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project The new!.... Tea Kettel convection vape!



Established member
From the creator of the awsome E MESH Convection vape... comes a new idea! ...

I saw this idea in a dream:unsure:..and did some crude tests today and so far it is producing very nice clean convection vapor...

I dont have the vape unit compleatly together yet... but it passed some small tests. today. IT WORKS!

This vape heats up on.... an electric stove...or an electric hot plate...I simply cut the copper bottom out of the stainless tea kettle ... to capture all that clean hot air...

First try.... i set the stove to max...but found ididnt need no where near that much heat to vaporize the molecule...

Second try ..... i set the stove heat control only half way to setting ... number 5... and took a few pulls through a bubbler and amazingly a thick amount of soft gental convection vapor poured into the bubbler....no bite!... very smooth!:alien:

The amount of heat ...[hot air]... an electric stove can produce is almost endless depending what setting you use...

Whit this kind of .... [high heat control]... its posible to vape herbs ...or even salvia!

with the stoves controls one may find the perfect convection setting !...by trial and eror tests..

if one uses a hot plate...it could be connected with screws under tea pot...and now

you have a portable desk top vape!:sneaky:

This is just the beginning of my test for my tea Kettel vaporizer...stay tuned!

some photos comming...

update 5/7/2024..

sharing my thoughts about the vape unit...

At first i wanted to use a.... stainless funnel ...because heat always travels straight up.......and i visulized vapor being forced upwards..[from riseing heat effect] .... [witout a fan]... into a plastic bag similar to the ....expensive volcano vape ...

But i had trouble finding a stainless steel funnel in short notice ...so i used the tea kettel...

In my unit pictured i used the.... reduced chamber....from my old .....plenty..vape...i plan to file it a little... untill i can wedge the reduced chamber into the kettle opening [very tightly] then make other conections as my ideas guide me...

Using stainless steel ....[ is the safest metal i could find]... ..[once heated...it puts out no harmfull agents into the air]...Its not a problem anyway as the molecule does not require very high heat to vaporize.. and the metal will only heat some safley...

Through trial and error..one can find the perfect setting.... for the best purest posible molecule vapor!

I remember how gentle the ...[plenty vape was on the molecule]... it was capable of the....[ most purest]... most comfortable.... vapor effect posible acheaved by gradual slow heating.......atleast at low doses......

Well with the stove or hot plate... controls one should be able ... [duplicate that effect] ... by setting the heat ...at a very low setting...and simply waiting the amount of minutes needed... untill the vapor starts to wisp out of the bowl ...then ... for safety... always turn off the stove before taking a hit...then all the bottled up hot air may give you a couple more minutes untill you take a hit...


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this tea pot was used only for heating water...photo after cleaning with water and scrubber..

Anyone trying to duplicate this vape should ....[[ measure the width of heating elements first! ...... [[ side to side]]] .... then pick a tea kettel or stainless pot ...or what ever they use to capture the heated air with...... and measure its width ..[side to side]...[so the edges clear the heating elements]....so that the hot air capturing device.... doesnt touch the elements!....because ..[[.although it still might work that way]] .... touching the elements with tea pot.. puts some of the heat directly into the stainless steel !... and what you want is .... ALL!! .....the hot air..... to rise upwards to be used for vaping! letting the tea pot touch the hot elements just directs some of the heat away from air flow!
.......... So the tea kettel bottom should be just a little bigger diamiter than the heating element measures to capture all the hot air flow.........

also...i picked an all metal tea pot...[stainless steel] wth copper bottom..

.If one was to use a fancy painted enameled tea kettel...it may be safe.. because the enamel is on the outside of pot ...but be carefull you dont want to inhale anything but pure heated air //cooled and filtered by a bubbler!:unsure:




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Hm, this could also be adapted for induction stoves perhaps by drilling a few holes around the sides of a suitable kettle? That might need some kind of interior vanes, like a heat sink, for better heat transfer though.

Those open element stove hobs are getting distinctly old-fashioned (although I myself still have a ceramic hob, with the flat glass top). Still, it's a nice idea for a ghetto approach if you happen to have the right kind of hob - and finding one should still be relatively straightforward, I guess.
OK, I've had another thought - it would be possible to fill a kettle with a suitable low volatility material (like gallium or something :ROFLMAO:*) along with a coiled of pipe that passes through to provide the airflow. All the rest can be the same, but with the right kettle this would be suitable for any heat source.

*Actually, casting a block of aluminium inside the kettle and around the coiled (copper or stainless) pipe wouldn't be too difficult. With the right amount of heating block you could dispense with the kettle entirely, come to think of it. Or just heat the coil of pipe in a BBQ, etc. etc. (yeah, careful not to inhale carbon monoxide with that particular version!)

OK, I've veered way off-piste with the thinking here but the overall principle is kind of inspiring - heating a coil of pipe with an alcohol stove seems somewhat appealing and could make a nice device if built with a chimney, like the glass ones used in old-fashioned oil lamps. Or, indeed, just make a coil that fits into an oil lamp. Great food for thought, self-extinguishing flames would be more desirable - as would some kind of "dead-man's switch" for the OP stovetop variant.
Yup! this idea came from a dream...

This thing really works for vaping..And you only need a low setting for the molecule....it should have enough power to vape even salvia!

Just needs to be tested some more .. to figure out the right heat settings for each product... :alien:
Yup! this idea came from a dream...

This thing really works for vaping..And you only need a low setting for the molecule....it should have enough power to vape even salvia!

Just needs to be tested some more .. to figure out the right heat settings for each product... :alien:
That's cool, looking forward to a trip report, and thanks for the inspiration towards the idea of the alcohol stove air heating coil non-electric convection vape - fingers crossed I'll get around to trying that out - or if anyone's out there looking in and gets what I mean, feel free to turn a hand to it too. Mind if I post a sketch here (probably tomorrow)?
That's cool, looking forward to a trip report, and thanks for the inspiration towards the idea of the alcohol stove air heating coil non-electric convection vape - fingers crossed I'll get around to trying that out - or if anyone's out there looking in and gets what I mean, feel free to turn a hand to it too. Mind if I post a sketch here (probably tomorrow)?
Unit Not finished yet...plan to find an ....oven air temp sensor... or a dgital temperature sensor... and mount it to the kettel.... to have more acurate temp control ... [similar to the volcano and plenty vape!].... for more perfect vapeing effect ... and safest /friendlyest... experiance.... from the molecule...:unsure: this is a pure convection unit...

range has heat settings from..... 1 to 10....
personal test notes.......molecule vape temp/.160c...=320f is target temp .

the higher temp settings .... from 7 to 10... seem a little too high for molecule ..

Range heat selector number ...[6. test ].....two 1/2 minutes reaches=325F air temp...but heat keeps rising a little fast?
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Unit Not finished yet...plan to find an ....oven air temp sensor... or a dgital temperature sensor... and mount it to the kettel.... to have more acurate temp control ... [similar to the volcano and plenty vape!].... for more perfect vapeing effect ... and safest /friendlyest... experiance.... from the molecule...:unsure: this is a pure convection unit...

range has heat settings from..... 1 to 10....
personal test notes.......molecule vape temp/.160c...=320f is target temp .

the higher temp settings .... from 7 to 10... seem a little too high for molecule ..

Range heat selector number ...[6. test ].....two 1/2 minutes reaches=325F air temp...but heat keeps rising a little fast?
After some crude temperature testing...... [untill i get a digital temp senser i can mount on kettel] ..... i did some temperature testing testing ..using an oven temperature reader..

Using the oven reader..i got a close idea where 160c was ...i set it on number 5 on the dial and watched the clock and counted down 2 1/2 minutes..

I took a hit.... and it vaped very nicely...!! :giggle::giggle:....in one hit through bubbler... i got a full >HEAVY! hit in just one toke!.... most of the molecule in bowl disapeared!....only the effect was a bit blunted..because i believe the air temperature was a little high...and it may have burnt it some...

So it appears all i have to do is lower the temperature a bit...and it should work beautyfull ...i hope!!

next test... im going to reduce the dose to be carefull...

What i know now is that im close!.... if i can adjust the temperature down a little... ... and it should !!..work ! right at a lower temp! :cool:...
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If you were to obtain a power controller it would do a better job than the hob thermostat. And I don't know how much you know about stuff like Arduino automation/control circuits (I don't!) but with that you'd be approaching an ideal level of control over the temperature. I want to get a bit more into the technical details (mostly thermal stuff), but this will have to wait since it's getting late here and I'm tired this evening.
If you were to obtain a power controller it would do a better job than the hob thermostat. And I don't know how much you know about stuff like Arduino automation/control circuits (I don't!) but with that you'd be approaching an ideal level of control over the temperature. I want to get a bit more into the technical details (mostly thermal stuff), but this will have to wait since it's getting late here and I'm tired this evening.
Yes thats an idea...but right now i can only go by my...[ oven temp thermometer ..

And looking back . i still remember how gentle the... volcano and / /plenty vapes..... were on herbs and the molecule...
These desk tops did an exelent job of producing quality undamaged clean vapor but they took several minutes to heat up ..[like a slow gradual heating]
..... and with the [plenty vape] ..... many people complained that it took twice as much.... product [molecule]...to get desired results...

I think....with the ....[storez and bickel .....plenty vape.].. . a certain amount of the molecule vapor was waisted ....when it went through the...[ multi coiled] metal cooling whip... the vapor pull... was slowed down .....and cooled].. a little too fast !!... before it reached the mouth peice ... and this process caused the molecule to cool too fast and crystalize inside the metal cooling whip ///and this may be why it took more product to get desired results? some of the product may have been waisted by crystalizing inside the metal spiral whip!

So after thinking about the .....storz and bickel units.....now im thinking that.... a slower heat up..... on the electric stove... may be the answer for better quality molecule vapor...and this should be easy to do by .... using a lower setting.... between .... 1 to 4 ......on the .... 1 to 10 ..dial.....

a slower ...more gentle heat up.... may produce more positive effect....?

A person may have to wait 1 to 6 minutes at a slower heat up ...but the vapor quality may be well worth the wait!

so now im experimenting with lower temp settings... see how it goes....

in pictures below...i had a hard time making the copper nipple to stay in the reduced steel.. [plenty chamber]..

.i would tap it in untill it felt tight....... but it always came loose?/...so what i did was drill hole at an angle into chamber steel...then a slightly smaller hole

into copper tubbing...so the screw would screw in very tight....ZOOM PICTURE!

then at an angle with screwdriver.... i screwed steel screw through the drilled holes ...now the copper nipple stays in the steel bowl very tightly!

John Melincamp...Little pink houses.....watch full screen...



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Yes thats an idea...but right now i can only go by my...[ oven temp thermometer ..

And looking back . i still remember how gentle the... volcano and / /plenty vapes..... were on herbs and the molecule...
These desk tops did an exelent job of producing quality undamaged clean vapor but they took several minutes to heat up ..[like a slow gradual heating]
..... and with the [plenty vape] ..... many people complained that it took twice as much.... product [molecule]...to get desired results...

I think....with the ....[storez and bickel .....plenty vape.].. . a certain amount of the molecule vapor was waisted ....when it went through the...[ multi coiled] metal cooling whip... the vapor pull... was slowed down .....and cooled].. a little too fast !!... before it reached the mouth peice ... and this process caused the molecule to cool too fast and crystalize inside the metal cooling whip ///and this may be why it took more product to get desired results? some of the product may have been waisted by crystalizing inside the metal spiral whip!

So after thinking about the .....storz and bickel units.....now im thinking that.... a slower heat up..... on the electric stove... may be the answer for better quality molecule vapor...and this should be easy to do by .... using a lower setting.... between .... 1 to 4 ......on the .... 1 to 10 ..dial.....

a slower ...more gentle heat up.... may produce more positive effect....?

A person may have to wait 1 to 6 minutes at a slower heat up ...but the vapor quality may be well worth the wait!

so now im experimenting with lower temp settings... see how it goes....

in pictures below...i had a hard time making the copper nipple to stay in the reduced steel.. [plenty chamber]..

.i would tap it in untill it felt tight....... but it always came loose?/...so what i did was drill hole at an angle into chamber steel...then a slightly smaller hole

into copper tubbing...so the screw would screw in very tight....ZOOM PICTURE!

then at an angle with screwdriver.... i screwed steel screw through the drilled holes ...now the copper nipple stays in the steel bowl very tightly!

John Melincamp...Little pink houses.....watch full screen...

Tonight...I just tested my kettel vape ...test two... ..... AND THIS TIME IT WORKED GREAT!!😜

But... Not ready to get smashed durring tonights test ...

I used a very low dose of molecule for this test .....only .6 drops of tincture ..... after alcohol evaporation....my guess that would be close to........
5 or 6 mgs ..a super low test dose...

From earlier temperature tests using ..oven thermometer... i had a close idea... what setting to use... and how many minutes to waite...

my electric range dial goes from ...1 to 10.....10 being the hottest setting....

So I used ....number three setting.... and was planning to waite 4 minutes.... but found heating for only ... 3 .1/2 minutes vaped it all!

When i took a hit ...[since it was a very low dose]... it wasnt very thick...[kinda thin vapor] And it was clean and tasteless !
... a nice friendly tripto buzz ...and i layed down to some gentle piano music...

This buzz came on soooo ... clean and gentle... and was like inhaling air!!!!...It wraped itself around my whole body!

When i get results this good on a very tiny dose...i know a larger dose will transport me somewhere far away!

I knew then my test was a sucess!😇 !! .....pure Convection AGAIN!

i knew from that quality low dose.. tripto buzz...... [that had i used 20 or 30 mgs]...It Would have been a full blown trip!

The vapor was soo clean and light.... but ...wickedly effective!

My electric range is an older model..and i think people with the newer ranges .... where the stove top is compleatly covered and it looks like a table top... [not showing the heating elements] ... the newer ranges ... are probibly the safest !! and put out the cleanest heated air!!

So on this test i probibly duplicated the quality vapor a volcano would produce!

Will have more to add later! setting 3...two and a half minutes did it!(y)

using the more modern newer ranges...should be even cleaner and safer....just always remember to turn off the range!..... before taking hit!
this may be the finest convection vapor produced yet!!
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Tonight...I just tested my kettel vape ...test two... ..... AND THIS TIME IT WORKED GREAT!!😜

But... Not ready to get smashed durring tonights test ...

I used a very low dose of molecule for this test .....only .6 drops of tincture ..... after alcohol evaporation....my guess that would be close to........
5 or 6 mgs ..a super low test dose...

From earlier temperature tests using ..oven thermometer... i had a close idea... what setting to use... and how many minutes to waite...

my electric range dial goes from ...1 to 10.....10 being the hottest setting....

So I used ....number three setting.... and was planning to waite 4 minutes.... but found heating for only ... 3 .1/2 minutes vaped it all!

When i took a hit ...[since it was a very low dose]... it wasnt very thick...[kinda thin vapor] And it was clean and tasteless !
... a nice friendly tripto buzz ...and i layed down to some gentle piano music...

This buzz came on soooo ... clean and gentle... and was like inhaling air!!!!...It wraped itself around my whole body!

When i get results this good on a very tiny dose...i know a larger dose will transport me somewhere far away!

I knew then my test was a sucess!😇 !! .....pure Convection AGAIN!

i knew from that quality low dose.. tripto buzz...... [that had i used 20 or 30 mgs]...It Would have been a full blown trip!

The vapor was soo clean and light.... but ...wickedly effective!

My electric range is an older model..and i think people with the newer ranges .... where the stove top is compleatly covered and it looks like a table top... [not showing the heating elements] ... the newer ranges ... are probibly the safest !! and put out the cleanest heated air!!

So on this test i probibly duplicated the quality vapor a volcano would produce!

Will have more to add later! setting 3... 3 and a half minutes did it!(y)

using the more modern newer ranges...should be even cleaner and safer....just always remember to turn off the range!..... before taking hit!
this may be the finest convection vapor produced yet!!
yes.... i used a very low dose of molecule well under 10mgs ...i put 4 drops of tincture into bowl...after the alcohol more than compleatly evaporated ....

[12 hours] later ..... im guessing i had one to 1 .1/2 mgs of molecule ...maybe?.... 2 mgs/ per drop of alcohol.?.....and that isnt much product...!

when the product vaporized it was very light thin tastles vapor ...it inhaled like air...

Some how the airtemp must have been close to perfect!... as the vapor compleatly caused a clean tryptimine buzz through my whole body .. and layed

down and felt like i was lying on a cloud very clear headed...... it was all very pleasant 30 or more minutes!

Even at that low dose there was a nice headspace...I was surprised at the reasonably strong clean effect from such a tiny amount of product!!

If this small dose was vaped any other way .... it probibly would have been burnt..or partialy burnt... producing almost no effect!

So this is why perfect air temp for convection is so important...

There are some prople.... ..[who dont want a deep hyperspace experiance].... who might like this low dose experiance its very pleasent and there is a

level of headspace...with it...and you remain very alert /clear headed...

As with the old saying goes...vaping gives more bang for the buck..... than smoking [combustion]! ... smoking and combustion wastes product..and can be less healthy..

So when the right air convection temp is found ..you get the most out of the product in its purest form!

IN This test... I started the heat from cold start...and it took 3 and a half minutes to reach temp...

But had i turned on the stove and let it heat up for couple minutes first ...... the vaping temp would have happend much sooner! maybe only a minute or less...?

I think herbs or pot...or even salvia ...could be vaporized with this kind of adjustable vaping power by some one with patience enough to find the right temp adjustments!

If the NEWER.. ..[Induction cooktops.].....[will heat the air].....like the older ranges do....... this would be a dream come true!.. in saftey and super clean convection vaping!!:alien:

[i believe the newer..... [induction cooktop ranges]...will heat the air .....if a flat metal disc is layed on top of heater area...then the botomless tea kettel sits on top of disc...this may work...

to be continued...
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yes.... i used a very low dose of molecule well under 10mgs ...i put 4 drops of tincture into bowl...after the alcohol more than compleatly evaporated ....

[12 hours] later ..... im guessing i had one to 1 .1/2 mgs of molecule ...maybe?.... 2 mgs/ per drop of alcohol.?.....and that isnt much product...!

when the product vaporized it was very light thin tastles vapor ...it inhaled like air...

Some how the airtemp must have been close to perfect!... as the vapor compleatly caused a clean tryptimine buzz through my whole body .. and layed

down and felt like i was lying on a cloud very clear headed...... it was all very pleasant 30 or more minutes!

Even at that low dose there was a nice headspace...I was surprised at the reasonably strong clean effect from such a tiny amount of product!!

If this small dose was vaped any other way .... it probibly would have been burnt..or partialy burnt... producing almost no effect!

So this is why perfect air temp for convection is so important...

There are some prople.... ..[who dont want a deep hyperspace experiance].... who might like this low dose experiance its very pleasent and there is a

level of headspace...with it...and you remain very alert /clear headed...

As with the old saying goes...vaping gives more bang for the buck..... than smoking [combustion]! ... smoking and combustion wastes product..and can be less healthy..

So when the right air convection temp is found ..you get the most out of the product in its purest form!

IN This test... I started the heat from cold start...and it took 3 and a half minutes to reach temp...

But had i turned on the stove and let it heat up for couple minutes first ...... the vaping temp would have happend much sooner! maybe only a minute or less...?

I think herbs or pot...or even salvia ...could be vaporized with this kind of adjustable vaping power by some one with patience enough to find the right temp adjustments!

If the NEWER.. ..[Induction cooktops.].....[will heat the air].....like the older ranges do....... this would be a dream come true!.. in saftey and super clean convection vaping!!:alien:

[i believe the newer..... [induction cooktop ranges]...will heat the air .....if a flat metal disc is layed on top of heater area...then the botomless tea kettel sits on top of disc...this may work...

to be continued...
Now kettel vape has digital thermometer...will read up past 600 f...reads..... Ferinheit ...Or.... Celcius...!

temp reader shaft pokes through a tight fitting hole...and reads internal air temperature...also reader unit has little magnet holding it on front of steel handel ..

YES success!!!.....Just tested the digital temp reader... after turning on electric range .....on low setting.... to no three......watching the clock and counting two minutes and 14 seconds....[watched the temperature rise on the screen untill it reached 320f...then took long slow hit..

This kind of vaping of the molecule...seems like the cleanest kindest vapor ... that can be experianced ..because nothing but pure heated air is used with bubbler to cool and capture unwanted airborn particles...!

The convection vapor was super clean and light and tastless..!.....giving a fast uplifting head space...strong but smooth effect!

i think a little hotter would have cleaned up all the product in one hit.... IT really works well!

when you turn off the stove the heat will still rise for a little while... always turn off the electric burner before taking hit...

once you find the right setting,,,,one could probibly vape ....weed../ herbs../ ..... even hi temp salvia... because of the high wattage of an electric range.......the molecule took a very small amount of power to vape to perfection....!
one could also use a small electric hot plate to get same results....

This method of vaping of the molecule...seems like the cleanest kindest vapor ... that can be experianced .....because with bubbler to cool vapor... nothing but ...pure heated air ...is used to vape the product...


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I'm reminded of the use of a hot air soldering station for a similar purpose. It may even be in a thread around here somewhere. You've managed to concoct a ghetto version of that, congrats - I love what you do 😊
Yes... The safest cleanest vaping is with.... heated air.. And convection vaping will get so popular in future that ...unhealthy combustion ... will be forgotton forever!.... and many people will live longer more healthy lives..

Im getting a 20 degree difference ....between the oven thermometer ...and the digital thermometer...And ive noticed the molecule is very sensitive to heat. it must be within a certain ..[ low or high range]...or it wont give desired effect...... even with convection...if its too hot.... it gets burnt/ too cold it wont produce desired effects.. get it right.... and its super clean and nice effect...

Trying to improve temperature control...

I want to get my hands on a newer ....[small.... single burner ...glass top electric range]...The glass top ... guarentees pure heated clean air....to use for bottomless kettel vaping...!
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Yes... The safest cleanest vaping is with.... heated air.. And convection vaping will get so popular in future that ...unhealthy combustion ... will be forgotton forever!.... and many people will live longer more healthy lives..

Im getting a 20 degree difference ....between the oven thermometer ...and the digital thermometer...And ive noticed the molecule is very sensitive to heat. it must be within a certain ..[ low or high range]...or it wont give desired effect...... even with convection...if its too hot.... it gets burnt/ too cold it wont produce desired effects.. get it right.... and its super clean and nice effect...

Trying to improve temperature control...

I want to get my hands on a newer ....[small.... single burner ...glass top electric range]...The glass top ... guarentees pure heated clean air....to use for bottomless kettel vaping...!
I wonder if the open element hob actually helps optimise convective heat transfer since it has the largest surface area out of all the electric hobs - which plays a large part in why this design has become obsolete for its poor efficiency, ironically here being the exact effect we're looking for. If you were to find an old heatsink of suitable dimensions it would help increase the heat transfer to air over radiative heating of the kettle body in combination with a glass-topped hob. This may help reduce the warmup time and increase temperature stability in that situation. At a push, you could just use a pile of teaspoons :)
I wonder if the open element hob actually helps optimise convective heat transfer since it has the largest surface area out of all the electric hobs - which plays a large part in why this design has become obsolete for its poor efficiency, ironically here being the exact effect we're looking for. If you were to find an old heatsink of suitable dimensions it would help increase the heat transfer to air over radiative heating of the kettle body in combination with a glass-topped hob. This may help reduce the warmup time and increase temperature stability in that situation. At a push, you could just use a pile of teaspoons :)
I do like the ambition in this project :)
A hot air soldering station was mentioned. I did get one to try it out.
It's small but have temperature control and air speed control. I also believe in convection vaping and that it's crucial to get the correct temperature, and to keep it at that. But the hot air soldering station pushed to much air and made it difficult to handle. It might have been possible to direct some of the air away... I might try that some day.
But other then that, I think a large mass with high heat capacities would keep the drawn air at a nearly constant temperature. Like the stove top you have used :)
I do like the ambition in this project :)
A hot air soldering station was mentioned. I did get one to try it out.
It's small but have temperature control and air speed control. I also believe in convection vaping and that it's crucial to get the correct temperature, and to keep it at that. But the hot air soldering station pushed to much air and made it difficult to handle. It might have been possible to direct some of the air away... I might try that some day.
But other then that, I think a large mass with high heat capacities would keep the drawn air at a nearly constant temperature. Like the stove top you have used :)
On a similar note, I did obtain a good quality hot air gun which has several fan speeds and 10° temperature steps between 80 and 630°C, with half a mind to trying it out on vaporising some things. So far I've mostly used it for lighting the barbecue 😁

With a heat sink bolted onto a steel plate, this "kettle method" could be adapted for induction hobs.
On a similar note, I did obtain a good quality hot air gun which has several fan speeds and 10° temperature steps between 80 and 630°C, with half a mind to trying it out on vaporising some things. So far I've mostly used it for lighting the barbecue 😁

With a heat sink bolted onto a steel plate, this "kettle method" could be adapted for induction hobs.
Yes the hot air gun sounds interesting ...but make shure all it emits is clean hot air...always cool it with a bubbler for saftey!

....and with the conduction range just set a round flat metal plate on burner area! then the bottomless tea kettel on top...

....I also like the electric stove type that use a glass cover over the burners ... [that you can see glowing through the glass... .it will emitt pure hot air easily through the glass!..

Once youve sampeled very clean molecule vapor .... with no harshness at all...and find the perfect heat temp ...the experiance is so much nicer!
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