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SSRI Thread

Migrated topic.
Yopo contains SEROTONIN as one of its alkaloids.

The combination of a pharmaceutical grade SSRI and Yopo could probably be dangerous with the right dosage. I wouldn't risk it.

Banisteriopsis caapi is often used by natives with Yopo, but the MAOI (RIMA) and SSRI effects of caapi are not nearly as strong as most pharmaceutical grade MAOI and SSRIs. Caapi seems to be safe with a lot of different drugs, drugs that would be dangerous with a pharmaceutical grade SSRI.

Also, I’ve seem reports that pharmaceutical grade SSRIs are dangerous when taken in combination with ayahuasca.

It’s not something to play around with.

THH is just a weak SSRI, it doesn’t compare at all with things like prozac which can be very dangerous to combine with other drugs.
69ron said:
Yopo contains SEROTONIN as one of its alkaloids.

The combination of a pharmaceutical grade SSRI and Yopo could probably be dangerous with the right dosage. I wouldn't risk it.

You probably talking about serotonin syndrome. Let`s have a look on symptoms of S.S.
Symptoms occur within minutes to hours, and may include:

* Restlessness
* Hallucinations
* Loss of coordination
* Fast heart beat
* Rapid changes in blood pressure
* Increased body temperature
* Overactive reflexes
* Nausea
* Vomiting
* Diarrhoea

Only symptoms we know about were nausea and retching, but the girl will be interviewed again to find out whether any other symptoms occurred. How long last S.S. anyway ? She was horribly sick only an hour or so, as long as effects of that yopo snuff{smoke}last. ILPT think something else then 3-(2-aminoethyl)-1H-indol-5-ol caused this nasty adverse reaction. Maybe it was 3-(2-dimethylaminoethyl)-1H-indol-5-ol itself. Or most likely some of the toxic alkaloids.:?:

Does SWIM knows any of those toxic alkaloids(by name) yopo commonly contain

69ron said:
It’s not something to play around with.

DAMN RIGHT:!: Luckily ILPT, is free of all medicine so he can take whatever he fancy :)

I don't know which alkaloids are the toxic ones. SWIM knows bufotenine, DMT, DMT N-Oxide, and 5-MeO-DMT are not responsible for those toxic effects. He's tried all of those in their isolated form and none cause the toxic effects found in some Yopo. There are so many alkaloids that have been found in Yopo by different scientists. Once thing SWIM is pretty sure of is that the toxin is an alkaloid, because several A/B extractions (up to 5 over and over) cannot get rid of the toxin, but column chromatography can. The toxin is more polar than bufotenine, DMT, DMT N-Oxide, or 5-MeO-DMT, and that's why it stays stuck on the column.

There may be a better solvent to use other than DCM and acetone, that can dissolve bufotenine, but not the toxin. Naphtha doesn’t work. It can’t dissolve bufotenine or DMT N-Oxide (the two main good alkaloids in the seeds). Something more polar than DCM, but less polar than naphtha would be the area of solvents to look into. Probably chloroform which is really hard to get. SWIM tried xylene once, and that didn’t seem to dissolve any bufotenine, but SWIM didn’t play around with that solvent much.

Probably the right mix of naphtha and acetone would dissolve only the good stuff and leave behind the toxin. Something like 1:1 of naphtha to acetone maybe?
Jorkest said:
interesting 69ron...interesting indeed

where does MEK go on this spectrum?

MEK is more polar than DCM and less polar than acetone.

DCM is polar enough to extract the toxins, so MEK would also.

You’ll need something less polar than DCM. The only common solvent I can think of that’s less polar but not too much so is chloroform.

When SWIM did an extraction of Yopo using chloroform, the bufotenine crystallized. The result was very clean with almost no side effects. It could have just been the seeds were good quality though. Chloroform is really hard to get. I don’t think it’s an option for most people.

I think mixing of two easy to get solvents is the best approach like MEK and naphtha, or acetone and naphtha. Something along those lines.

If someone had the time (SWIM doesn’t right now) they could make 9 mixes as follows and easily find the right mix.

1 = 90% MEK – 10% Naphtha
2 = 80% MEK – 20% Naphtha
3 = 70% MEK – 30% Naphtha
4 = 60% MEK – 40% Naphtha
5 = 50% MEK – 50% Naphtha
6 = 40% MEK – 60% Naphtha
7 = 30% MEK – 70% Naphtha
8 = 20% MEK – 80% Naphtha
9 = 10% MEK – 90% Naphtha

You’d take your extract and dissolve it in 90 ml of MEK and then divide that into 9 equal portions. Add the needed MEK and naphtha to the 9 portions to get the amounts above.

Let it sit for a day. Filter. Evaporate the 10 different fractions and test the activity of each one, one after the next. There will be one or more that do not contain the toxin.

It’s an easy test, but SWIM doesn’t have the time for it right now.
I've read soemwhere that many pharmaceutical SSRI's (like citalopram) can have strange and unwanted interactions with psychedelic tryptamines, causing blackouts and so on...
polytrip said:
I've read soemwhere that many pharmaceutical SSRI's (like citalopram) can have strange and unwanted interactions with psychedelic tryptamines, causing blackouts and so on...
Does swim remember where did he read this. That mate need some serious info
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