jamie said:"Division and unity are aspects of the same thing."
Well, you cant really have unity without diversity. Focusing on oneness alone has never made much sense to me personally. It is valid, but so is the diversity. If you dont have diversity than there is nothing to unify..and if you dont have unity than the seemingly endless expression of diversity sort of makes no sense becasue there is nothing like a sort of closure to bring it all back together into something that makes sense for us..as much as that even can make sense...
It is possible to take a unified object...say an apple and notice diverse feature of the apple. For instance the apple has a stem, dimples, seeds, a skin, and it has a meaty core. Those are true statements, but the apple is still the apple.
The thing is though, when you go to the base level everything is entangled and arises from fields. There is no diversity in the higgs field. There is no diversity in an electrostatic field. They are just fields of energy.
I am personally at odds with the idea of emptyness though..the idea of meditating on the void etc. It is not my thing.
It is not my thing either. However, I'd like to point out that the void and emptiness are the two most misunderstood aspects of Buddhism BY FAR. It arises from translation issues from Pali to every other language.
All things are empty of inherent existence. This means simply that things don't exist alone. There is no void that you meditate on. You meditate on the interconnectedness of all all things. You also meditate on the emptiness of things, but this is also a gross mistranslation. Emptiness means that things don't last. Look at your arm. Look at it again. Though it appears the same, every single atom is in a different location. Look back in 100 years and you won't see an arm, but only bones. Look back in 20 Million years and you won't find anything. It is empty. This is what is meant by emptiness. Emptiness does not mean that there is a black void that we all go sit in after death. That is absolutely not it at all. In fact Buddha directly countered this a few different time in the Pali cannon calling it an incorrect, extreme view. Along with nihilism.
It is from this basis that Buddha argued for anatman (no soul) vs atman (everlasting soul). He simply saw nothing that lasted forever and was not connected to all other things. I agree with him thus far as I have also not observed anything not connected to other things and I have not observed any object that will last forever.
I will take the living, thriving system of diverse abundance anyday, because that is where I see a future..and this is where I feel I thrive. I neither thrive nor see a future in a void. That is just me though. I still acknowledge the unity within that system..and I think it is important to do so.
There is obviously diversity in the world just like an apple has a stem, seeds, and skin. But we all breath the same air. If the atmosphere evaporate we'd all die together. Jamie I also agree I don't want to see a future void like you describe...but understand that emptiness from a Buddhist perspective does not mean that at all.
I also think ego death is not the be all end of the psychedelic experience..though it is one aspect of importance.
To me, out of the many voyages I've gone on...the ego death experiences are by far and away the most important experiences for me. They confirm for me what I glimpse in meditation. Namely that awareness is real and ego is fantasy. When death comes joedirt dies. But the awareness that permeates all of space does in fact continue on...and on....and on...and on... I will never die because I was never born. Though that statement is only a true statement when I am fully disconnected from my ego...which as of now I am not...
AKL is one of the kindest-knowledgeable and most mis understood friends that i have
That may very well be true, but he took a very confrontational approach in this thread which resulted in others taking a less patient approach with him. He doesn't have to agree with anything us crazies say. I wouldn't blame him there, but when he starts taking personal shots at Rising Spirit and then apparently arguing for what appears to be the sake of arguing, and now it would appear that he is declaring that he is in fact awake while the rest of us are asleep...well you can't really expect that people won't put up resistance to that.