Rising Star
The Good: The 1st time I tried DMT was really my 1st & 2nd. I dipped my toe in the water, got excited & then waded in a little deeper..
(mind)Set: Relaxed & Curious
(physical condition) Set: Comfortable & Well slept
Setting (location): Reclining sofa at home
time of day: 9pm/9:10pm
recent drug use: 1 glass of Rum with dry ginger ale. 2ml of cannabis infused organic coconut oil, to aid sleep & back pain, 2 nights earlier
last meal: 8pm, BBQ sausages & salad
Gender: M
body weight: 90kg
known sensitivities: N/A
history of use: DMT virgin
Substance(s): DMT crystal
Dose(s): 20mg/50mg
Method of administration: Glass pipe
Administration time: 10 seconds/10 seconds
Duration:5 minutes/15 minutes
First effects: 10 seconds/5 seconds
Peak: 1-5 minutes/1-10 minutes
Come down:5 minutes/15 minutes
Baseline:10 minutes/25 minutes
Intensity (overall): 1/3
Evaluation / notes: An incredibly beautiful & life altering experience
Pleasantness: 2/3
Implesantness: 0/2
Visual Intensity: 2/3
Hangover: 0/0
Afterglow: 1/3 After my 1st try I felt excited, after my 2nd I was kinda lost in a comforting maelstrom of emotion, reflection & had a light body glow for 10 minutes
*A couple of points before I start:
I've never been much of a visual tripper. On acid & mushrooms in the past, I've more often enjoyed altered states of perception & intense emotions, rather than blatant visual hallucinations. There's something about my brain that doesn't easy except visual inconsistencies. It runs deep, I'll even realise that I'm dreaming if anything seems out of place & wake or become conscious inside the dream.
Also, I'll do my best to articulate my experience.. But the English language really doesn't suffice, I'm not sure any spoken language would..
I sat forward on the lounge, heating the bowl of a glass pipe with a jet lighter. My 2 companions & I were new to this, so we were assessing the heating technique, being careful not to burn the DMT. As the white mist began to rise, I took 2 decent tokes. (I was a bong smoker for a long time & am very comfortable with smoking techniques) The taste was certainly nothing like anything I'd tried before. In my opinion it wasn't unpleasant, my companions didn't agree.
I placed the pipe down & sat back in my chair, thinking a little too hard as I tried to analyse the sensations my body was experiencing. At this point it was just a mild effect, almost like the last stages of relaxation as you fall asleep. The room became crisp, sharper, like I was seeing it in a much higher definition.
I closed my eyes & was excited to realise that the usual blackness that greets me behind my eyelids was being interrupted.. Lines began to form, they were made of energy, somehow they seemed to be simultaneously red & gold. A snowflake like pattern materialized, radiating towards me in a cone shape. My best description is that I was standing inside a fluid, living, evolving mandala..? I existed silently inside this mandala for maybe 5 minutes, completely in awe of not only seeing these visuals, but being inside them. The blackness crept back in as the red/gold energy faded, I opened my eyes & said "Wow, that was intense". (I had no idea. That was nothing)
At this point I excitedly tried to explain what I'd seen & asked 1 of my companions to load the pipe up again, with more this time.. As he passed the pipe to me, he asked how my real world visuals were. (He had seen some intense open eyed visuals, but that's his story to tell. If he ever joins the Nexus) I explained to him that I don't really see visual hallucinations, even on large doses of acid or mushrooms.
I eagerly heated the pipe & took 3 large tokes.. Within seconds I started laughing, feeling like a fool, my vision distorted. I said "Yep, there's some real world visuals" as I watched the moonbeams from a picture spring to life & actually illuminate a small portion of the room. Everything began to vibrate & I mean everything, light, sound, all the world as I was perceiving it was vibrating. I placed the pipe on the table (possibly with some help, I'm not sure at this point) & sank into my chair.
I closed my eyes & rather than the gentle patterns I had experienced earlier, I was inside an intense fluid kaleidoscope. The patterns were infinitely detailed & made from every colour that exists. They kept folding into & out of themselves. I had the sensation that I was travelling through these patterns. At this point I was still very aware of my body, but it felt far off, like it could just cease to be there at any moment. I took comfort in the fact that I could hear my breathing. It was actually all that I could hear, incredibly loudly, with echoing distortions on each exhale.
Then everything changed. Instead of the patterns being inside a black void, the world around me was white. I was still being shown patterns, but they had more substance & were made from these amazing shades of blue, green & yellow. They drew me in & I felt my body slipping away. As I relaxed further my limbs felt like they were sinking. The blue, green & yellow were replaced by what I can only describe as a red, white & blue, tentacled fungus flower..? (In all honesty, that doesn't even come close to describing it. But it's the best I've got!)
It expanded towards me, enveloping me. It felt as if it was like a balloon being inflated around me & I had the sensation that I was inside a jumping castle that was deflating..? (Once again sorry, best I can do!) It was here that I really felt myself detaching from my body, it felt as if I was experiencing death. As the tentacled fungus flower completely smothered me, there was a flash of both white & blue light, simultaneously & yet completely apart from each other. I felt my cheeks sink into my face & that was the sensation that made me recoil. (I've seen someone pass & the way their face relaxes & their cheeks sink in always stayed with me) I frantically gripped my body & opened my eyes with a start.
It took me a while to collect my thoughts & reconnect with my body. It was difficult to put into words what I had just been a part of. At the time I believed that flower to be sentient (I'm not so sure after more recent events, but that's another story), a life form so alien in nature that we couldn't possibly connect on any level. I felt as if it wanted to absorb me. I thought that I had mentally prepared myself for the experience, after having read books, websites & listened to as many podcasts as I could on the subject. I thought I would be ready to surrender when the time was right.. Instead I was left sitting there, feeling like all my other psychedelic adventures had been in black & white, then DMT turned the colour on.
Since that night I've felt I might have some trust & control issues.. I certainly wasn't ready to surrender to something like that.. It was a powerful experience & I thoroughly enjoyed it. It left me feeling more curious than when I'd started.
Thanks to anyone that takes the time to read this wall of text & I'd appreciate any feedback. Cheers & safe travels people.
(mind)Set: Relaxed & Curious
(physical condition) Set: Comfortable & Well slept
Setting (location): Reclining sofa at home
time of day: 9pm/9:10pm
recent drug use: 1 glass of Rum with dry ginger ale. 2ml of cannabis infused organic coconut oil, to aid sleep & back pain, 2 nights earlier
last meal: 8pm, BBQ sausages & salad
Gender: M
body weight: 90kg
known sensitivities: N/A
history of use: DMT virgin
Substance(s): DMT crystal
Dose(s): 20mg/50mg
Method of administration: Glass pipe
Administration time: 10 seconds/10 seconds
Duration:5 minutes/15 minutes
First effects: 10 seconds/5 seconds
Peak: 1-5 minutes/1-10 minutes
Come down:5 minutes/15 minutes
Baseline:10 minutes/25 minutes
Intensity (overall): 1/3
Evaluation / notes: An incredibly beautiful & life altering experience
Pleasantness: 2/3
Implesantness: 0/2
Visual Intensity: 2/3
Hangover: 0/0
Afterglow: 1/3 After my 1st try I felt excited, after my 2nd I was kinda lost in a comforting maelstrom of emotion, reflection & had a light body glow for 10 minutes
*A couple of points before I start:
I've never been much of a visual tripper. On acid & mushrooms in the past, I've more often enjoyed altered states of perception & intense emotions, rather than blatant visual hallucinations. There's something about my brain that doesn't easy except visual inconsistencies. It runs deep, I'll even realise that I'm dreaming if anything seems out of place & wake or become conscious inside the dream.
Also, I'll do my best to articulate my experience.. But the English language really doesn't suffice, I'm not sure any spoken language would..
I sat forward on the lounge, heating the bowl of a glass pipe with a jet lighter. My 2 companions & I were new to this, so we were assessing the heating technique, being careful not to burn the DMT. As the white mist began to rise, I took 2 decent tokes. (I was a bong smoker for a long time & am very comfortable with smoking techniques) The taste was certainly nothing like anything I'd tried before. In my opinion it wasn't unpleasant, my companions didn't agree.
I placed the pipe down & sat back in my chair, thinking a little too hard as I tried to analyse the sensations my body was experiencing. At this point it was just a mild effect, almost like the last stages of relaxation as you fall asleep. The room became crisp, sharper, like I was seeing it in a much higher definition.
I closed my eyes & was excited to realise that the usual blackness that greets me behind my eyelids was being interrupted.. Lines began to form, they were made of energy, somehow they seemed to be simultaneously red & gold. A snowflake like pattern materialized, radiating towards me in a cone shape. My best description is that I was standing inside a fluid, living, evolving mandala..? I existed silently inside this mandala for maybe 5 minutes, completely in awe of not only seeing these visuals, but being inside them. The blackness crept back in as the red/gold energy faded, I opened my eyes & said "Wow, that was intense". (I had no idea. That was nothing)
At this point I excitedly tried to explain what I'd seen & asked 1 of my companions to load the pipe up again, with more this time.. As he passed the pipe to me, he asked how my real world visuals were. (He had seen some intense open eyed visuals, but that's his story to tell. If he ever joins the Nexus) I explained to him that I don't really see visual hallucinations, even on large doses of acid or mushrooms.
I eagerly heated the pipe & took 3 large tokes.. Within seconds I started laughing, feeling like a fool, my vision distorted. I said "Yep, there's some real world visuals" as I watched the moonbeams from a picture spring to life & actually illuminate a small portion of the room. Everything began to vibrate & I mean everything, light, sound, all the world as I was perceiving it was vibrating. I placed the pipe on the table (possibly with some help, I'm not sure at this point) & sank into my chair.
I closed my eyes & rather than the gentle patterns I had experienced earlier, I was inside an intense fluid kaleidoscope. The patterns were infinitely detailed & made from every colour that exists. They kept folding into & out of themselves. I had the sensation that I was travelling through these patterns. At this point I was still very aware of my body, but it felt far off, like it could just cease to be there at any moment. I took comfort in the fact that I could hear my breathing. It was actually all that I could hear, incredibly loudly, with echoing distortions on each exhale.
Then everything changed. Instead of the patterns being inside a black void, the world around me was white. I was still being shown patterns, but they had more substance & were made from these amazing shades of blue, green & yellow. They drew me in & I felt my body slipping away. As I relaxed further my limbs felt like they were sinking. The blue, green & yellow were replaced by what I can only describe as a red, white & blue, tentacled fungus flower..? (In all honesty, that doesn't even come close to describing it. But it's the best I've got!)
It expanded towards me, enveloping me. It felt as if it was like a balloon being inflated around me & I had the sensation that I was inside a jumping castle that was deflating..? (Once again sorry, best I can do!) It was here that I really felt myself detaching from my body, it felt as if I was experiencing death. As the tentacled fungus flower completely smothered me, there was a flash of both white & blue light, simultaneously & yet completely apart from each other. I felt my cheeks sink into my face & that was the sensation that made me recoil. (I've seen someone pass & the way their face relaxes & their cheeks sink in always stayed with me) I frantically gripped my body & opened my eyes with a start.
It took me a while to collect my thoughts & reconnect with my body. It was difficult to put into words what I had just been a part of. At the time I believed that flower to be sentient (I'm not so sure after more recent events, but that's another story), a life form so alien in nature that we couldn't possibly connect on any level. I felt as if it wanted to absorb me. I thought that I had mentally prepared myself for the experience, after having read books, websites & listened to as many podcasts as I could on the subject. I thought I would be ready to surrender when the time was right.. Instead I was left sitting there, feeling like all my other psychedelic adventures had been in black & white, then DMT turned the colour on.
Since that night I've felt I might have some trust & control issues.. I certainly wasn't ready to surrender to something like that.. It was a powerful experience & I thoroughly enjoyed it. It left me feeling more curious than when I'd started.
Thanks to anyone that takes the time to read this wall of text & I'd appreciate any feedback. Cheers & safe travels people.