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project The new!.... Tea Kettel convection vape!

Yes thats a very good idea transform!.. (y)

the simplest idea i came up with for adjustable air flow...in pictures below..
Here is my idea in pictures...

Simple adjustable air flow for kettel vape... Ive yryed it twice and nice improvment in vapor flow... But...the bowl must be attached as air tight as posible to pull hot air through product...

watch ....daisy Bell...full screen!

Styx Brave New world..

big boom...dust


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Here is my idea in pictures...

Simple adjustable air flow for kettel vape... Ive yryed it twice and nice improvment in vapor flow... But...the bowl must be attached as air tight as posible to pull hot air through product...

watch ....daisy Bell...full screen!

Styx Brave New world..

big boom...dust
trying to make gradual improvments... so now i bent the hollow temperature sensing shaft..so the ....[spike tip]....is higher inside kettel...closer to the level where the vape bowl sits...

because...inside closed kettel ... heated air rises to the top ...but my guess is ...the lower part of kettel sitting on heat source... should be hotter than the higher part of inside of kettel...atleast within the first few minutes of heating.... ..

probibly would be better to not use a ....food temperture ....thermometer ....but this one seems fairly acurate .... i think.....

this thermometer only senses temperature on the last 1/2inch of tip...


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trying to make gradual improvments... so now i bent the hollow temperature sensing shaft..so the ....[spike tip]....is higher inside kettel...closer to the level where the vape bowl sits...

because...inside closed kettel ... heated air rises to the top ...but my guess is ...the lower part of kettel sitting on heat source... should be hotter than the higher part of inside of kettel...atleast within the first few minutes of heating.... ..

probibly would be better to not use a ....food temperture ....thermometer ....but this one seems fairly acurate .... i think.....

this thermometer only senses temperature on the last 1/2inch of tip...

After looking in hardware store ....in lamp parts]...i found a metal cap that will make a tight connection ... it tapped on very tightly...
....[i tested it with magnet... it is brass coated ..steel]
I finally found a thin brass coated steel cap that tapped on very tightly!.. and now im using a different steel bowl,,,it makes the bowl connection close to air tight...better for positive draws... next ill have to find a way to connect the stem to it...

the steel bowl in picture came from the .... first.... early... wooden vapor geni pipe.... from years back... using a hammer....i hammer rivited the bowl underside lip... onto the steel cap.....its air tight and will never seperate....[magnafy to see...
Tea kettels with a wide pour spout are ...harder to seal air tight ..../with bowl...than kettels with narrow spout...

vaporizer test update 5/31/2024

After adjusting my thermometer..in early first kettel vaporizer... using 10 drops tincture ....[after evaperating all the alcohol.]....[leaving product equaling between ..10 or 15 mgs of molecule ... and ......[acording to my thermometer]......vapor started around... 300F...and got thicker by 350F...so by 350F... i was getting a full hit and very clean light vapor cloud...it tasted like AIR!! ,,,it was super light..and tastles...and effective...i would defenantly call it clean effective convection vapor!

ZERO ....HARSHNESS!!:love:

but of course this was quite a low dose of molecule...:alien:


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After looking in hardware store ....in lamp parts]...i found a metal cap that will make a tight connection ... it tapped on very tightly...
....[i tested it with magnet... it is brass coated ..steel]
I finally found a thin brass coated steel cap that tapped on very tightly!.. and now im using a different steel bowl,,,it makes the bowl connection close to air tight...better for positive draws... next ill have to find a way to connect the stem to it...

the steel bowl in picture came from the .... first.... early... wooden vapor geni pipe.... from years back... using a hammer....i hammer rivited the bowl underside lip... onto the steel cap.....its air tight and will never seperate....[magnafy to see...
Tea kettels with a wide pour spout are ...harder to seal air tight ..../with bowl...than kettels with narrow spout...

vaporizer test update 5/31/2024

After adjusting my thermometer..in early first kettel vaporizer... using 10 drops tincture ....[after evaperating all the alcohol.]....[leaving product equaling between ..10 or 15 mgs of molecule ... and ......[acording to my thermometer]......vapor started around... 300F...and got thicker by 350F...so by 350F... i was getting a full hit and very clean light vapor cloud...it tasted like AIR!! ,,,it was super light..and tastles...and effective...i would defenantly call it clean effective convection vapor!

ZERO ....HARSHNESS!!:love:

but of course this was quite a low dose of molecule...:alien:
Found a brass threaded bowl stem connector ....a...[ brass gas line fitting].... ..just threads into the bowl...then attach stem to it.....

gave it another low dose try .... and again....vapor starts at about 300f ..... then by 350 f...or higher the vapor pull produces much more vapor..still clean tasting /and effective ...at low dose...

One thing im noticing is ... ,.. its vaping only part of the product in bowl?...not vaping it all... in one hit....I think the airflow isnt open enough yet...because there is enough hot air....to do the trick...but the airflow must be a little restricted ...

[it may be restricted in the bowl because ....i used too many screen layers...3 layers of fine ...Vandy Vape 316l ss mesh.....on top of the ..coarser base screen...to prevent product drip down...]

judging how strong the partial vape effect was! ...[being its convection]....if the whole amount vaped... you better be sitting down!😁

need to open up the airflow more...to get more hot air to the bowl faster...

main thing is...the kettel vape works...!...just needs some fine tuning...


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Found a brass threaded bowl stem connector ....a...[ brass gas line fitting].... ..just threads into the bowl...then attach stem to it.....

gave it another low dose try .... and again....vapor starts at about 300f ..... then by 350 f...or higher the vapor pull produces much more vapor..still clean tasting /and effective ...at low dose...

One thing im noticing is ... ,.. its vaping only part of the product in bowl?...not vaping it all... in one hit....I think the airflow isnt open enough yet...because there is enough hot air....to do the trick...but the airflow must be a little restricted ...

[it may be restricted in the bowl because ....i used too many screen layers...3 layers of fine ...Vandy Vape 316l ss mesh.....on top of the ..coarser base screen...to prevent product drip down...]

judging how strong the partial vape effect was! ...[being its convection]....if the whole amount vaped... you better be sitting down!😁

need to open up the airflow more...to get more hot air to the bowl faster...

main thing is...the kettel vape works...!...just needs some fine tuning...
I think the main issue with incomplete vaporisation here is that the edges of the bowl will have a greater degree of heat dissipation than the centre. If you can deflect the airflow such that it concentrates around the edges of the bowl you may be able to overcome this challenge very simply. Maybe a screw in the middle of the airflow, plus a bit of insulation around the bowl would be the place to start.
I think the main issue with incomplete vaporisation here is that the edges of the bowl will have a greater degree of heat dissipation than the centre. If you can deflect the airflow such that it concentrates around the edges of the bowl you may be able to overcome this challenge very simply. Maybe a screw in the middle of the airflow, plus a bit of insulation around the bowl would be the place to start.
Yes those ideas make sense.. From past use...I know the bowl is ok with enough heat applyed.... Ive used that bowl in past ... with a butane lighter and the molecule vapor exploded perfectly...producing ....pure white very thick [....conduction].... vapor] ....i just didnt like inhaling butane fumes and other airborn conduction particles...

Ive seen proof the kettel works for vaping ... But below is an idea ive had from the beginning...I may switch to a stainless funnel...or some pyrimid shaped kitchen object...

I see a benifit in a funnel shape ..because of the fact that heated air always travels straight up!

This ....upward movement of heated air ... could make taking a draw much easier....and the upward flow of heated air may even fill a plastic bag..the way the expensive ...volcano vape does! just n idea...

crude drawing below....


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I'm pretty sure I've seen conical (technically, [right, circular] frustum-shaped) designer kettles - although with those the spout is still at the side.

I guess they don't have to be entirely conical - a truncated [circular] paraboloid would also do the job:
It may be possible to swap out the lid of this one for a suitably-modified stainless steel funnel (jam [jelly/preserving] or bottling funnels are good for this kind of thing):
I'm pretty sure I've seen conical (technically, [right, circular] frustum-shaped) designer kettles - although with those the spout is still at the side.

I guess they don't have to be entirely conical - a truncated [circular] paraboloid would also do the job:
It may be possible to swap out the lid of this one for a suitably-modified stainless steel funnel (jam [jelly/preserving] or bottling funnels are good for this kind of thing):
I knowi replyed a while back about using my.... open bottomed kettel..... getting too much outside air....:unsure:but....the more i think about it the more it looks posible to use something like an open bottomed funnel..

Because ..... even if a ton of outside air gets in...as long as you have enough constant riseing heat ... with temperature set right...the stove can keep all the air within a temperature range even if fresh outside air constantly enters.... a theory....

I really want to get a small glass toped ...radiant cook top...and use it for heating....because a topless funnel or tea kettel... would sit flat on the glass top not really alowing a huge amount of outside air in.... because the edges of the bottom would sit on perfectly flat glass... and the heat might be even and gentle slow riseing clean heat emitting through the glass....

2 posibles...below...

the older style electric stove might alow soo much outside air to enter through bottom ..it might cause a turbulant type of riseing swirling uneven heat inside the kettel...

compaired to the.... newer... glass toped radiant cook top electric stoves...the heat rising through the glass may have a different more gentle effect on vaping...as the riseing heated air may rise a little slower and be a more stable and even heat?.... and as it rises...with better effect on the molecule vaping...
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Just curious why the .... veiw counter.... on my thread..... and some other threads...... freezes...[stops]... at ......1K views?......shouldent it continue to make an acurate count of the veiws like it did acuratly..in the old forum??

im almost shure ive had over 1K veiws on my thread?
Just curious why the .... veiw counter.... on my thread..... and some other threads...... freezes...[stops]... at ......1K views?......shouldent it continue to make an acurate count of the veiws like it did acuratly..in the old forum??

im almost shure ive had over 1K veiws on my thread?
Got a screenshot of that? If it rounds off to "1K" it won't move until the views reach "1.1K", which is proportionally a largish step.

(I've never even thought of checking how many views any of my threads gets but then again I hardly ever start threads :LOL: )
Got a screenshot of that? If it rounds off to "1K" it won't move until the views reach "1.1K", which is proportionally a largish step.

(I've never even thought of checking how many views any of my threads gets but then again I hardly ever start threads :LOL: )
1K to 1.1k .... is a little confusing..
On the old forum.... it counted acuratly...if it was 15 veiws past a thousand......it would read ...one thousand and fifteen veiws... plain and simple...

my thread..... true E mesh convection ....] and ceramic health stone].... where i converted the standard conduction E Mesh vape..to....[ convection].... was at more than... 22 thousand veiws...on the old forum...people were veiwing it heavily every day... and veiw the count stayed accurate...

nothing wrong with an accurate count ... :alien:

The Ballence... full screen..
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The tea kettel convection trial will continue ....when i get an infra red glass top heating source...

the..... conduction cook tops.... work ok .....but will only heat up iron or steel...my tea pot has a copper bottom...
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The tea kettel convection trial will continue ....when i get an infra red glass top heating source...

the..... conduction cook tops.... work ok .....but will only heat up iron or steel...my tea pot has a copper bottom...
Ah, maybe you mean induction? You can just put a suitable piece of steel under your kettle if that's the case - like the removable base of a cake tin of the correct size (which I've used to success on similar circumstances). Check it with a magnet, if the magnet sticks you can use it with an induction hob.
Ah, maybe you mean induction? You can just put a suitable piece of steel under your kettle if that's the case - like the removable base of a cake tin of the correct size (which I've used to success on similar circumstances). Check it with a magnet, if the magnet sticks you can use it with an induction hob.
I want a single burner ...infrared cook top.....because i can heat anything up with it..and it heats very fast

Induction is also good.... but it only heats up magnetic surfaces...not copper...or other non magnetic metals...

Many.. inductions .....[ now a days]... have a ceramic top ...not glass....
the..... conduction cook tops.... work ok .....but will only heat up iron or steel...my tea pot has a copper bottom...
Sorry, I was attempting to clarify this point since conduction would also work with copper bottoms. The steel 'conversion' plate works quite effectively to allow any non-ferrous item to be heated on an induction hob, as I'm sure you'll appreciate.
Many.. inductions .....[ now a days]... have a ceramic top ...not glass....
I fail to see why the glass vs. ceramic top question makes any difference here - is there something I'm missing?
infrared cook top.....because i can heat anything up with it..and it heats very fast
That Technology Connections video further back in the thread also mentions infrared cook tops/hobs; mostly it comes down to the glass filtering out the visible light from a resistive heating element. I'd still say that that system is slower than inductive heating, even with the latter using an adaptor plate for non-ferrous vessels.
Sorry, I was attempting to clarify this point since conduction would also work with copper bottoms. The steel 'conversion' plate works quite effectively to allow any non-ferrous item to be heated on an induction hob, as I'm sure you'll appreciate.

I fail to see why the glass vs. ceramic top question makes any difference here - is there something I'm missing?

That Technology Connections video further back in the thread also mentions infrared cook tops/hobs; mostly it comes down to the glass filtering out the visible light from a resistive heating element. I'd still say that that system is slower than inductive heating, even with the latter using an adaptor plate for non-ferrous vessels.
Im not even sure this infrared unit has a glass top... [not that important],,,, either one would work...i just like the compactness [small size] of the infrared unit....[7in].. and its cheap...about 20 bucks ....and will heat any metal surface...very simple...


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Im not even sure this infrared unit has a glass top... [not that important],,,, either one would work...i just like the compactness [small size] of the infrared unit....[7in].. and its cheap...about 20 bucks ....and will heat any metal surface...very simple...

wait a minute!!...im not shure how safe infrared heated air is?

if you zoom and read below.....it says...below dont worry about the radiation......[probibly because you are only using heat to cook food]

[correction]...... infra red stove tops put out NO Radiation at all....(y) and heated air is clean and inhalable...through a bubbler....

but there is some good news about the saftey of infrared heaters...in second page...

INFRARED COOKERS.. ..[are really older style]... BUT... PUT OUT NO RADIATION.... will heat up any metal...

I like this new infra red unit because.....its cheap..... it has a smooth modern cook top cover ...easy to clean...[5 settings].....and unit is very compact...nice size for desk top vape!

induction cookers..... put out a small amount of radiation...and will only heat...[ magnetic metals]... like iron or steel./but are still good and safe...


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wait a minute!!...im not shure how safe infrared heated air is?

if you zoom and read below.....it says...below dont worry about the radiation......[probibly because you are only using heat to cook food]

but inhaling heated air that might have radiation ... doesnt sound safe/?:rolleyes:

but there is some good news about the saftey of infrared heaters...in second page...
This is nothing to worry about in this instance. Radiation is a simply any energy* that radiates from a source - in this case, infrared radiation. What we perceive as visible light is also a form of electromagnetic radiation. It's only stuff like hard UV, X-rays and gamma rays that become particularly dangerous as forms of electromagnetic radiation. Microwaves can also present a hazard as they are absorbed by matter (such as living tissue) in ways that cause it to heat up.
[* Plus, of course, nuclear particles like protons, neutrons, electrons (β-particles/'rays'), helium nuclei (α-particles), and cosmic radiation in the form of other nuclei or more exotic forms of subatomic particle.]

The main question about infrared heating is whether you're intending to use the device to heat air, which would strike me as possibly rather inefficient, as nitrogen and oxygen will only have a few narrow, weak absorption bands:
Nitrogen, the principle component of air, absorbs barely any infrared at all.

As mentioned in a previous post, my view is that you would be better off heating (either with whatever radiative hob you have, or, more efficiently, with induction) some kind of heat sink/radiator - something which, ideally, has a precisely known heat capacity and similarly understood thermal transfer ability. This way you can achieve an optimal balance of heat-up speed and temperature stability.

Im not even sure this infrared unit has a glass top... [not that important],,,, either one would work...i just like the compactness [small size] of the infrared unit....[7in].. and its cheap...about 20 bucks ....and will heat any metal surface...very simple...
Yeah, it has a glass top, the blurring of the element's glow gives me the firm impression of that, at least. It wouldn't have an open element, this means it doesn't slowly shed metal oxide fragments into the air stream. Any heating of air produced by this device will, overwhelmingly, be the result of convective transfer from the glass surface [which heats up mostly from blocking the visible light frequencies of the heating element] plus heat transfer from whatever object has been placed upon the hob - the outside of a bottomless kettle would start to get very hot indeed, I suspect.

You would probably get more effective heat transfer with your bottomless kettle if you were to place it on something like the cake tin base I also previously suggested, or any other flat, circular-ish object to absorb the radiant heat (infrared) - especially if you can find one with a roughly-textured upper surface. This would help to improve convective heat transfer to the air stream. I would therefore suggest, perhaps, a cast iron grill insert, the ones with the ridges - but be sure to avoid PTFE non-stick coatings!
This is nothing to worry about in this instance. Radiation is a simply any energy* that radiates from a source - in this case, infrared radiation. What we perceive as visible light is also a form of electromagnetic radiation. It's only stuff like hard UV, X-rays and gamma rays that become particularly dangerous as forms of electromagnetic radiation. Microwaves can also present a hazard as they are absorbed by matter (such as living tissue) in ways that cause it to heat up.
[* Plus, of course, nuclear particles like protons, neutrons, electrons (β-particles/'rays'), helium nuclei (α-particles), and cosmic radiation in the form of other nuclei or more exotic forms of subatomic particle.]

The main question about infrared heating is whether you're intending to use the device to heat air, which would strike me as possibly rather inefficient, as nitrogen and oxygen will only have a few narrow, weak absorption bands:
Nitrogen, the principle component of air, absorbs barely any infrared at all.

As mentioned in a previous post, my view is that you would be better off heating (either with whatever radiative hob you have, or, more efficiently, with induction) some kind of heat sink/radiator - something which, ideally, has a precisely known heat capacity and similarly understood thermal transfer ability. This way you can achieve an optimal balance of heat-up speed and temperature stability.

Yeah, it has a glass top, the blurring of the element's glow gives me the firm impression of that, at least. It wouldn't have an open element, this means it doesn't slowly shed metal oxide fragments into the air stream. Any heating of air produced by this device will, overwhelmingly, be the result of convective transfer from the glass surface [which heats up mostly from blocking the visible light frequencies of the heating element] plus heat transfer from whatever object has been placed upon the hob - the outside of a bottomless kettle would start to get very hot indeed, I suspect.

You would probably get more effective heat transfer with your bottomless kettle if you were to place it on something like the cake tin base I also previously suggested, or any other flat, circular-ish object to absorb the radiant heat (infrared) - especially if you can find one with a roughly-textured upper surface. This would help to improve convective heat transfer to the air stream. I would therefore suggest, perhaps, a cast iron grill insert, the ones with the ridges - but be sure to avoid PTFE non-stick coatings!
I just want a nice ....clean even heated air .... that rises gently inside the kettel. maintaining an even temperature ..not ...[ swirling ]... fast rising [uneven heat waves] with high and low ....hot spots.... everywhere...
im aiming for clean convection!
to vaporize the molecule as gently as posible at the perfect temperature...for best results posible...
With DMT ...when you get the temperature that perfect..youl know it because the quality difference is like night and day!

If you have time read my posts at....[True E mesh convection !. and ceramic health stone] . this thread was read more than 22.000 times in old forum

..where i took the origional conduction E Mesh vape....and converted it to .. [convection]....It took a while of trial and error work till i got it right....

I found... 65 to 70 watts was very effective!! using the convection method...spacing the molecule 1/4 inch or less above the heating mesh..
then pulling only heated air through the product....it exploded into milky white vapor that meant buisness when inhaled.

For oils ...crystals or waxes..i dont think t any store bought vape can beat it for real convection!
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