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The end of spiritualism

Migrated topic.
Science and spirituality don't contradict. I agree that for most spiritual phenomena it is more apropriate to seek for psychological explanantions than to seek for explanations rooted in particle physics.
But this doesn't contradict the spiritual notion in any way.

I would say that it even confirms the spiritual notion to a degree, since it would inevitably lead to the conclusion that spiritual experiences are real and not just made-up fantasy's of some people trying to make money (wich does also happen a lot ofcourse).

Another thing is that the existence of a god cannot be proven or disproven. Therefore as well believers as non-believers do right to consider science a more reliable source of facts about this world we live in, than ancient books, myth's or personal intuïtion's.

But to me this view goes very well with the belief in a spiritual realm. To me this world is a devine creation. So to me, the divine exists alongside with the material world. Therefore i think they would never contradict eachother and thus there would never be an interference of any kind from one side or the other since this would mean inevitably that one of the two worlds would overrule the other wich would in the end lead to contradictions and thus to the negation of one of the two worlds.

Therefore, seeking proof of the existence of god in science is a pointless notion to me, as well as the opposite.
Nicely said polytrip.

Errrm I could warble on about the many revelations of my recent Iboga experience, but I won't, because I already have.

But on that note, there is one thing I would like to discuss...and that is the experience of seeing with my eyes closed. Now, I was in a pitch black room at night, with a mindfold on, with my eyes closed. There was NO light source.

This was experienced not long after very vividly experiencing the opening of my third eye/pineal/crown chakra/mind's eye whatever (please bare in mind I'm not some rainbowed out, new age, third eye hugging freak). I am doing a science degree, and it is with a scientific mindset that I approach these experiences. But anyway the third eye opening, and my astral traveling down a long tunnel to the Iboga realm...well these had already made an impression on me, and things were just getting started...

A bit later in the experience, very suddenly, just like the appearance of the eye, the walls and then my entire room came into focus, lit in a silvery light. I put my hand in front of mindfold, with my eyes closed, in my pitch black room, and it made no difference. I moved my arm and hand in front of me, and could see it moving clearly. I could reach out and touch things around me. This wasn't an isolated occurrence. This ability remained with me for the next 24 hours or so. I could see any part of my room I wished to simply by willing myself to.

The moment this happened, it was very profound. I new what I was experiencing, I had considered COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE. And yet, here I was experiencing it with undeniable clarity. This might be hard for others to believe without having experienced it, but I am POSITIVE I was seeing with my eyes closed.

Now, I'm not attaching a spiritual label to this, but if science can provide a viable exclamation (and there must be one) I would very much like to hear it. (And no I don't buy the 'all your other senses were uber enhanced' vibe...I'm sure they were, but it does not allow one to see in the dark, or the 'it was from memory' excuse- it doesn't explain how I could clearly see my hand and arm as I moved them in front of me).
It's a very cool ability...how it works I don't think we humans are going to figure out for a while. As some of us know, the nature of consciousness is very strange.
The first time I visited Wyoming I set up my tent and meditated. When I closed my eyes I realized I could see the entire galaxy through my eyes closed, through the tent. I could not see the stars through the mountain, or earth, but they were visible through the trees...I was amazed...it was so beautiful. (sober, mind you)

in your case, with your room...
maybe you were the source of light?

I've looked at people in the dark and seen perfect symmetrical bioluminescence underneath...even more beautiful than jellyfish.

The third eye sometimes shines a light ... like a lantern into the higher octaves of consciousness... I don't care if I sound new agey too because I do not know how else to speak of this phenomena.

p.s. it could be that and or an echo location from the heart beat? hmm
Hey man thanks for that.

"The third eye sometimes shines a light ... like a lantern into the higher octaves of consciousness... I don't care if I sound new agey too because I do not know how else to speak of this phenomena."

That's IT man, you nailed it! Can't believe I didn't expand in that in my report. Yes my third eye was shining very brightly, projecting a powerful beam of light, that I could intensify with concentration, and apparently when sober, with meditation, according to my healer.

It is clear to me, and by the sounds of it you, that something very powerful and very real is going on here...just because it falls outside the realms of 'known' science doesn't mean it isn't a real phenomena...very interesting stuff.
burnt said:
all you have said is that quantum physics at this point from what we know cannot explain "spiritual phenomena" you are right... the universe is way more complex then that...
i think ken kesey had a great point when he said that those that focus purely on the answers seem to forget that the the answers do nothing but create more questions...
you have explained nothing! but you have come up with more questions... but questions dont disprove anything...
perpetuate the mystery at all costs...

How do you know how complicated the universe is without science? Religion and spirituality attempted to simplify the world with nonsense explanations about how it got there in the first place. Of course some spiritual beliefs say the universe is so complicated that we can never understand it which might be true but if we had that attitude we wouldn't be sitting here on computers talking about it.

I have explained something. I said that quantum mechanics does not explain spiritual phenomenon. As far as I know and most quantum physicists know what I said in my original post is correct.

well, well done... you explained that quantum physics does not explain spiritual phenomena... good for you. I agree. but what your alluding to is that this negates that spiritual phenomena still occurs and is not yet explained. You are not going to explain or have evidence to support your explanations of what spiritual phenomena is scientifically at this point, and if you do my point is all you will do is discover new questions.
if you ARE indeed correct ( i am not assuming you are, because your not really supporting your arguements enough for me too) that quantum physics does not explain spiritual phenomena ( which i do not think it does, however it lends some interesting QUESTIONS) all that does is lead to the search for more questions... you have not explained away spiritualist phenomena though.
burnt said:
But first I want to ask you all how has personal experience in your mind confirmed or expanded your spiritual beliefs? Saidin already said something about his/her story so if anyone else has any similar brief stories to add please do. I can even add some of my own (although now I see it much differently).

Then I want to smash all those hopes and beliefs :twisted: in a nice way.

Burnt, it is probably as simple as this: at an impressionable age I was taught there was this eerie Spirit that haunted our local church. You could tell the Spirit was present, because a red lamp signified Its presence.

No amount of scientific knowledge or clever rhetorics will smash this belief. It may be nothing more than some form of imprinting, like a duckling setting eyes on the first thing outside of its shell and thinking it is mother duck.

My knowledge of science has at least allowed me to view with distaste the way some people take certain unsubstantiated beliefs to be facts.

This probably isn't what you want to hear. You want to smash beliefs. I recognise my belief might be an illusion, but like taking a sledge hammer to a rainbow, it is a pointless effort really. And rainbows are so pretty anyway.
polytrip said:
Science and spirituality don't contradict. I agree that for most spiritual phenomena it is more apropriate to seek for psychological explanantions than to seek for explanations rooted in particle physics.
But this doesn't contradict the spiritual notion in any way.

I would say that it even confirms the spiritual notion to a degree, since it would inevitably lead to the conclusion that spiritual experiences are real and not just made-up fantasy's of some people trying to make money (wich does also happen a lot ofcourse).

Another thing is that the existence of a god cannot be proven or disproven. Therefore as well believers as non-believers do right to consider science a more reliable source of facts about this world we live in, than ancient books, myth's or personal intuïtion's.

But to me this view goes very well with the belief in a spiritual realm. To me this world is a devine creation. So to me, the divine exists alongside with the material world. Therefore i think they would never contradict eachother and thus there would never be an interference of any kind from one side or the other since this would mean inevitably that one of the two worlds would overrule the other wich would in the end lead to contradictions and thus to the negation of one of the two worlds.

Therefore, seeking proof of the existence of god in science is a pointless notion to me, as well as the opposite.

I must say excellect thread Burnt and thought provoking replys from all other posters as well. But my friend polytrip hits the nail on the head.

Anyone want to do the math on who is going to be responsible for more human deaths? The big churches and mystics or the scientists.

Science may win and find some big answers I hope so. Time will tell. On with the debate:wink:

Spirituality doesnt have to be some blabla belief. Spirituality can be an attitude. I dont believe in this or that form of god, and I dont think this is supposed to be the point of spirituality. Spirituality, to me, is about becoming more conscious, balanced and in tune with both ourselves and whatever surrounds us. This is an attitude, not a belief, and it doesnt deny science at all, and it doesnt need quantum physics to legitimize itself.

Science is incredibly necessary, but it is limited to the intellectual faculties, to a cold analytical view of the world. Spirituality, as I see it, includes science, but goes beyond it to other realms. Think, for example, about interpersonal relationships. Science cannot give you a formula on how to act in a relationship. One needs to 'feel it', to respond and 'think' emotionally, beyond formulas and proven facts. You cannot learn how to be patient, good-hearted, well meaning and generous by reading books and looking at graphs. Neither can you learn how to raise a child by books or advices.

To me, spirituality includes all of this realm also. Spirituality is about being 'in tune' with the surroundings, about being ecologically conscious, about being healthy, about being informed, having a balanced rational side, about striving for self-improvement.

Science cannot put down in intellectual language all the nuances of existence, though it can classify and put in words or formulas the 'backbone' or 'evident parts' of it, so to say.

I dont see spirituality as united with all this new age or religious beliefs and affirmations, but I see that some of the words can be positively interpreted and taken to daily life. The reading of certain spiritual writtings, can create awe-inspiring, goosebump-filled moments. Some stuff rings as true to one's inward conscience and has an unexplanable beauty. Check Rumi, for example.

But its also obvious, if one looks with a reasonably impartial look, that a LOT of religion/spirituality is based on mistaken assumptions, blind beliefs, misunderstanding of original words, bad translation or straight deception and editing by the ruling powers/selfish individuals.

In any case, also for science to make sense, blend with its context and not be a dead and abstract 'technification' of existence, one needs to look at it also with the emotion, and use it for useful purpouses. Death technology such as weapons, non-sustainable products and so on, are an example of bad aplication of science. Controling the masses and creating domesticated individuals and inculcating beliefs through religion is also an example of bad aplication of religion/spirituality. Science for sustainable and contextual development and useful balanced knowledge and technologies is a good example of science, just like using the 'emotional intuitive power of certain spiritual thoughts and techniques, and using it in daily life for becoming a better, healthier and more harmonious person in general, is a good application of religion/spirituality.

Science cannot talk about the 'beginning' or the 'end', and neither can any religious belief. There is always a (or many) singularities that are out of reach. There are always mathematical limitations, such as godel showed, or physical limitations, such as plank and the whole quantum mechanics showed. One can paint it as a mechanical linear clockwork dead machine, or one can paint the singularity with a beard and a magic staff, but its just one's painting. This 'uncertainty' or 'quantum' doesnt explain the hokus pokus that tarot people or 2012 says.. These things are just beliefs. But it does show that we can never know the full truth, that there is always a mistery at the horizon. This makes life beautiful
Perhaps its time for society to redefine the term spiritual, which has changed enormously since the days when Houdini was campaigning against the addiction people seemed to have with Medium's and their parlor tricks.
Seeing with your eyes close makes sense in the material world view. Its just your brain projecting an image with your eyes closed. It can happen. John lilly documented this years ago with his isolation tank experiments.

What I mean by spiritual should be redefined. As anything that exists apart from matter and energy that is intelligent and effects our planet. Of course there will be other kinds of matter and possible weirder aspects to the universe. But none of this suggests we have a soul or there is a spirit guiding the world.

But to me this view goes very well with the belief in a spiritual realm. To me this world is a devine creation. So to me, the divine exists alongside with the material world. Therefore i think they would never contradict eachother and thus there would never be an interference of any kind from one side or the other since this would mean inevitably that one of the two worlds would overrule the other wich would in the end lead to contradictions and thus to the negation of one of the two worlds.

Therefore, seeking proof of the existence of god in science is a pointless notion to me, as well as the opposite.

What is so divine about creation? How is it divine? What constitutes something that is divine?

The theistic god most likely doesn't exist. A deistic god could however but why believe in it for no reason? A god or spirit that interferes with our minds and our world probably doesn't exist. By that I mean an intelligent entity not some other unknown cosmic force that we haven't figure out yet. Perhaps there are other dimensions but I would hardly give them or anything within them the title "spirit". That's what I am getting at.

... you have not explained away spiritualist phenomena though.

claims about psychic abilities, contacting entities from beyond, souls, ghosts, and the like have NEVER been verified. The burden of proof isn't on me.

Concerning QM I brought up the three main aspects of QM that people use to say it explains spiritual phenomenon and refuted them. If you have a problem with my refutation address it specifically.
slidewinder said:
It's a very cool ability...how it works I don't think we humans are going to figure out for a while. As some of us know, the nature of consciousness is very strange.
The first time I visited Wyoming I set up my tent and meditated. When I closed my eyes I realized I could see the entire galaxy through my eyes closed, through the tent. I could not see the stars through the mountain, or earth, but they were visible through the trees...I was amazed...it was so beautiful. (sober, mind you)

in your case, with your room...
maybe you were the source of light?

I've looked at people in the dark and seen perfect symmetrical bioluminescence underneath...even more beautiful than jellyfish.

The third eye sometimes shines a light ... like a lantern into the higher octaves of consciousness... I don't care if I sound new agey too because I do not know how else to speak of this phenomena.

p.s. it could be that and or an echo location from the heart beat? hmm

However without knowing before hand I guarantee you could not extract any true information from your imagined stars for example the location of galaxies or the number of stars in a spot. This is called the imagination it does not mean you have magic powers.

Are you a fan of Castaneda?
burnt said:
A deistic god could however but why believe in it for no reason? A god or spirit that interferes with our minds and our world probably doesn't exist.

Did you even read my post? For someone who is raised to believe in God, it takes effort not to believe. Such a person is not believing for no reason - it has been instilled into them at an impressionable age that there is a God who is interested in their welfare.

From the perspective of someone not raised with such beliefs - sure, it would seem odd to decide one day to believe in something for which there is no evidence. I feel the same way about Scientologists, Mormons, Pink Unicorns, Flying Spaghetti Monster, etc.

Try and understand the situation from a perspective that is not your own.
Off Topic: Burnt, I hope your way of 'thinking,' your 'perception,' gives you and others around you happiness, that is all.

burnt, the disbelieving Thomas. Of course God exist and he made the man in his own image, as the Bible reveals it, and his name is That who has many names or even Jah the Ras Tafari. Absurd and funny enough is the approach of being who denies his own Creator, isn´t it? Go read the Holy scripture, I recommend the Psalm 115.
burnt said:
... you have not explained away spiritualist phenomena though.

claims about psychic abilities, contacting entities from beyond, souls, ghosts, and the like have NEVER been verified. The burden of proof isn't on me.

it is when you say that you have disproven it as the basis of your argument... and yoru not going to disprove it, but you can help people formulate better questions.
I haven't read this whole thread but I did read most of the first post and I can say this (apologies if someone else already said it): you have missed the point of the two slit experiment. The defraction pattern occurs because of the photons' interactions with one another (either re-enforcing their wavelengths or cancelling them out). It is obvious by the last picture that they are not randomly hitting the screen. But the two slit experiment goes a step further and sends photons (and in later experiments electrons and then protons) through the experiment individually. The fact that the defraction pattern still occurs is the mystery. If the pattern is accounted for by the individual particles interacting with each other how can the pattern occur when the particles are sent through individually without another particle to interact with? Unless they interact with themselves which would seem logically impossible by our macro understanding of reality and what the word particle means. What deepens the mystery further is that if you set a detector on the slits to see which slit the particle actually goes through then you lose the defraction pattern. One particle is sent in, one particle is detected going through one and only one slit and after a large number of particles are sent through, no interaction occurs and the placment of dots on the screen is truly random.

The last picture is an accumulation of hits. I am not disputing the fact that depending on the measurement (observation) electrons of photons have particle or wave like character. If you measure wave like character you get waves if you measure a particle property like position you get particle. Its even weirder that you can make this decision about the photon or electron even after it has left its source.

However the double split wave pattern will still come about as a result of statistical probability the more photons you wack it with. At first it appears random but as you hit the detectors more and more you get a double split wave interference picture comes into view. That's what the picture is showing.

I am saying the duality is misleading because they are the same but why call it a wavicle?

So whats waving?

The statistical distribution of many particle detections.

Lets quote two famous physicists who know way more then me on it (all from wiki so check the source but ive heard it elsewhere).

Richard Feynmann.

It's rather interesting to note that electrons looked like particles at first, and their wavish character was later discovered. On the other hand, apart from Newton making a mistake and thinking that light was "corpuscular," light looked like waves at first, and its characteristics as a particle were discovered later. In fact, both objects behave somewhat like waves, and somewhat like particles. In order to save ourselves from inventing new words such as "wavicles," we have chosen to call these objects "particles," but we all know that they obey these rules for drawing and combining arrows [representing complex values of wave functions] that I have been explaining. It appears that all the "particles" in Nature—quarks, gluons, neutrinos, and so forth (which will be discussed in the next lecture)—behave in this quantum mechanical way. [Emphasis as in the original]

L Ballentine

When first discovered, particle diffraction was a source of great puzzlement. Are "particles" really "waves?" In the early experiments, the diffraction patterns were detected holistically by means of a photographic plate, which could not detect individual particles. As a result, the notion grew that particle and wave properties were mutually incompatible, or complementary, in the sense that different measurement apparatuses would be required to observe them. That idea, however, was only an unfortunate generalization from a technological limitation. Today it is possible to detect the arrival of individual electrons, and to see the diffraction pattern emerge as a statistical pattern made up of many small spots (Tonomura et al., 1989). Evidently, quantum particles are indeed particles, but whose behaviour is very different from classical physics would have us to expect.

For someone advancing the scientism viewpoint you do not have a very solid understanding of the science you are referencing. Quantum mechanics decidedly does not say that things happen without cause. It says that things happen according to probabilistic tendencies.

By without cause I mean the universe at the quantum level is indeterministic.

You actually failed to address the question Saidin brought up of what role consciousness does or does not play in the collapse of the wave function. By definition the wave function collapse happens when the probability wave interacts in some way with the external world and the superposition of states resolves into a single defined state, which in this case is when it is measured by a conscious observer. Because the decision to measure or not to measure (or even what to measure) is made by consciousness, it would seem to suggest that that same consciousness has the final say in just if the wave function will collapse or not, which is the same thing as saying consciousness will decide if the particle will lose its superposition of states and resolve to a single state or not. In other words consciousness seems to have control over the quantum state of the object.

I believe this to be incorrect for the following reason.

Shrodingers wave formalism represents a wave as an abstract mathematical quantity. It gives the probability of finding a particle at a certain space at a certain time.

Realize though that the name wave function is a misnomer. Heisenberg's matrix mechanics its an abstract mathematical thing just as much. The wave function was developed because when it was developed the only examples were in the form of waves. Paul Dirac's has another mathematical formalism which represents quantum states by vector in abstract multidimensional space. It doesn't matter which one you use they all give the same indeterministic statistical results.

The fact is that even physicists are stuck as to explain the role of consciousness in this process. Some find it distasteful to think that consciousness could be involved and theorize that it is not (the majority), some like the idea and theorize that it is (the minority), and then some take great liberty with the facts and theorize that it means consciousness creates all of reality (not necessarily speaking of physicists in that last group). But the truth is that we do not know.

I am saying there is no evidence for a role of consciousness for because the reasons people use to say that consciousness plays a role are wrong and incorrect (which I've stated already). Also how do you explain the universe before there was human being with consciousness's walking around? How could anything exist? It must have though because we are here.

But there is something else wrong with your representation. The wave function is not just a “mathematical abstraction” it was the attempt to give accurate predictions to experiments that seemed to be violating the rules of classical physics. And it succeeded entirely in doing so. But explaining why it does succeed is where science has so far fallen short. How can a “particle” exist in a superposition of states in the first place? And how come every single time we check, without exception, we find that it does not exist in a superposition of states and instead exists in a specific state? The fact that single particles can be sent through the two slit experiment, and as long as we do not measure which slit they actually go through, will create an interference pattern supports the claim that they actually and truly exist in the superposition of states and not that the probability wave just describes a range of probabilities of where it might be found. The point is that quantum physics is saying that the particle does not have a defined location until we measure it, it is specifically not saying that we just don’t know it any better than probabilistically. Which again begs the question, what is so special about our measuring it that it actually gives the object a specific defined location when before it had none?

Look the idea that consciousness is causing it has no basis. An observer could be a stupid Geiger counter. The path of a particle cannot be determined unless its measured. What that means is that you do not decide the value of that measurement you merely observe that value which follows a probabalistic distribution.

I agree entirely as long as we are talking about the material world. But science can say absolutely nothing about consciousness/subjectivity and it cannot make qualitative judgments. So for example, where is the scientific evidence that honesty or compassion are better than dishonesty or cruelty? In fact I would guess that if you consider only the basis of survival or advantages to self, you would find that the scientific evidence would suggest that honesty and compassion are liabilities, especially when dealing with others who are neither honest nor compassionate. I however will tell you that based on my own knowledge obtained by purely spiritual methods, honesty and compassion are far superior to dishonesty and cruelty.

Science can't say whether dishonesty is better then compassion. Science can evaluate things about dishonest or honest people and societies but only we humans can make the judgement. Regardless it makes perfect sense that human beings evolved the ability to love and feel compassion for others in their group. It vastly benefited survival and increased cooperation. Its a positive trait in an evolutionary sense. That's why it feels right to most of us.

To which I again must ask you, where is your scientific evidence that only scientific knowledge is valid knowledge? If spirituality is forced to prove itself scientifically then science itself should be forced to do so first.

I don't need science to tell me that if I throw a rock in a pool its going to make a splash. That's just what I noticed always happens. That's way different then saying because I saw a ghost that means it was real.

Just to be clear, despite my critique of your knowledge of quantum physics, at least as represented in this thread, I am a believer in science. But having said that, I also do not believe that science is the only game in town. I see an almost zealot-like endorsement of scientism in this thread and I think you would do well to see that science is not the appropriate tool to examine matters that do not pertain to the material world. If on the other hand you want to suggest that the material world is the only world worth talking about then again I am going to have to ask you to scientifically prove it for me to even consider that notion to be worthy of consideration.

That assumes there is something beyond the material world. You consider consciousness to be beyond the material world. How can we say that consciousness exists beyond the material world when all evidence shows how our conscious experience is a result of the material world (our brain interacting with its environment in space and time).

Subjectivity, my experience, is completely valid to me. Science cannot measure it or detect it, it cannot say if it is accurate or not. But having had spiritual experiences I can tell you that it absolutely is valid. Science can make no value statements about using scientifically acquired knowledge to make power plants or to kill millions in a nuclear flash, but I can tell you from my spiritual perspective that it matters. I can also tell you that I have spiritually apprehended that there is a divine mystery at work in this universe, a sacred, spiritual, something. Just because science cannot validate my claim, does not make it an invalid claim. It just means that science is inadequate to judge the claim in the first place.

Assuming I have good eyes when they are open they get light this light our brain paints a picture with. Thus we are subjectivily experience the picture the light is painting in our brain. When your eyes are closed you don't see that light and you don't project an image of that light. You see my subjective experience changes as a result of objective reality. Its that simple.

I am not saying your claim is invalid. There is something at work in the universe. You just happen to call it divine which to me suggests non material or beyond reality. I see no reason to suggest that our universe is beyond reality or made up of anything non material (matter and energy even in forms we do not yet understand).

it is when you say that you have disproven it as the basis of your argument... and yoru not going to disprove it, but you can help people formulate better questions.

I said QM doesn't provide any evidence for ghosts or universal consciousness. I stated the reasons people say it goes. Those reasons are not correct.
What I mean by spiritual should be redefined. As anything that exists apart from matter and energy that is intelligent and effects our planet. Of course there will be other kinds of matter and possible weirder aspects to the universe. But none of this suggests we have a soul or there is a spirit guiding the world.

...but we ARE here all the same...he way you put it just sort of makes it seem all cold, not very special..and so ordinary..
The universe is here, its moving, things are living..growing, dying and being born...and it's so far beyond us as individuals..it would seem that there IS at least something guiding it all, call it science or not..I think we should be able to agree on that, and the fact that we have absoltily not come close to defining what that really is.

It's like the "big bang"...it's nothing more than the mythology of our time..yes, science plays a big role in defining the mythology of our era...but there is der more than one way to tell it to people. Language can be used to make something seem as big or small/significant or otherwise as one wishes..

So you kindly explain to someone that they're "spirituality" is wrong, that they are somehow confused or naive, uninformed, whatever...yet you dont even really know what that "spirituality" they are referring to consists of...

Like I said before..I AM here, we are all here..isn't that mysterious enough?? Science has never givenme any clue as to why its all here..who really cares about some universal throry that explains everything if it forgets the first chapter?? Sciece is awesome, I love science, and physics, I find it facinating, but it only takes us so far because it is based on what we can measure..

There is no doubt sooooo many things out there that we do not yet have the ability to measure, but one day will..but when has it ever been any different?? I dont believe that science is any closer to explaining the nature of the universe/multiverse/everything..whatever you call it.. Science has done aot to help foreward and improve human culture and understanding of technology, medicine etc..but what I want to make clear is that, the level of mystery, of questions we all want answers to, hasnt gotten any smaller in relation to what science tell us..new questions are being asked every day...

I dont understand how science would replace spiritualality, science is a system of measuring things...science is like a ruler, measuring out a grid on a page, and that page is the universe(or all that we can measure)..but what about the rest??surly that page exists within somewhere..and than even so, that place would have to exist somewhere..unless you think that it all just "ends"..whatever that even means. I dunno, I like science, but I feel like all you are saying is that scientists have measured things(which is inevitable)..
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