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Spicÿ Sleep Paralysis - Reminiscence

Migrated topic.


Neō KyK ĖntheŌnaut
I had too much to dream last night!


Already lase week, while I layed down gazing and letting myself be absorbed by my surrounding - as I would lost my look in the void, I felt it. A reminiscence of my experience, like a memory, only more vivid than a memory. A feeling.

Feelings, that's how I have best remembered my experience. That's even how, when integrating what I experienced, I thought would be the best way to memorize it. While I do not always, it seems to happen by itself ...

So yesterday night, at first, have a similar reminiscence. I close my eyes (I do not remember specifically why, maybe I was listening to music) and the space in front of my eyes seems extremely wide, like if I was in another place. It is perfectly dark, "plasmic" dark, as are my eye's closed vision in my normal awakful state. It doesn't last long and I come back to my usual perception of the "behind" of my eyelids.

Then before going to sleep, I listen to music on my heaphone - Goa trance - the sound is very psychedelic and feels alive, I am almost sleeping and having this coming forth between waking state and dreaming void, where everything is warm but confused and which I can't really remember. Then I stopped the music and decide to sleep.

That's when it started. I can only describe it as a very psychedelic version of a sleep paralysis. It comes in wave. I have some sort of dream like state where I feel I am in another place, there was an entity, some sort of fractal. Then I come back, I feel a bit dazed and then hear a sound which transform itself into pure Goa trance, a perfectly vivid audditive hallucination with textures and flow, it's downright beautiful. Then I go back, maybe once or twice (I think so because I remember hearing Goa multiple times) but those latter time I feel they are more "situations" which are a bit schizoid/paranoid, there is a 'mad', not crazy, mad, quality to it. It is very sensoriel. At one moment I feel my body is not entirely mine and I feel like I couldn't move if I thought about it. The only thing I wrote down is that after one "wave" I felt like I needed to bring back something (that's what I wrote 'need to bring back something’ )

That's approximately what I remember. I did not dream until morning, where I had a succesion of dreams very vivid and well structured with interesting symbolism (a girl awaiting for a baby bird, a bullet going through a tank, etc); and I am writing this as I just woke up. I had not had sleep paralysis in a long time, actually, the only times I experienced sleep paralysis was when I first did psychedelics three years ago, and had none since. This was however much more 'psychedelic' than I remember SP to be (SP I thought to be more ‘realistic' and less organic) and I think some of my Spïce experience is still rivering below my wakeful state of conscioucness.


I never did hold much interest toward the theory of DeiMiTra release in the brain, being the source for dreams, but my experience sure does raise an interest and questioning. If not for such precise scientific knowledge, at least for the experience in itself and its implications - how and when is a spice experience integrated? How dreams can be used to further the experience? Since dreams in themselves can be seen as a psychedelic experience, can one experience help the other's integration? If it can, is it specific to dreams or could other mean such as low dosing or microdosing help me get to a state where I can integrate differently/better? Etc .... "Dreams are after all our most accessible, and intimate/personnal (?), gate to Hyperspace/Cydelikspace. Maybe they can or should, as any other form of expression of the subconsciouss, help us integrate our experiences" is how I'm seeing now -(I say so because I do not remeber picking upon a Dream section on the Nexus. After last night I really feel it could be a great thing to do. Each day learning of other's dream ...)- Maybe I will give an eye again to Strassman's studies, though the scientific lense isn't always my favourite, fringe science is fun =) ... Still, the exprience stays the experience no matter what, I like to hold to the truth of that. Relative truths make spiritual .. . matter . . .

As I look back on my experience, it seems a peculiar setting happened in and of itself. From candle like light with hypnotic music and waves of conscioucness that leads, when I stop the music, to more vivid and precise waves of conscioucness interluded with music. So I think this pattern of: (conscioussof)music/awake - (unconscioussof)music/asleep, and the coming forth between one and the other, led to music/awake(close.to.wakeful.state) - no.music/(consciouss.of)extra.real.dreamful.state ~ As if I would have hypnotized myself with rythms, from music and laying on my bed (it is warm but I always sleep with my window open).

It was a bit frightening but overall fascinating. I have always thought psychedelics were so special because the aftermath is just as amazing, if not entirelly its own beast, as the trip in itself.

This morning is the first full blown sunny day in a week (since I came back from Spain), I feel calm and relax. My first Changa experience was precisly two weeks ago, one night from yesterday.


Anyway, it's nice to integrate and I hope it can contribute in any way. I wonder if any of you had similar experiences? Or how do you relate to your dreams? Has taking Deimitra enhanced your dreams? ... So many questions! But really, just says what goes, breaking, through your mind "^°.°^"

(((From searching a bit, I can see this topic has been runned into a couple of times (surprise!). I'll still leave it as is.

Here TGO links to several other related threads: DMT & Dreaming - Welcome discussion - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus )))
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