There are many reports of "break-throughts denials" and just as many advises to stop using for a while, or using with a better intention "because DMT thinks so and is forbidding you to pass".
I do believe that there is more to these substances than just a neurological effect which makes you high. Besides the whole alternative reality thing, it feels like there is some sort of "intelligence" involved. Less noticeable when you smoke DMT a couple of times, more when you partake in the oral route. Most experienced ayahuasca drinkers can tell you this. Not scientific double blind study proof (we don't have the tools and brain capacity to measure everything yet). But an interesting empirical / anecdotal observation nonetheless. Given the amount of people experiencing the same, certainly not one to be disregarded. Indeed you could argue that this experience is an illusion and that it's just a deeper part of yourself, your own subconscious. But then again, you could end all conversations by saying "all is
maya, we are one, everything is sub atomic star dust vibrations". Such remarks however have little value from the perspective of our state of being.
To me the intelligence feels external, as if it's based on information from a different "collective consciousness" pool than the human one. Or, as if the substances change our "frequency" making us tap into an other "knowledge source". Just two of many theories about something our current mind can never grasp. What matters is not "why" the intelligence is there, or "what" it is, but that it's present. Something which cannot be explained can still exist. Most people triggered by neural network mechanisms evolutionary evolved for clan forming purposes which output religion and conservative bias (present for survival technical reasons), have trouble accepting the last sentence - but that's another story.
Although these substances can be fun to use, to many DMT, psilocybin, etc are not recreational drugs. You can try use them as such, but when you do the chances are that their intelligence will steer your away from doing so. The chance also exist, that after you are guided into the path of self/cultural-improvement, your ego retaliates by making you feel "super special", adding a "serious mindset" (tired of my quotations yet?) to the whole endeavor. That's just a stage and again an other story. The point now is that you gotta ask yourself, what's your intention to smoke spice after getting drunk? You've posted doing so multiple times.