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The Mandelbrot Set

Migrated topic.

The Infinite Abyss

Rising Star
Thank you SWIMMING and Z for your posts. I watched 'colors of infinity' the other day, and its completely blown my mind.

Is this not essentially proof that the psychedelic experience exists not only within our minds and that there is indeed a wider reality that surrounds us?

i've been in a state of perpetual awe for the last few days and i'm baffled that i've not heard of this before

Did i miss something? Is this common knowledge among the psychedelic community? Have I been living under a rock?
i mean seriously, god damn.....

Combine this knowledge with the rainbow octave nature of the frequencies everything is composed of symphoniously, and you're looking at some great wisdom. ;]
We were discussing this same thing a while back & it turned into a pretty cool thread! Check it out!
Someone had turned me on to a video just like that one, might even have been the same one.

On Post # 16 there is also a link to a "powers of ten" video, that is pretty mind blowing as well!!

Also, have you guys ever read, or listened to anything by Carl Sagan?
I recently watched an episode of his PBS show, "Cosmos" & there was an explanation of 2nd, 3rd & 4th dimensional facts & theory's that was really stretching my brain for a few days!!
"A three dimensional object casts a two dimensional shadow (like we do!)...Therefor, a Four dimensional object, would cast a three dimensional shadow...here, let me show you a shadow of a four dimensional object..."
He then goes on to show how the 3rd dimension effects & shapes the 2nd dimension.
But how that...flat...2nd dimension, is completely unaware of it happening, because they have absolutely no concept of another dimension...up & down.
Then he explains how the 4th dimension is theoretically effecting & shaping our, 3rd dimension.
But we to have no concept of what the 4th dimension could even be or possibly look like!!! However we can test how it effects us, in the same way we effect the 2nd dimension.

Ooh Fa!
He explains it much better...& he has cardboard cutouts!!😉

Here is a link
to the episode on HULU, the part I'm talking about starts at around 23 minutes in!!
But you should watch it all!!!
Good Stuff For The Mind!!

salvia divinorum comes to mind...actually watching that video helped me remember a breakthrough sage trip I had a few months back, and shed some new light on it!
I remember the first time I watched that vid. I had just gotten some legal DPT and predosed with rue I foolishly decided to take 250mg with 8oz water. It was my first RC experience and it kicked my ass to the moon and back about twenty times. The colours of infinity just happened to be on. After puking my guts out I enjoyed the Pink Floyd music and voice of Arther C Clarke explaining fractals as I floated about as a disembodied presence in a sea of grey and white swirling DPT visuals.

It made quite a impression on me. That same weekend I also had rented a bunch of Carl Sagan vids as well as the Beatles Magical Mystery Tour on video. I spent the week end alone in my house with my friends and it was a wonderful time. Its a small world and a infinite world all at the same time.

or so it would seem........................MV
Great Post.
First time I heard of the Mandelbrot was while dancing w/ Lucy and staying up late and watching science docs on Nat Geo or Dicovery or some such ( usual late Sun night fare for me LOL )
It struck me as so amazing and similar to the thoughts one has on the nature of reality and the similarities to things in the large scale being replicated in the small scale and vice verse.
Some nice links in this thread as well.
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