Lindsay2260 & mattw1994:
I think my Voopoo drag 2 sets tcr automatically.
Asking for help gets difficult if the actual settings of your device are hidden behind a device specific preset. Check if manual TCR mode is available. Refer to your modbox manual. Or experiment and see what works.
I think the temperature is right but i think the preset should be .9 ohms.
The ohms isn't a preset, but the resistance your modbox measures your mesh to be, see post above.
Note for everyone:
resistance is measured at room temp. Disregard the resistance change during powering. When talking about coil (mesh) resistance, refer to room temp resistance only. The VandyVape SS316L 150 mesh rol (cut to a short length to fit in the original VandyVape RDA cap) should measure a resistance between 0.20 - 0.25 ohm. If I remember correctly my 7cm long 150 mesh measures around 0.40 ohm.
I havn’t used it yet but my friend did. It was with the voopoo drag 2. The ohm was set at .2 and 208 degrees. I do not have a new drip tip yet so had to use the one that comes with it. The first time he inhaled it and coughed everything right out because he was not ready for such dense vapor to come out so quick.
Which TCR are you using? What max wattage (limit) did you set?
I have a voopoo drag 2 mini. Lower the temp to 180c and use 20W - Pulse 5 on, 2 off, 3 on, 2 off - by this time you should have cleared everything (although 3 on again wouldn't hurt) Or use Fit setting 2 at the same temp. Hold fire for 6 seconds and away you go. The first time I tried 220c, I nearly choked myself out. Scary. Burnt spice. 180c is good.
In TC mode did you select SS (steel)? If so your mods SS preset TCR could be wrong. If the TCR is wrong the measured temp displayed could be lower than the actual temp and your spice will burn at "220 C" (in this case its not really 220 C but higher). Change TCR manually or lower temp, either option will do the trick.
I'll stick with Fit setting #2 (Flavour set) and not pulse. I'm using SS316L mesh. What Ohm?.22
"Fit setting #2" is a device specific preset. It might work, but complicates our discussion.
Just to be sure: if you ask what ohm thinking you need set the ohm yourself, see post above.
The thing is everyone could experiment using 50 different settings on 100 different devices. Each of us could find a sweat spot. Sure. But this is not optimal for discussion and will lead to 50 extra post pages. Instead we should standardize. First try the agreed upon devices and settings. Report back if these settings work, if you optimized further, or use something else with success.
Standardized settings
Mode: Temperature control with manual TCR
Temp: 210 C
Max Watt: 35W
TCR: 090-110 TCR for SS316, or 140-150 TCR for SS304
We are one page further talking about device specific presets with unknown TCR's.
Preferably set your TCR manually.