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SSRI Thread

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I've decided to dedicate a thread specifically to SSRI's and the interactions between SSRI's and DMT.

First off, I personally would like to know how long I should wait to take DMT or anymore psychedelic tryptamines after being prescribed to another SSRI. I don't like taking them in the first place, and I've only taken one 30mg pill so far. But the medications are basically being force fed down my throat. So assuming I take them for a brief period of time, I'm curious as to how long I should wait to take any psychedelics.

But, I don't plan on taking the Prozac anyways.:p
all SWIM knows is that one time he heard of a chick taking some spice while on essesareyes and having a very very bad experience..not sure on how long..but he doesnt recommend anybody on ANY sort of weird psychological or even physical medication should be doing spice...to do it..stop taking these drugs for at least a few days..some medications..longer..unless its absolutely necessary for your health to do so...

also look into alternatives and talk to your doctor or other doctors about any choice you make about changing your treatment
I'd wait AT LEAST 35 days after ending medication before ingesting entheogens or psychoactives or any sort.

I'd also try to stop taking that bullshit completely if I was you.

I always tell people who are taking SSRIs to wait at least 35 days before taking Ayahuasca (an MAOI)... do you think this is long enough? Is this safe?
A friend of mine took paroxetine (a SSRI) for 9 months. He smoked DMT quite often during that time without problem... but he took low doses of paroxetine tough (10-20 mg). However, he would not have dared to try Rue or another MAOI.
you're owner of your own body

dont accept taking anything if you dont want/have to

if you really dont need it, then fake taking it, or outright rebel..

if you need it, I suggest trying to get off by gradually working your problems with psychotherapy, self-observation, travelling, being active, trying to improve yourself...

Mate of one mate came across some delicious vilca seeds. Start experiments with preparing the perfect snuff and yes the seeds were somewhat potent. He felt only mild side effects like head tension and flush in face, not annoying at all. Massive sneezing and burning nose straight after snorting were annoying much more.

He become excited with results gave some snuff to his girlfriend. What that idiot didn`t know was fact she is few years on SSRI antidepressant called Citalopram. Ow SHIT !!!

First couple of minutes she was complaining only about burning nose but then the troubles take hold. She started to vomit and mate soon realize she vomiting snuff what dripped down to her stomach. She started to retching became weak an have to lie down. She was barely able to talk but it sounded like she is extremely sick. She was retching, repeating,: I don`t wanna die, i don`t wanna die. It scared mate to death. He gave her water and tried talk to her. She stopped vomit after 40 minutes and start to feel better. She went to bed and after 9 hours nap she was ok.Later he asked if she saw any visuals she said not only some sort of black spots.
Mate asking ILPT but he doesn`t know answers

What`s happened? Which alkaloid from vilca caused this nasty reaction? Was it the small amount of MAOIs from vilca what caused trouble. Could she died? How?
As a kemist I never met him (ILPT) in physical form and never talk to him. He share his wisdom trough my mind only. Please don`t prosecute him for his possible illegal activities. I think he`s total lunatic, but harmless !!!
God fucking damn it. Ask people mate! Make sure they are not on any medications of any form before ingesting any type of medicinal or psychoactive.

If your giving out these substances it's your responsiblity to make sure the person is safe, explain to them the dangers and make sure you know of them yourself!
I'd like to remind everyone here that tetrahydroharmine (THH) is a weak SSRI and it's taken with DMT all the time in the form of ayahuasca. That combination seems to be very safe.

SWIM has tried THH in combination with DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, bufotenine, and even coffee and never had the slightest bit of a reaction. SWIM has tried up to 300 mg orally.

The natives use banisteriopsis caapi with all sorts of additive plants, not just those that contain DMT. Some add coca, some add tobacco, some add datura, and even caffeine containing plants!

So apparently not all SSRI’s are the same. THH seems to be extremely safe, but it’s only a weak SSRI.
Been taken zolof 3 months spice is the same with or without. I do not advocate this but there may be some people with brain chemestry that allows them to do aya wile on SSRIs. i have a nice one already melted into 20 screens in stand glass water pipe. Just smoked small amount of rue. I got some Black Sabbath Dio Years.
Then it will be The Doors during lift off.
69ron said:
I'd like to remind everyone here that tetrahydroharmine (THH) is a weak SSRI

Are you having laugh mate ? ILPT know THH as a weak MAOI (RIMA actually ) not as an SSRI.
about RIMA
RIMAs, a subset of monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), inhibit only isoenzyme A and are reversible. They are displaced from monoamine oxidase in the presence of tyramine, rather than inhibiting its breakdown in the liver as general MAOIs do. Additionally, isoenzyme B remains free and continues to metabolize tyramine in the stomach, although this is less significant than the liver action. Thus, a special diet does not need to be so strictly adhered to, although eating excessively large amounts of tyramine-containing foods is not advisable.
While safer than general MAOIs, RIMAs still have highly dangerous and sometimes fatal interactions with many common drugs; in particular, they can cause serotonin syndrome when combined with almost any antidepressant or stimulant
about MAOI
Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors
The monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) were some of the first antidepressant medications developed. The neurotransmitters responsible for mood, primarily norepinephrine and serotonin, are also known as monoamines. Monoamine oxidase is an enzyme which breaks these substances down. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors, as the name implies, inhibits this enzyme, thus allowing a greater supply of these chemicals to remain available.There are two isoforms of monoamine oxidase, MAO-A and MAO-B. MAO-A preferentially deaminates serotonin, melatonin, epinephrine and norepinephrine. MAO-B preferentially deaminates phenylethylamine and trace amines. Dopamine is equally deaminated by both types. Many formulations have forms of fluoride attached to assist in permeating the blood-brain barrier, which is suspected as a factor in pineal gland effects.
* Isocarboxazid (Marplan)
* Moclobemide (Aurorix, Manerix, Moclodura)
* Phenelzine (Nardil)
* Tranylcypromine (Parnate contents 5 mg, Jatrosom contents 10 mg)
* Nialamide
* Iproniazid (Marsilid, Iprozid, Ipronid, Rivivol, Propilniazida)
* Iproclozide
* Toloxatone
* Linezolid (Zyvox, Zyvoxid), an antibiotic of the oxazolidinone family, is a reversible, nonselective MAOI which has been known to induce serotonin syndrome post SSRI ingestion. Zyvox requires the same dietary precautions as other MAOI's
* Many tryptamines have MAOI properties. Harmine (present in Harmal, Banisteriopsis caapi, and tobacco) is a powerful MAOI, which is often used as one of the ingredients of ayahuasca. Certain synthetic tryptamines such as AMT, 5-MeO-DMT or 5-MeO-AMT produce only minor MAO inhibition. The phenethylamine derivatives substituted with a sulfur at the 4-position, such as 2C-T-7 are quite potent MAO-A inhibitors,[5] which makes them potentially dangerous when taken in large doses, or when combined with stimulants such as ephedrine or MDMA. Some deaths have occurred from such combinations.
* Dextroamphetamine [2]
* Methylene blue

* Type B selective inhibitors
* Selegiline
* Rasagiline
(source Wikipedia)

about SSRI
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
SSRI stands for Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor. These medications work, as the name implies, by blocking the presynaptic serotonin transporter receptor. They have varying degrees of selectivity for the other monoamine transporters, having little binding affinity for the noradrenaline and dopamine transporters. This drug differs from the tricyclics in that it's action is specific to serotonin only. It's effect on norepinephrine is indirect, through the fact that falling serotonin "permits" norepinephrine to fall so preserving serotonin preserves norepinephrine.
Drugs in this class include (trade names in parentheses):

* citalopram (Celexa, Cipramil, Dalsan, Recital, Emocal, Sepram, Seropram)
* dapoxetine (no trade name yet; not yet approved by the FDA)
* escitalopram (Lexapro, Cipralex, Esertia)
* fluoxetine (Prozac, Fontex, Seromex, Seronil, Sarafem, Fluctin (EUR), Fluox (NZ), Depress (UZB), Lovan (AUS))
* fluvoxamine (Luvox, Fevarin, Faverin, Dumyrox, Favoxil, Movox)
* paroxetine (Paxil, Seroxat, Sereupin, Aropax, Deroxat, Rexetin, Xetanor, Paroxat)
* sertraline (Zoloft, Lustral, Serlain)
* zimelidine (Zelmid, Normud)
(source Wikipedia)

So did any SWIM take any SSRI listed above with bufotenine or crude yopo extract or yopo snuff ???

Just to be complete there are other group of antidepressants called Tricyclics
Tricyclics, also known as heterocyclics, came into broad use in the 1950's. These antidepressant drugs inhibit the nerve cell's ability to reuptake serotonin and norepinephrine, thus allowing a greater amount of these two substances to be available for use by nerve cells.
And new antidepressants which are unclassified- Others
Five newer antidepressants which do not fit into the above categories are: buproprion (Wellbutrin), nefazodone (Serzone), trazodone (Desyrel), venlafaxine (Effexor), and mirtazapine (Remeron).

The mechanism of bupropion's antidepressant activity is poorly understood, but is thought to be mediated through noradrenergic or dopaminergic pathways or both.(1)

Nefazodone and it's precursor trazodone both inhibit neuronal reuptake of serotonin and, to a lesser extent, norepinepherine. They also blocks postsynaptic 5-HT2 receptors.

Venlafaxine is a compound that is structurally unrelated to other antidepressants.(2) Like the TCAs, venlafaxine inhibits the neuronal uptake of both serotonin and norepinepherine. Venlafaxine has dose-dependent, sequential effects on the uptake pumps for serotonin and then norepinephrine.. At 75 mg/day, venlafaxine is predominantly a serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SRI) like the SSRIs. At 375 mg/day, it produces comparable norepinephrine uptake inhibition to an NSRI such as desipramine.(3)

Mirtazapine's unique mechanism of action does not involve enzyme inhibition or blockade of neurotransmitter reuptake. Mirtazapine increases the release of norepinepherine from central noradrenergic neurons by blocking the presynaptic inhibitory alpha-2 autoreceptors. It spares the alpha-1 postsynaptic receptor and therefore results in net increase noradrenergic transmission.

For sure antidepressants from different groups doesn`t like each other and combo(e.g. Celexa & Nardil) may be fatal. But how about yopo seeds, it`s enough maoi`s in them to interact with SSRI`s medicine such a Citalopram ? :?:
No, no, no. Tetrahydroharmine (THH) is a weak SSRI. All the recent studies show this is the case. It is also a weak MAOI (RIMA actually).

If you like I can give some references to that fact.
The nice thing about THH that SWIM recently discovered is that 200 mg of THH is able to orally activate 20 mg of DMT. Unlike harmine and harmaline, THH leaves the mind in top condition, it doesn’t muddy the waters. SWIM tried the combination once, and it was the best oral DMT trip SWIM ever had. The lucidity was comparable to acid and there were NO SIDE EFFECTS.

The fact that THH is both a weak SSRI and a weak MAOI seems to make it one of the best things to use to orally activate DMT. As an SSRI, it keeps the DMT in the brain. As an MAOI, it allows it to get absorbed orally. And because it can no effects on your ability to concentrate or think clearly, and it has visual effects on its own, it greatly enhances the DMT experience.

As an SSRI, it doesn’t seem dangerous. Again, it’s a weak SSRI. How weak I’m not sure.
69ron said:
No, no, no. Tetrahydroharmine (THH) is a weak SSRI. All the recent studies show this is the case. It is also a weak MAOI (RIMA actually).

If you like I can give some references to that fact.

Do you have any links where one can verify it.:?: :?:
69ron said:
No, no, no. Tetrahydroharmine (THH) is a weak SSRI. All the recent studies show this is the case. It is also a weak MAOI (RIMA actually).

If you like I can give some references to that fact.

Do you have any links where one can verify it.:?: :?:

endlessness said:
69ron is right.. THH is indeed a weak SSRI, and there's plenty of reference to back that up

Give us some, then:!:
Aw, so Tihkal is the source. But do we trust him. You alone wrote somewhere that he was more into phenylethylamines then into tryptamines. What if this info is misleading. Any other sources?:?:
Dude I'd rather not argue. It's not just TiHKAL. All of the recent studies show this is the case. I wouldn't state it as fact unless there was proof. If it wasn't a fact, I'd state it as my opinion or my belief.

Here's more: http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=1880298

I definitely don't want to argue about facts. There's no point in it.

If you can find a site that clearly states that THH is NOT a weak SSRI, then post it and then maybe there’s an argument to be had, but I’ve never seen such information published anywhere. The only information that exists states that it is a weak MAOI, and the newer information states that its also a weak SSRI. That’s not information I made up. Its from other scientists doing studies on it.
69ron said:
Dude I'd rather not argue.

I definitely don't want to argue about facts. There's no point in it.

Sorry mate no one is arguing, just chill out. ILPT has fixed in his head that THH is RIMA only, now you prove him wrong. Many thanx. 😉 That`s why I like this forum you can learn every day something new.
However nobody answered my mate question about yopo and proper SSRI :cry:
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