Archmage said:
Guys, on 2nd and 3rd flushes. After dunk do I need to re-roll in vermiculite???
Hey there
hrm, its optional but should be avoided.... You could roll again after a dunk BUT there is the issue of increasing the possibility of contaminating your cakes.
As your cakes sit in your FC, with you spraying and fanning them several times daily, they are being exposed to all kinds of contaminants, now if a say trich spore lands on a fully colonized cake, then there is little available food for the spore to eat, so it just sits on the outside of the cake, with all the spraying it is getting it will probably germinate, but it will have no food and the outside of the cakes dry out somewhat between sprays, along with the contam resistant immune system your cubensis mycelium has, the trich spore / growth will likely die a premature death, without colonizing your cake/s.
If you roll again, you will put new verm on the cake providing better water retention, and more potential pinning points, but you run the risk of trapping any foreign spores that have fell on the cakes, between the cakes and the new vermiculite you just rolled your cake/s in. This creates a micro environment for contams to potentially take hold of your cakes.
Usually one good roll when you have dunked them after birthing, is all that is usually needed, if you ensure that your cakes are fully covered in DRY verm and then left for say 10 mins before you spray them, then usually this verm will stay with the cakes and they should not need re-rolling.
But if you are curious why not try re-rolling just one cake, see how it goes?