joedirt said:AlbertKLloyd said:Not one of you knows where I am at, what experiences I have had, or why I know what I do, you can assume I don't get it, because I have a different perspective, but has any of you questioned your own experience and understanding on these matters?
I will only speak for myself, but yes I absolutely question it. My beliefs are wide up revolving doors. If I find a higher truth, or a better way to relate to these experiences (or the world at large) then I'll toss the old beliefs aside like a piece of rotten meat.
At some point it really comes down to what you put your faith in. Science, as great as it is, really only serves to show just how little we actually do understand. When I stand back and look at the material world teaming with life all on it's own accord. I can't help but notice a living breathing planet with individual little cells some of which think they are in control of things. Man, to me, it's this simple. I am the energy that makes this body move and breathe. What else could I possible be? My body is composed of what I eat, drink, see, hear, smell, and think. I am connected to the trees all around me. When that pine tree outside exhales, I inhale. When I exhale, it inhales. Exactly how far out in front of me do I have to reach my hand before I touch space? What is space and what is hand? BTW What exactly owns the hand? Were is this so called self we all spend so much time looking after?
When you understand it like this there is no more birth and no more death. I am the universe. My ego very well got to have a birth and a death. Good for him. Glad he got his few moments of cosmic fame. The real me. The energy that the universe has embedded all of creation with does not die because it is never born. It just is. Perhaps there was a birth at the big bang, but honestly I highly doubt it. I think all effects require causes. Things don't just go bang and form universes with out a cause....
If that sounds egotistical then you completely misunderstood what I said. My words apply equally to everyone. But they are meaningless drivel to people who don't take time to cultivate the awareness of this existential truth. Lucky science is on our side here. Quantum entanglement guarantees everyone and everything is utter connected. All of it. Totally inclusive. Full and complete interconnectedness. Gotta love quantum entanglement. Welcome to the universal soup...and exactly how are you divided from us again? lol
What can I say. Life is awesome. Every single absurd detail of it is. Our ego's, and individual views, while interesting ultimately mean dick for the universe. AND THAT IS A GREAT THING.
And No. Psychedelics don't make a person spiritual. But they very well may tip a spiritually inclined person into a mystical experience. Then, however, the real work begins. Life is not psychedelic. Life is life. If we can learn to remove our pathetic egos from daily existence then life is away's just perfect. Only when we want to claim ownership of things and events do we find ourselves 'outside' of the Tao. Ego is not something that can ever grasp the tao. I don't care how many books, or how many grand spiritual teachers one talks to. If you don't understand how all things are connected then you don't understand the tao. If you think you have an intellectual understanding of the tao it is wrong because an ego is required for intellectual understanding. The tao is the universe exactly as it is...sans the stupid ego.
Peace hammer. Well said man.
Psychedelics aren't inherently spiritual. They work with what you give them. Perceiver and the perceived; one symbiotic symphany. energy. We're the motion to the ocean. Psychedelics, especially DMT..'can' show this directly.