the atomizer and all that remained is a black residue...that needed lot of alcohol to clean afterwards.

Effects: There are some effects...but slight ones..first a clear buzz in the head, some sweating in the head (common effect for me with psychedelics), light better mood and a feel like being a little stoned but just a little.

40 minutes after the inhalations (as I wrote this) still the buzz in the head, and yet heat sensation with sweat in the head . definitely some effects..but very light, althought I have the feeling they have increased a little with time.

Lungs are ok considering I have light asthma condition these are good news..harmine vaporization is difficult for me instead.

So well..65 mg is a little quantity considering the substance..maybe around 200 is a good starting point.

Well thats all... I want to try the nasal route. Lot of years ago I tried 2cb that way and it was hard on the nose..Do you think mescaline citrate will be harder than 2cb?

Thanks for reading
Much less potent. Around maybe 150mg .. same dose I would perceive orally much stronger. I wouldn't call it psychedelic more like euphoria and relaxation.
If you feel comfortable taking harmalas before hand maybe would be a better effect. At 50-60mg oral mescaline hcl with harmalas I had quite a lot of euphoria and minor visuals which is below threshold without harmalas. I'm not a big fan of smoking but I'll try this adding to caapi leafs and smoking to test for myself... I'll take my usual 200mg harmalas beforehand.
If you feel comfortable taking harmalas before hand maybe would be a better effect. At 50-60mg oral mescaline hcl with harmalas I had quite a lot of euphoria and minor visuals which is below threshold without harmalas. I'm not a big fan of smoking but I'll try this adding to caapi leafs and smoking to test for myself... I'll take my usual 200mg harmalas beforehand.
Personally I found it a waste of precious mescaline. More so now that I read others vaped it properly as a salt to no avail. Not everything is meant to be smoked or vaped I guess..

My reasoning behind trying to smoke it is that amphetamines are commonly added to weed joints and since mescaline is just another phenethylamine I thought it might exhibit similar properties .. well guess not .

Sure consuming harmala prior will make it more perceivable . I tried the harmala freebase mescaline combo before and it works nicely but for smoking it defeats the whole purpose from smoking mescaline to begin with.

On mesc harmala combo I was extremely active I couldn't sit still and it lasted much longer than normally. Intensity of the trip wasn't Increased however.
Interesting thread.. I've wondered a lot about vaporizing mescaline freebase. Mixed reports, as is the case with psilocybin.. I hope that there is a "code to be cracked" here. If so it would be a very exciting find.

An old housemate of mine was adamant that his first mushroom experience was from smoking dried ground mushrooms in a joint..

Psilocybin of course bears much visual similarity with DMT though. Mescaline has it's own unique visual style.. I for one would love to experience the wrath of a breakthrough mescalspace bungee jump
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