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Stop strong ayahuasca trip

Not really, I’ve read that benzodiazepines can be used safely to dampen the effects, but since I have no experience with it I can’t really advise you.

I can advise you to start low and work your way up accepting whatever is presented to you. Slowly learn how to manage difficult trips. Now if you do decide to proceed and take some initiative come back and tell us how it went.

Read this, it answers all your questions.
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Some things i've found useful/handy are: music with good headphones, Tobacco (either smoking or snuffing), focusing on breathing and calmly/deeply breathing, throwing up helps as well at least ime, also certain herbal teas like Lemon Balm tea (3 to 4 grams) or Passion Flower if you have/can drink it (you can also smoke it ime for a similar mild GABAergic effect, same i think for Skullcap maybe), you can use a benzo for it's GABAergic properties, if you absolutely need it you can take an anti-psychotic which is known as a "trip killer" to block off the Serotonin 2A receptor at the least, which is contrary to people labeling benzo's "trip killers" whereas they are moreso calming/anti-anxiety agents which can relax/calm you and reduce the bodyload and intensity, which Lemon Balm and Passion Flower and Skullcap and Amanita and some other things fall into that GABAergic category as well. You may also try changing up your setting, like going outside if you're inside or inside if you're outside, maybe take a nice hot/warm shower (which feels absolutely amazing btw), or get nice and cozy in the bed and just "let go", ya know? Other than all that though, you pretty much just have to let go and surrender either way, remember that you've taken these compounds (Harmalas and DMT), they have active effects at different receptors in the body, they have a duration and phases, the come up doesn't last that long and will pass no matter how intense it may be it will pass, so as they say, pretty much just gotta go along for the ride, everything will be alright.

I really do recommend music though, especially starting it before the DMT starts coming up, so like what i do is take the Harmalas, wait an hour and then take the DMT while i'm listening to music, and as i'm listening to music and getting in a good headspace/mindset the DMT starts kicking in and coming up and the music helps to guide the experience in a positive direction and gives you something to focus on rather than focusing on the bodyload and intensity. So have music playing, preferably with headphones, before you start coming up on the DMT, and it'll make the transition a bit smoother, at least ime. If you're already in the throes of the come up though, you can still put on some music and it can be enough to turn your headspace around for the better, but since one might be already rattled due to the intensity, it can be a bit more difficult sometimes to get into the music because one can be too focused on the intensity, so the key imo is to have music going before you start coming up so that the headspace is already in a good place, and then just focus on the music rather than the bodyload, and try to calm/quiet the mind, which focusing on the music also helps with.

One of the main things i recommend though, is to simply sip on the DMT-containing tea for 10 to 15 minutes, you can do this with Mimosa, Acacia, Chacruna, Chaliponga, or even pure DMT dissolved into some sort of liquid maybe flavored liquid (that would be nice lol), and you just take the Harmalas, and an hour later have you a cup of tea and take small sips of it here and there so that you drink it all within 10 to 15 minutes. Sipping on the DMT within that time frame ime will smooth out the come up and reduce the come up intensity, so that the experience is still powerful but you have a much smoother lift off. Whereas if you take say, pure DMT in a capsule, or DMT in a small Ayahuasca shot, or DMT in a small shot in general, it's going to absorb and kick in pretty much all at once, and thus will be very intense during the come up. By sipping on the DMT, you can effectively kinda stretch out the come up and it'll kick in a bit more like if you were to sip alcohol or something vs slamming it all back at once. That is imo/ime the best way to smooth out the come up intensity while maintaining maximum effect and without having to add anything else to the mix.

As far as GABAergics go, i recommend Lemon Balm tea because it's a natural alternative to pharmaceutical benzos, and while mild in comparison, 3 to 4 grams of Lemon Balm works wonders for removing the bodyload from Ayahuasca and reducing the intensity, while providing relaxative and anti-anxiety properties, it also lightens things up and makes things a bit more positive. Benzos on the other hand, can be safely used while on Ayahuasca if you need/have it, but i would recommend the lowest/minimum effective dosage, so that you don't dull things down, benzos are different in their mechanism of action in comparison to Lemon Balm and so benzos can have a stronger effect and can dull things down if you take too much, Lemon Balm at higher dosages may dull things down a little but it's usually always been pretty clear/clean feeling to me, and it works like a charm.

But like i said, try a nice shower sometime, whether during the come up or during the peak or what not, it feels amazing.
I have to go into work, but just a few real quick (some of which have likely been covered.
Breathe: focus solely on this. Whenever your focus shifts, gently bring it back to breath.
Warm shower or bath can calm the nervous system.
Light ambient music can also calm nerves.
I'd avoid benzos but CBD is very very helpful. Take a fair amount.

One love
...Breathe: focus solely on this. Whenever your focus shifts, gently bring it back to breath....
Along these lines I do this:

The mind easily gets roller coaster in such situations. Things can pop up in the mind with consequent emotional loads attached to it making the ride even harder.
For the mind to not make things worse one could try to shut it up, or Zen it, but that doesn't fly usually.

So if I can't stop that tornado mind, I give it a dedicated task and try to nail it to that task only:
1) use the mind as your breathing manager, use the mind so you keep having nice slow deep breathwork, follow those with the mind.
2) use the mind to have contact or focus or awareness of you skeleton, begin with the mind an identification process with your whole skeleton and confirm that this is you.

If you do those 2 points that is plenty enough to keep your mind occupied, and those 2 points wil not generate excess emotions on top of the already hairy ride.
Usually I do this in silence.

The referring to the skeleton is not arbitrary chosen. It is the densest most earthly part of you, closest to rocks and furthest from emotional layers, it is strong and defies time, even remains after you're death. It is a safe haven to return to. It does not matter much, or least, the faster vibrations, it represent your lowest octaves, the base, the ground.
Residing in your skeleton is like what an external armor could do, but internal.
I've not read this anywhere but was intuitively guided to these values.

What also works for me, start yawning, long and deep, seems to interrupt the trip somehow to a level.

Another hint once posted here (haven’t done that so far)
humming,... making soft long noises...
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Niacin can stop or significantly reduce the effects of a trip, but I'd start getting your body adapted to the flushing effects prior to potentially needing it, you want the version with flush (not niacinamide, you want nicotinic acid aka niacin). 250mg twice a day, titrating upwards until you can get to 1-1.5g without uncomfortably flushing.

For reference, it nearly completely stopped a 8.5g MHRB tea experience dead in it's tracks when I overdid it one time. Although, I was bummed when it kicked in, because the trip actually settled into itself nicely by then :/

edit: I took about 4g's of Niacin to stop that 8.5g MHRB trip. I've taken 2.5g's to stop a high dose mushroom trip in the past when things got a bit psychosis-y. Once you don't flush at 1-2g's, you won't really flush at any higher dose.

All the benefits of taking a benzo to kill a trip without the nasty side effects. I don't recommend killing a trip unless it's absolutely necessary though, a lot of lessons are learned during the tough ones.
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Niacin can stop or significantly reduce the effects of a trip, but I'd start getting your body adapted to the flushing effects prior to potentially needing it, you want the version with flush (not niacinamide, you want nicotinic acid aka niacin). 250mg twice a day, titrating upwards until you can get to 1-1.5g without uncomfortably flushing.

For reference, it nearly completely stopped a 8.5g MHRB tea experience dead in it's tracks when I overdid it one time. Although, I was bummed when it kicked in, because the trip actually settled into itself nicely by then :/

This has been fascinating, even when I was young I heard about the effect of vitamin B3, although I have never tried it myself it is described in literature in 1955. Not much else has been published about it after, and anekdotes seem to contradict each other.

Maybe we should, for sake of science try it with a group.

Here is the reference, I need to check but I think I have access to the whole article and can download it if needed.

We've also theorised Cyproheptadine could dampen or stop a trip to a degree. But nil reports back on nexus as of yet. There is some anecdotal evidence online but it's unsure if it would be as effect post doses and likely dependant on pyschedlic ingested.
This has been fascinating, even when I was young I heard about the effect of vitamin B3, although I have never tried it myself it is described in literature in 1955. Not much else has been published about it after, and anekdotes seem to contradict each other.

Maybe we should, for sake of science try it with a group.

Here is the reference, I need to check but I think I have access to the whole article and can download it if needed.

Niacin is an interesting compound. It's also thought to be anti-aging (it has similar effects as NAD+, if not more-so and way cheaper - Niacin and NAD+ ). It's also thought to stop schizophrenic episodes (Niacin and schizophrenia). Bill W, the founder of AA realized the benefits and ended up going on a Niacin crusade in his later years, which the medical community didn't take to (Bill W and Niacin).

I've began taking it daily in high doses. This book, which in full transparency I haven't read, is the source for most information on it (Niacin: The Real Story - Abram Hoffer)

Niacin - nature's benzo :)
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