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Something Very Big is Happening . . .

Migrated topic.

The Maxx

I Am the Jungle Queen!
First, my apologies for this being a not-very-thorough explanation, but I've just begun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Last night I entered the DMT world without the aid of DMT. I went there with an act of pure intention. All I smoked was a bowl of dirty brown weed prior to experimenting.

This has long been my goal in life: to go to Hyperspace on my own. This first trial I used weed to help me, but it proved to me that I can do it unaided and I will. I will.

I went to hyperspace twice last night without DMT, having just smoked really crappy weed . . .

On October 18, during an all night pharma-changa ride, I made a discovery so huge, so ginormous and world-shattering that I cannot say anything further about it AT THIS TIME. The Curtain will be pulled back, but not yet . . . Words are hollow, actions will reveal ALL TO ALL.

The Maxx said:
First, my apologies for this being a not-very-thorough explanation, but I've just begun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Last night I entered the DMT world without the aid of DMT. I went there with an act of pure intention. All I smoked was a bowl of dirty brown weed prior to experimenting.

This has long been my goal in life: to go to Hyperspace on my own. This first trial I used weed to help me, but it proved to me that I can do it unaided and I will. I will.

I went to hyperspace twice last night without DMT, having just smoked really crappy weed . . .

On October 18, during an all night pharma-changa ride, I made a discovery so huge, so ginormous and world-shattering that I cannot say anything further about it AT THIS TIME. The Curtain will be pulled back, but not yet . . . Words are hollow, actions will reveal ALL TO ALL.


My best friend of 12 years just recently lost his mind (or at least thats how I perceive it), and his language is very similar to yours, except his favorite number is the number 8, which to him symbolizes the sign of Infinity.

I am wondering.... probably not true... but a part of me is wondering if he took too much of the spice and didn't fully absorb the message that was being conveyed? Or maybe he is absorbing the full message and it's just too much info too fast?

I really need to go find him and talk to him. Easier said than done though, he moved out of his apartment and has been rogue ever since he told me his 8 prophecy. Have caught glimpses of him and even saw an article in a newspaper where he was arrested painting some type of symbolic graffiti all over town.

Really worried about that guy. Hope i can find him soon.
Okay, I can see you guys don't understand. My fault. I warned you this would be vague out of necessity . . .

Try it for yourself. Don't judge until you try it. You can do it, you just don't know it.
How are we supposed to understand?

And when you say we should try, you mean hyperspacing without spice?

Is the thirteen related to, uh, chakras?

Careful with your dosing, bro.
no offense but you're intentional vagueness and ultra-mystification really isn't necessary..i mean how did you expect people to respond to something like this when you take that sort of approach?

theres a lot of us out there who have entered dmt/aya-type states without anything at all. its fascinating but really nothing new tbh.. and definitely not anything to wrap in a vague veil of esoteric mystification like its some secret that yee mere mortals not be preparedeth for

i don't mean that in a bad way, or as an attack..just saying that this would be a much more interesting thread if you were a bit more straight forward and to the point about it 😉
I developed an intense casebof HPPD/phychosis in the late nineties from heavy heavy LSD use, we would brag about who could take a sheet without losing their cool entirely, it was for sport and bragging rights. It lasted a couple years, I got used to it and after a break I was fine to return. I started finding myself in that headspace for brief moments, but after time of continuously dosing shrooms and L it became more permanent. I was reading minds, seeing the future, and I was 100% fully NON-functional in society. No offense friend, weve read the posts youve made boasting of high dose long term habitual dosing and you need to understand there is nothing wrong with taking a break here and there. Trust me if you love these molecules you will slow down so that you can enjoy it in the future, or soon you might find yourself with an awful stutter and an affinity for the inside world, as in scared to leave the house. Take it from me.
I'd love to get to hyperspace without taking anything.

I too have experienced a time in my life where pre-cognitive visions, amazing syncronicties and all sorts of mystical stuff was going on....regular society was difficult during that time period. Time periods I mean. I've gone off the deep end more than once.

Willfully entering hyperspace is something I've never done. Currently I am rather effective in mundane reality--I got my shit together. If I could have a power such as the one you describe, Maxx, and still keep my act together, that would be aces. Please take the warnings other people here have given you in a kind way, I don't think anyone is bashing you here. Do tell us more though.

It was 11 for me. Magick, Da'ath, the key to everything....

"All numbers are infinite, there is no difference"--Aliester Crowley.
Okay. I'm just a babbling fool. I know nothing. I couldn't POSSIBLY be on to something . . . You are all right. I'm insane. A fool.

Except I went to Hyperspace AGAIN today! As an act of INTENTION. No DMT since the 18th.

I am not insane.

I am not a babbling fool.

I am an explorer exploring his consciousness.

And I told you not to judge me until you try it for yourself. Seriously. Forget the numbers, that's personal, just freakin' try it! What have you got to lose? You won't get "there" the first time, I didn't. I've been practicing for a while now.

I don't blame you for your judgements or bringing up stories of your crazy friends who you erroneously think sounded like me. I don't blame you mocking this as bullshit mysticism.

Frusciante quote: "Trust me if you love these molecules you will slow down so that you can enjoy it in the future, or soon you might find yourself with an awful stutter and an affinity for the inside world, as in scared to leave the house. Take it from me."

I do not trust you, nor should you trust me. Nor should you compare your foolish massive intake of LSD with my responsible use of DMT. They are NOT THE SAME THING AND YOU KNOW THIS. Don't judge the doses I take as extreme just because it's too much for YOU. I need how much I need and I apologize to no one. And, friend, you warn me of "running out" of DMT in the future???? That's not possible. Nor is that even a rational statement. And, did it ever occur to you that part of my plan for experimenting with getting to hyperspace unaided is just that? A way to get there without externally added DMT? To not RELY on DMT, to figure it out for myself????? One might even say I'm pretty clever for making these attempts . . .

vodsel asked: "How are we supposed to understand?"

When you seek understanding. It really is that simple.

universalcannon wrote: "this would be a much more interesting thread if you were a bit more straight forward and to the point about it"

Am I doing better?

I want to stress that I will never be offended by anything you guys have to say. Never. Make fun of my mom, I don't care. I encourage dissent and questions. I do not encourage blind judgement or blanket statements like: "take a break." That's retarded and COMPLETELY missing the point. (and let's do try and keep our sense of humor, hmmmm?????)

BY THE WAY: I am NOT the only one playing around with this new form of awareness, of that you can be SURE!

Until the future happens,

Keep on keepin' on!
Kids let this be a lesson.

Sometimes drugs do cause harm. :cry:

The Maxx I highly, highly, highly recommend you don't touch DMT again.
joedirt said:
The Maxx I highly, highly, highly recommend you don't touch DMT again.

****Deeper sigh****

When you're ready to speak like an adult, I'll be around.
Can you explain step by step exactly how you are achieving these hyperspacial states without the aide of the molecule? Exactly how do you enter these spaces on will alone?

The Curtain will be pulled back, but not yet . . . Words are hollow, actions will reveal ALL TO ALL.


It's prudent to be wary of stating "this WILL happen". It tends to come across better if you frame it as "this is my experience and my take on it".

Also, it helps us understand what you mean better if you actually attempt to explain your meaning instead of throwing out strings of numbers and large text stating things as if they are gospel truth handed down from on high.

I'm intrigued by what you are saying, but I feel your delivery is lacking and a reappraisal of your methods may be advisable.
The Maxx said:
vodsel asked: "How are we supposed to understand?"

When you seek understanding. It really is that simple.

Apparently it is not. You ask us to understand you, to understand something related to a huge-world-shattering finding that you have chosen not to disclose, acquired in a pharma-changa trip.

Or you ask us to understand that you claim to have found a way to enter hyperspace without using spice, which based on what you wrote so far, happened after taking large doses. That's all we got.

You are giving no practical information other than that, no reports, and you're being deliberately obscure. Of course we try to understand what you're trying to convey. But considering the few hints you give, the only apparent conclusion is that you are echoing in and out of hyperspace after large doses.

How are we going to understand otherwise claims that, so far, make no sense other than thinking that you have gone overboard with spice?
Sorry friend, you are neither the first person claiming to be able to meditate their way into dmtland without smoking dmt, nor the first person to inanely and self righteously spout out numbers and fractal factoids with no basis in reality whatsoever.
Ontop of that, you are potentially one of the more condescending frustrating types of such people to make a similar post.

Check the archives, take a few days without psychedelic exploration and remember that the best way to help other people be chill and open is to lead by example.😉
Something very big is happening... yes.

It's very very big.

And it's been happening for the last 13.7 billion years. It's called the universe.

Regardless, many people have been where you are OP and take it from us, this is a massive shift in your OWN internal sphere of reality first and foremost. When you feel such an intense shift from within you will see signs of this shift happening everywhere on the outside but this is purely a mental projection. Other people are waking up and living the same old shitty day and experiencing the same old shitty world yet again - but that too is their own mental projection.

This in no way, shape or form takes away from the significance or profundity of either experience but it means one thing: you have no basis to make a statement until you have abstained from psychedelic usage inclusive of marijuana for a good period of time. When you are totally sober and able to enter this state then fine, tell us what you have learnt then. But until this point, you appear to others like a kid on weed going "dude... we like totally exist... daaaaamn".

And as I said before, you are on a forum full of perhaps the most hardened psychonauts this planet has seen in its entire existence, please refrain from dismissing our input as if we "just don't know". Nobody on this forum "just doesn't know". We all fucking know, that's why we're on here ;)
embracethevoid said:
And as I said before, you are on a forum full of perhaps the most hardened psychonauts this planet has seen in its entire existence, please refrain from dismissing our input as if we "just don't know". Nobody on this forum "just doesn't know". We all fucking know, that's why we're on here ;)

I don't want to break your balls, but I bet you anything that the most hardened psychonauts this planet has seen in its entire existence are not here, and most likely have never used the internet.

But I agree with your point totally :)
Vodsel said:
bet you anything that the most hardened psychonauts this planet has seen in its entire existence are not here, and most likely have never used the internet.
the internet is primitive in comparison to the hypernet!
Vodsel said:
embracethevoid said:
And as I said before, you are on a forum full of perhaps the most hardened psychonauts this planet has seen in its entire existence, please refrain from dismissing our input as if we "just don't know". Nobody on this forum "just doesn't know". We all fucking know, that's why we're on here ;)

I don't want to break your balls, but I bet you anything that the most hardened psychonauts this planet has seen in its entire existence are not here, and most likely have never used the internet.

But I agree with your point totally :)

Touche... It is speculation. When I say 'hardened' I mean more so that at this moment in time we have the corpus of human knowledge available to us at the touch of a fingertrip. No doubt there is many a shaman that has had ayahuasca for breakfast, dinner, lunch and tea.

This puts us in a special position of power that certainly none before us could have reached, irrespective of how strong their intuitions were. After all, a single person's intuition is nowhere near as powerful as seven billion intuitions combined.

If you guys would like to provide evidence for this 'hypernet' please do so. Because if anything the 'hypernet' would be the universe itself and the internet is the precipitation of the most profound aspects of the hypernet in any case to date, excluding that which occurs in higher planes of being.
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