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Solvent free DMT enhanced leaf - warm water bath TEK

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Traveler's pet cactus
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
This post has been given it's own entry in the DMT-Nexus wiki. Please refer to the wiki for the most up-to-date version of this TEK.

Original post below
This isn't my discovery / invention but something that came along in the chat and I thought it was worth sharing.

NOTE: This TEK probably works for harmalas as well as the harmalas might dissolve in the DMT as it becomes a liquid. However, I don't have any harmalas at the moment to verify this. If anyone could place the harmalas between the herbs and the melting DMT and report the results I would be delighted!

Warm water bath for DMT enhanced leaf
Making Changa always involve the use of solvents such as IPA or acetone while it can also be perfectly made without the use of solvents by using a warm/hot water bath. It reduces the amount of time needed to 'dry' to the amount of time that the DMT needs to cool down below the temperature where it liquifies. This TEK is relatively simple but I've decided to add photos to it for optimal clarity.

- Your preferred mixture of herbs
- Shot glass
- Plastic wrapping
- Small cup
- Hot water
- Mixing rod

The pictures were taken while I was making changa with 500 mg of DMT and 500 mg of dried tarragon that was finely crumbled.

Place the herbs in the hot glass and place the DMT on top of the herbs. Don't mix yet, the DMT needs to stay on top of the herbs for optimal absorption when it melts and runs down the herbs.

Cover the shot glass with some plastic wrapper to ensure the mixture stays dry in case of splashing water. I accidentally knocked my shot glass over when I placed it in the cup of water so I was glass I had it wrapped in plastic.

Heat up some water to 100C and place the shot glass into the cup and gently pour hot water into the cup. Make sure you don't pour directly onto the plastic. Let this sit for 5 minutes and then check if all the DMT has melted. If not, replace the warm water with fresh boiling water and let sit for another few minutes.

Take the shot glass out of the cup, remove the plastic wrapper and stir thoroughly with your mixing rod to ensure all the leaf material has the chance to soak up DMT. Let the mixture cool down and the DMT will start to crystallize. Let sit for 5 to 10 minutes and then remove from the shot glass. And done.


There will still be plenty of DMT in the shot glass that shouldn't be wasted. I was told I could recover this by using IPA / acetone but I decided to experiment a bit. Take a tiny bit of herb and make sure it's finely crumbled. Add a tiny amount of boiling water to the cup and place the shot glass in it without putting plastic over it. Be careful that the water doesn't run into your shot glass. Scrape the herb material across the glass with your mixing rod to let it soak up the DMT. When you think you have most of the DMT, remove the glass from the hot water and immediately remove the herbs from the glass. This simple trick will help get most of the DMT from the glass and into your changa.

Any remaining DMT can be recovered using IPA / acetone and evaporated. Voila, you made changa in under 15 minutes and without the use of solvents. Can't wait to try it out!


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I already changed it. Obviously this will produce changa if you use plain caapi leaf or caapi 10x leaf.

I'm also very interested to see if people can get harmalas to mix with the DMT in a liquid state. It would be great it someone with some freebase harmalas could give that a shot.
all you would have to do is get the dmt to a liquid state and then add the powdered harmalas...mix it really well together..and then add the herbs...
Jorkest said:
all you would have to do is get the dmt to a liquid state and then add the powdered harmalas...mix it really well together..and then add the herbs...

nice! now vt can change it to enhanced leaf/changa water bath tek
It seems to me that you would probably achieve a more even distribution if you just dissolved it in warm acetone. Why the hesitation? It evaporates very quickly and leaves nary a trace behind.
Uncle Knucles said:
It seems to me that you would probably achieve a more even distribution if you just dissolved it in warm acetone. Why the hesitation? It evaporates very quickly and leaves nary a trace behind.
How does one warm acetone and how quickly does it evaporate when warm? Would a warm water bath like in this tek suffice (replacing cooled water with warm when necessary)? I would leave the plastic wrap off of the glass to prevent acetone from dissolving it and to allow proper evaporation of the solvent. I would also dissolve freebase in acetone before adding herbs.

I've only used room temp dry acetone which takes a day+ to evaporate fully when used in shot glass or small jar with 1-3mm acetone height.

This water tek looks promising and simple but the uneven distribution is of some concern to me.
WarriorSage said:
Great write up!
I was unaware of this warm water method, it'll save me alot of time 😁

Hows that gonna save you time? If you use ipa instead of water, than it will evaporate a hell of a lot quicker. But hey, who's rushing rite:wink:
Egokiller said:
Hows that gonna save you time? If you use ipa instead of water, than it will evaporate a hell of a lot quicker. But hey, who's rushing rite:wink:

This method doesn't need any evaporation, it only needs the DMT to cool down to recrystallize while soaking into the leaf.
This is an awesome process!

I especially like that there are no harsh solvents used which is a plus for the environment!

VoidTraveler, much thanks for sharing! I will be sure to give this a try and give a report when I do.

Infusion is the bees' knees! 8)
Uncle Knucles said:
It seems to me that you would probably achieve a more even distribution if you just dissolved it in warm acetone. Why the hesitation? It evaporates very quickly and leaves nary a trace behind.

I'll be turning this into a wiki entry soon and I'll make sure to report this as on the critique points on the TEK.
I wonder if you could hold the shot glass under a light bulb, make sure the dmt is melted and mix as it cools? this could cut the time down to 1 minute :)
this is amazing... so your telling me that all i need to make changa is too follow this tek and replace terragon with b.caapi leaf? i have the dmt and the leaf right now, i could make it today?
It seems much more important to get your mix to the right consistency for this tek (not too powdery, particles/ground pieces of similar size, "stickiness" value) but it totally works. Usually takes me 2 rounds of water from the kettle to get it melted, 3 to be sure it's all through. Excellent method!
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