Propello said:
I tested the TAF Sai yestereday, put 30mg in the bowl. I tested it with the following setting:
Temp mode NI, standard TCR
max 25w
max 200 degrees C.
prewarmed the spice and cup at 140C, then turned it up to 200C, held fire button for 5 secs and draw. First draw was disappointing, I could feel there wasn't much vapo coming in my throat. Just a few faint visuals. For the second draw, I held the button for 10 seconds, until tthe vapor started to appear. Then inhale, but not so hard this time. This time I felt dense vapor with a bit burned taste, especially at the end of the draw. there were no spice left after the second draw.
The burnt taste ruined it a bit, but at least I got a quick trip to the domain of the elves, lasted only 6-7 minutes. I guess that the burning of some spice did
n't make this round optimal. But it has potential, and it easily beats the motar and Yocan evolve plus already after first try, in sense of using less spice/breakthrough.
The Sai definitively has a learning curve, and google didn't find much. The best source so far is the reddit link further up in the thread, where they use TCR 140.
I will rather try to find the best temperature settings in NI mode, as instructed by the producer. Also need to tune the preheat technique in order to get a one hitter.
Preliminary results seem to indicate that I should order the mesh RDA:grin:
Unfortunately there is a lot of conflicting info out there on the Sai settings. Even the manufacturer can't seem to keep their story straight on the ideal settings:
I'm going to predict that Ni mode at 330F/165-170c is going to be very similar to the TCR 240 @ 200c I've been using. You'll definitely have better luck with that. 200c on the Ni setting burns it for sure.
It definitely takes some time to get the technique and settings right on the Sai.
I think it will work a lot better next time if you try to inhale more slowly over a longer period of time. Five seconds isn't nearly long enough IME. I usually try to hold the button down and inhale for at least ten seconds
after it reaches max temp.
Since you're trying to do 30mg in one go, I'm thinking you should shoot for inhaling as slowly as possible, for at least 15 seconds
after it reaches max temp. Longer would be better if you can manage.
So far it's looking like even with proper technique, the Shanti tek may still be more effective for 1 hit BT's. I'm definitely thinking of ordering one at this point.
Thanks again for comparing these methods and documenting them. You're a true pioneer:thumb_up: