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Techniques for evaporation


I am in me
I have never extracted DMT before, and whenever I read TEKs, I find myself most hung-up on the evaporation step (if applicable).

I wonder how to do it, practically. First of all, I wonder what temperature to have; though that would depend on the non-polar solvent used, so I guess I can just look at the evaporation rates of different NPs.

But, the question then becomes, how do I achieve this temperature whilst also adequately ventilating the area? Opening windows may make it too cold, given I live in Norway and it's at the end of winter right now. I wonder if I could perhaps put the DMT-NP dish inside a small room, open a window, place a fan blowing over the dish (not always recommended I see) and then put a small heater in the room? From experience, the heater at max wattage makes the room quite hot. I also wonder, is there a risk of the NPs making the room smell after the evaporation is finished, and if so, for how long?

I understand that this is probably one of those things I have to experiment with given that a lot of the parameters here are very situation-specific. But do you have any general tips?
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Depending on the solvent it can get very smelly if the evaporation is rapid. Also putting a heater in the same room where flammable fumes can build up is not something we would recommend.

The ventilation part is a good one though, and I think keeping the room at 20C with good ventilation should be fine for having a slow evap.

Then again, why not go the route of freeze precipitation? That way you can reuse your solvents many times, which is much better for the environment (and way less toxic fumes in your home).

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Depending on the solvent it can get very smelly if the evaporation is rapid.
During the evaporation, I presume? What about afterwards? Are there materials liable to hold onto the smell? The room ostensibly best fit for my purposes right now is a bedroom, so I wonder if the bed's materials and fabrics may soak up the vapor.

Also putting a heater in the same room where flammable fumes can build up is not something we would recommend.
Yes, I was afraid of this. Even if the overall temperature is not high enough for ignition, I expect some of the vapor could condense onto a hot part of the heater and ignite. Another option would perhaps be to place the dish on the bathroom floor and crank up the floor's heating.

The ventilation part is a good one though, and I think keeping the room at 20C with good ventilation should be fine for having a slow evap.
I saw a post that said having a fan blowing across the top of the dish could cause the production of DMT-oxide. I don't know if that matters much though.

Then again, why not go the route of freeze precipitation? That way you can reuse your solvents many times, which is much better for the environment (and way less toxic fumes in your home).
You know, the more I read, the more freeze precipitation seems like the way to go for me. I just wanted to read up a bit more on the evaporation route before settling on a route.

Thank you so much for your fast reply!
During the evaporation, I presume? What about afterwards? Are there materials liable to hold onto the smell? The room ostensibly best fit for my purposes right now is a bedroom, so I wonder if the bed's materials and fabrics may soak up the vapor.
An evaporation is best not to be done in a place where you stay for a long time, so a bedroom would not be the ideal choice.

The fabrics can indeed soak up parts of the fumes from the air and linger for days afterwards.

Yes, I was afraid of this. Even if the overall temperature is not high enough for ignition, I expect some of the vapor could condense onto a hot part of the heater and ignite. Another option would perhaps be to place the dish on the bathroom floor and crank up the floor's heating.
That would be a much better place, also since most bathrooms have good ventilation versus moisture anyway.

I saw a post that said having a fan blowing across the top of the dish could cause the production of DMT-oxide. I don't know if that matters much though.
If you do this for a long time, like many days, especially when it's warm and in sunlight it can have a degrading effect on the DMT.

At room temperature however, and for a few hours only, it should not be an issue.

You know, the more I read, the more freeze precipitation seems like the way to go for me. I just wanted to read up a bit more on the evaporation route before settling on a route.
Freeze precipitation is amazingly easy and also the best option for the environment and even your wallet. Also it gives you less chance for anything nasty in the solvent to dry up and stay within your DMT crystals.

Just make sure that you have a fully closed container to put in the freezer, you can even wrap some cling-wrap around the container itself to create an extra seal versus any fumes entering your freezer.

It is IMHO by far the best method to get the DMT out of the solvent.

Thank you so much for your fast reply!
And thank you for being responsible with your extraction. 👍

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Freeze precipitation is amazingly easy and also the best option for the environment and even your wallet. Also it gives you less chance for anything nasty in the solvent to dry up and stay within your DMT crystals.
Ah that's very nice to hear. I think I will definitely take this route. Again, thank you for the help! I'll make sure to let the entities know that The Traveler helped me get there :ROFLMAO:
Even freeze precipitating, you might have to evap until it's a bit milky. Problem with freeze precipitating is ruining the food in your freezer getting the fumes in it.

If you do small extractions, it would have two advantages.
Evaping till it's milky in your bathroom would have less fumes.
You can freeze precipitate in a small mason jar which is pretty airtight. You can put that small mason jar in a tupperware container to really protect your food.

Plus, you can get better at it each time.
Evaping till it's milky in your bathroom would have less fumes.
You can freeze precipitate in a small mason jar which is pretty airtight. You can put that small mason jar in a tupperware container to really protect your food.
Thanks for this! I had no idea fumes were still a problem even in the freezer, so I'll definitely keep this in mind.
Plus, you can get better at it each time.
Yeah, I've heard getting better at it each time is a good strategy. Might have to try it out.
@Self-container I have personally found the route that works best for me and minimizes evaporation odors is to freeze precipitate, as suggested already. Pour the naphtha off into a mason jar with a coffee filter rubber banded around it to catch any floaters. You can reuse the naphtha in the jar for future extractions.

Next, put the lid back on your dish of frozen DMT, and turn it upside down and put it back in the freezer for about an hour. This will encourage any remaining naphtha run down onto the lid.

Finally, I remove the dish from the freezer, remove the lid while still inverted, then place the dish of frozen precipitant in my bathroom with a true exhaust fan and aim a gentle stand fan at it. Any remaining naphtha is gone in about an hour and a half, and the exhaust fan helps with the fumes noticeably.

I have also experimented with doing a partial evap prior to freeze precipitation, in the same manner as above. @Pandora suggested it to me, and it definitely helped in my most recent extraction. The idea is that it results in a more thoroughly saturated solvent going into the freezer and therefore better results precipitating.

@brokedownpalace10 as long as you aren’t placing a dish of hot naphtha directly into the freezer, I don’t imagine there is much of a risk here, at least none at all in my own experience. If you have had trouble with this, please elaborate so I can prevent making the same mistake <3
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The idea is that it results in a more thoroughly saturated solvent going into the freezer and therefore better results precipitating.
Ah makes sense, I'll do that :)

Pour the naphtha off into a mason jar with a coffee filter rubber banded around it to catch any floaters.
What are these floaters (if you know), and what ought I do with them? Is there any extraction to be made from them?

@brokedownpalace10 as long as you aren’t placing a dish of hot naphtha directly into the freezer, I don’t imagine there is much of a risk here, at least none at all in my own experience. If you have had trouble with this, please elaborate so I can prevent making the same mistake <3
I personally have not, but Ive read of a few who have. However, I think they were putting a tray with plastic wrap only on top into the freezer. What container do you use?
What are these floaters (if you know), and what ought I do with them? Is there any extraction to be made from them?
Usually DMT crystals stick to the side and bottom of the container. However, when decanting, some DMT crystals might get loose and then we call them "floaters". So they are DMT crystals that you want to keep.

You might use a very fine mesh or filter to catch these floaters, after you have caught them put them back into the container together with the other DMT crystals.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
@Self-container what @The Traveler said! Sorry for not clarifying. If you use a coffee filter like I described, just set it to dry with your collection tray and collect the crystals once dry.
I would put any floaters you catch directly back into the container, else they might just melt into the filter.

@brokedownpalace10 I like using the rectangular Pyrex dishes - easy to scrape and nice wide surface area for evaporation.
If you use a Pyrex dish, use multiple layers of cling-wrap to make it airtight before you put it into your freezer.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
So I've picked up a project that someone started and have no idea the ratio of bark to lye or even how many time it's been pulled I'm having trouble pouring off the nap I don't like using filters
So I've picked up a project that someone started and have no idea the ratio of bark to lye or even how many time it's been pulled I'm having trouble pouring off the nap I don't like using filters
Or punctuation, it would seem. Are you asking for specific advice?

You can use a turkey baster to remove the naphtha.
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