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Solvent free DMT enhanced leaf - warm water bath TEK

Migrated topic.
Just produced my first ever Changa! 😁 :twisted:

Tek was very easy. I didn't cover the shotglass with anything. Just got barely boiling water, poured it in a small bowl. Then put the shotglass with xtals in the bowl. The spice melted and mixed in cappi leaves. I stirred very well with the end of a paperclip, seemed the consistency looked good.
Thank you Void! :love:
SWIM has done something very similar to this using the waxy goo from a D-Limonene/vinegar extraction and it worked very well. Adequate mixing is the key. :thumb_up:
spinCycle said:
SWIM has done something very similar to this using the waxy goo from a D-Limonene/vinegar extraction and it worked very well. Adequate mixing is the key. :thumb_up:
acetate jim-jam is incredibly easy to make changa with, just dissolve in a minimal amount of water and place on your herbs, the dried herbs will absorb almost all the water, making drying incredibly fast.

any residue can be redissolved and re-added (or saved and combined with rescued harmala and other residues, for a potent mystery changa mixture).

also i think to think the acetate makes it a little more heat resistant, but it still gets a funky plastic taste if i burn it (esp. in joints)
i'm keen to give this tek a go-though my only worry is that this won't spread the dmt evenly enough as with acetone.. meaning some bits of herb may have much more dmt crystalise on them than others-whats people's thoughts and experience here?
Howe about this HYPOTHETICAL and very easy method for countries where DMT extraction is legal:

Get a MASSIVE extraction. Drop a huge dollop of spice (3-4g+) in the shot glass, add harmalas (at least 2g). Dissolve into gloop. Add shredded or powdered leaf. Bring to cool, scrape resin leaf out.

The end.
My only question is wouldnt there be "hot spots" in the mix where some parts have more dmt then others?

I think this is a great idea and like to go as foodsafe as possible.... so what about the hotsposts, has anyone smoked the product from this tech and is even distribution acheivable??
bump in hope that the question put fourth here a number of times can be cleared up.. does this tek create hot spots? i.e areas of leaf that contain more dmt than others? i am struggling to see how it could spread evenly over the leaf.. acetone seems like it would be better for even distribution because the dmt would penetrate into the leaf rather than just the outside
Tried this last night--2:3 ratio roughly--haven't weighed the final product but was about 1.8g spice to 2.5g leaf.
Haven't tested yet either, perhaps later tonight. Will keep you all posted on results!

I love the idea of making changa/enhanced herb without having to use a solvent. Thanks for posting!
As an alternative to a hot water bath it may be easier for some folks to use a hair dryer. This has been done with great success.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but when you dissolve in acetone, the DMT binds to the acids and becomes a salt (higher melting point and longer shelf life), however this method the DMT will remain a freebase? (in which case, could burn and lose some DMT when exposed to direct flame?)
--Shadow said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but when you dissolve in acetone, the DMT binds to the acids and becomes a salt (higher melting point and longer shelf life), however this method the DMT will remain a freebase? (in which case, could burn and lose some DMT when exposed to direct flame?)

This maybe correct, I used mullien enhanced leaf with this tek, now I found that using a bong did appear to burn the product, Not completely but to a certain degree, I then used my VG with the same batch and got a much clearer trip. Or it could be that the dmt freebase does not really soak into the leaf, but rather clings to the outside, making it easier to burn.

Just my opinion.

--Shadow said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but when you dissolve in acetone, the DMT binds to the acids and becomes a salt (higher melting point and longer shelf life), however this method the DMT will remain a freebase? (in which case, could burn and lose some DMT when exposed to direct flame?)
This is not the case. Acetone simply dissolves DMT freebase, it does not convert it to a salt form. DMT salts are not suitable for smoking/vaporization. The acetone is simply an easy way to allow the plant matter to "soak up" the DMT.
What happens to harmala in this TEK? Harmine and harmaline freebase have so high melting points that warm water bath alone won't be enough yes? The TEK mentions "If you wish to add freebase harmalas to the mixture, make sure the harmalas are place on top of the herbs but below the DMT". Why put harmala between the herbs and DMT? What happens to harmala :oops:
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