Burnt: Certainly been there and don't want to discount other possibilities but why does it need to be more? It could be more. I just happen to not want to jump to conclusions until more evidence is presented. I've jumped to conclusions in the past and it could have ended up not so nice. Seen it end up not so nice for others too.
We know psychedelics can delude. This is obvious to anyone whose had a certain kind of paranoid style bad trip.
From a purely materialistic science point of view there is no reason to invoke anything other than neurochemistry. There is absolutely zero physical evidence that I'm aware off that would allow scientist to take a measurement in this regard. Without measurements current scientific methods fail because there is no data. I full well understand why we scientists stick to what we can measure...it's what separates us form the false mystics, and wondering fake guru's of the world...thank God!
...but surely you can agree that science has as of yet done a pathetic job of answering the really big questions....and I'd postulate that I think it will remain unable to answer these questions if it's not willing to embrace a new framework for perceiving the universe. Einstein did a great job at redefining the rules...and you know what? They are freaking mystical as far as I'm concerned. Hard constant on the speed of light? Mass increases to infinity as you approach the speed of light? Time travel? Black Holes, etc, etc... Personally I don't think that speculation about astral bodies, or life after death, or deep sleep lights, or white light's of consciousness are any more wishy washy than theories of relativity. Just like Einstein had to develop a new framework before anyone took his ideas seriously I also believe a new framework needs to be developed in order for scientists to entertain the topic of hyperspace, astral bodies, life after death, etc, etc...
Most people alive today accept Einsteins theories of relativity as fact. Why? Because other people have told them it's correct, but they haven't done anything to verify it for themselves....in fact I'd say they are no better than Christians blinding believing the bible is divinely inspired while flat out refusing to read historical accounts of it's creation. Furthermore most if it is only verifiable from a mathematical positions....but indeed a lot of it is bearing out in experiments these days. The man was seriously smart...
In the other camp we have yogis and mystics that have long claimed methods of directly perceiving God/Nirvana/Truth. There is no way to prove what they say, but they lay out methods that are supposed to provide direct contact. Several people alive today, and even a couple on this board, have made significant gains in having these experiences without drugs...but what are drugs? Just more physical matter...that ultimately came from some singularity at the beginning of the universe...let's just call them solidified energy...because that is all anything really is.
< Taking my science hat off>
Now for a long time I'd probably agree that the mystics were just making shit up...I am a scientists and not a monk after all
However after having had the immersion experience there is no way I can just brush aside all of the history around these experiences. It's seems very reasonable to me that early man could have found mushrooms like McKenna said, and we have shamans in the jungle that obviously found psychedelics....it's also not inconceivable to me that humans figured out how to do it without drugs.... I take the stance that psychedelics can't show you anything that your brain isn't capable of showing itself. After all the DMT molecule is only binding to receptors already in our brains.... So I'm in the camp of once again allowing for the possibility that the mystics and yogis are correct. A lot of scientists just brush yoga meditation and other mystical stuff off as hokey pokey. I'm not one of them...and others are starting to verify some of it, but we are still at the limits our technology. If we hooked an Buddhist monk up to an EEG and he induced Samadhi and tells us he in direct communion with God...the only thing we'd like observe is at best an interesting brain state since that's all on EEG can tell us....and I'd be will to wager a bet that it would like suspiciously like deep sleep with a lot of Slow Delta waves....it's just a guess thought.
In one case a person could learn all the math and physics needed to begin a career in theoretical physics. In the other camp you have people that claim they can have direct experience. I think that in order to understand these kinds of phenomena science and mysticism are going to have to at least hold hands for a little while and stop all the disdain they have for each other!
Consider these questions:
"What is this reality?"
"Where did it come from?"
"What was the singularity we all came from?"
"What was before the singularity?"
"Does any part of us survive death?"
Try to answer those questions and don't invoke statements like there is no time, because Science is completely dependent upon time.... Science is so far from answering those kinds of questions that I feel comfortable saying that I don't think our current method of exploring science is even remotely equipped to begin dealing with such things....and 'tis is why I enjoy speculating in the area. It's so far beyond us that the best hope we have is speculating...
The most important question to me is "What am I". When I repeated that question in a very controlled manner under mushrooms I literally had a peak life experience....direct perception. It wasn't just seeing a light. I was completely immersed in it for well over an hour. I was it. There was no me yet there was an awareness of me.... I've never come close to that state using psychedelics without meditation... You see now I just stepped into the category of mystic....and that puts me, a man of science, in a very precarious position. however, I see no need to defend a scientific explanation of it, which is simply brain chemistry, when I'm willing to accept that and then move to higher questions which science isn't equipped to answer. But at the same time you don't see me trying to write papers to publish my "results/experience" in reputable science journals either...
One of the reasons I believe in God, Nirvana, the source energy, or what ever you want to call it is because I'm a scientists. As we tear apart the universe we are literally finding that there is very little there. I wasn't aware of bucky balls undergoing tunneling...last time I'd checked we were still doing it with Na atoms. I'm blown away by this. Totally fascinated. When I look at a tree, my arm, a woman's face, the dirt on the ground I have to stand back in complete and total awe at how very little we really understand...and we understand A HELL OF A LOT more than ancient people did.
I know I've really deviated form the original topic so I'll get back to it. I don't think current scientific methods will be adequate to explain whether hyperspace is real or not.
Science is likely to determine that 2 people in the same location don't see the same thing and therefore it is a hallucination. But what if the brain is a receiver of sorts and we are just changing the channel with these compounds, and what if the channel we change to is dependent upon the drug, the dose, and the persons state of mind. What if you and I sat side by side and did DMT. We both report totally different experiences...how can we prove that our brains didn't arrive at different channels?
I mean physicists are starting to argue for many parallel universes, but unless we find a way to first prove that they do exists and then find away to induce brains states in different people to put them in the same realm...well you see were I'm going with this.
What if we actually have to rely on the direct experience of others? That's not such a hard leap. Social sciences have made a lot of progress and that's exactly what they do. At least as scientists we could begin to think about the structure activity relationship of these experiences and use that to help design the 'perfect' alternate reality probing drug... But even when we do all of our tools will still be in this dimension even though our brains could be resonating in a different dimension....
Believe me I'm a scientist first, but the real questions that interest me in life are not probable with current scientific methods...
Your body is full of energy. When you dont get your energy from food your body will start to
chew away on muscles and body fat.
The reason people have the feeling of "amazing amounts of energy" doesn't have to be actual energy and
if you think about, no energy have been consumed so it's more likely to be
some psychological effect.
If you were to take a fat line of amphetamine when you are very tired all of a sudden you feel like
you could run a marathon. All you are doing is fooling your brain into thinking it has all that
energy which otherwise comes in the form of carbohydrates.
Yes I certainly agree with you. After your body uses it's stores of glucose first and then it begins using glucagon stores and then finally fat stores. That still does not explain were the excess energy comes from. Your amphetamine example is not really applicable in the case of fasting since in a fast we aren't taking in anything but water.
BTW I'm using the word energy very loosely here as I'm well aware of the laws of thermodynamics.
I'm not talking about a normal level of energy. I'm talking about waking up feeling like you can tackle the world. I think that during a fast your body uses the energy it has to maintain and repair the most essential components...the brain and nervous system. The high on life feeling may very well come from having you nerutransmitters concentrations reset. Going back to you amphetamine example I could argue that perhaps your body is more effectively producing phenethylamines like dopamine,norepinephrine, and adrenalin. That works for me. But how to you explain it after 30, 60, 90 day's of nothing but water. How many calories does a person burn in 30, 60, 90 day's. You might get me to believe a really fat person could do it, but most of the people that are active fasters are actually very skinny.
Please note. I'm not saying that we for sure tap into the source energy, but since the Buddhist have texts describing the clear light of deep sleep I say it's a possibility...see all the arguments above.
Please don't think I'm in any shape form or fashion abandoning science. Hardly! You might say that science is just having a hard time keeping up with my raw fascination about the universe.