Esteemed member
Don't use boiling water on already scarified seeds... it is only to penetrate the outer coat on untreated seeds, causing them to swell. Doing so to an already scarified seed will probably kill it. Filing it down or nicking it means that it no longer requires heat to swell in water. Once swollen you can either sow straight into your potting mix or you can germinate them in darkness on a damp towel. Putting a mug over the top works well.
Just be careful not to hit the inner layer that contains the cotyledon.. this is why using a razor blade or scissors is risky compared to say a nail file which is more gradual.
Boiling seeds without scarifying them works fine too.. if using bulk seeds I'd just do that. If you have limited seeds or they are very precious to you then filing it down carefully and soaking in cold water will give you better results.
Hope to see some of your plants soon Phyllode_Pickler!
Today I had a quick look at the seeds and we finally have A. Acuminata!!
Very happy to see the first one through, I did half with just boiling water and the other half with the nail file and cold water I tried for a week in the ziplock bag with a damp cloth figuring that we had 23-29°C for the week they should germinate in that but there was nothing. This week was forecast cooler so I got them into pellets and put the tray on the heat pad. The first one through in 2 days it was a boiling water seed.