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The Nexian #1


Free Spirit
Topics for all numbers Articles for the first number

Cover: cyb on the job!
Harm reduction - 1 page - Pandora covering this
Interviews - 1 page [ The Traveler ]
Xtal pr0n - 2 pages
Extraction teks - 1/2 pages
Trip reports - 2 pages
Art - 2 pages - [ Poetry by Macre.]
Ethnobotanical garden - 2 pages [ Psychotria propagation by Ringworm ] [ Jurema - Vodsel & iracema ]
History - 1 page [ The Visionary Pilgrimage - Ayahuasca ]
Events - 1 page [ B-B-B-Burning Man Festival - dreamer042 ]
Tourism - 1 page [ Aegle - Visiting India ]
Environment - 1 page [ SnozzleBerry - Ecological Terrorism - part 1 ]
Urban Myths - Half page
Humor - Half page - Art Von D covering it.
Science - 1 page
Health & Lifestyle - 1 page

Anyone is more than welcome to contribute, if you have an article or an idea just share it. What would you like to see published?

*Questions for the interview with The Traveler here! (closed now)
I have an article I wrote last week regarding the "Reality" of the DMT experience, focusing on 3 experiences that are highly suggestive of realism, ruling out the liklihood of being affected by the personal subconscious or synthesis of prior experiences (in consensual reality). In the next issue, I am hoping to tackle certain issues that are highly suggestive of the "unreality" of DMT - a look at some of the behind-the-scenes mechanics that betray certain elements of the "non-real".
Okay, I've taken you at your word above - you only wanted one (1) single page for the Harm Reduction section, yes?

If that is the case, I'm pleased to report I've finished my first draft. I will edit it very soon and then submit it to you for further editing.

Thanks again for doing this and I hope other folks are finishing their projects or that I'm one of the last.

Peace & Love,
Do we have any format specifications?

Is there anyone in charge of layout, fonts, styles, etc.?

I'm asking because the piece iracema and I are preparing will contain pictures, subsections... It would be easier to follow any format guidelines from the get go, to simplify the final work.
Hello everyone,

I still have no internet at home so I will be around when I get the chance.

I will be handling the layout because I am using a software fir magazines. But you can format your articles the way you want them to be put into place.

Much love.
Hello guys :D

I'm still alive and connected. Just wanted to let you know that if you have the articles done you can send them via PM and I'll download and compile them into the mag.

Im online every now and then and I am working on the mag. Lets step on it and make an effort to finish it for MAPS.

Peace and love :)
JourneyToJah said:
Hello guys :D

I'm still alive and connected. Just wanted to let you know that if you have the articles done you can send them via PM and I'll download and compile them into the mag.

Im online every now and then and I am working on the mag. Lets step on it and make an effort to finish it for MAPS.

Peace and love :)
Perfect and welcome back!

I will send you my completed interview this evening.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
JourneyToJah said:
Hello guys :D

I'm still alive and connected. Just wanted to let you know that if you have the articles done you can send them via PM and I'll download and compile them into the mag.

Im online every now and then and I am working on the mag. Lets step on it and make an effort to finish it for MAPS.

Peace and love :

Great news. Thanks for reminding. . .will pm soon.

Welcome home :) .
Thanks everyone :D. I am waiting for some news that could change the rest of my life and I would never have to worry about anything again, and I may have to move again; so I'm not contracting the internet until I dont know if I stay here or not.

Sorry if this keeps me away from the Nexus but its something very important for me and a lot of people that I care for and worked for years. Fingers crossed and hope that change is happening :)

Much love to you all, stay safe !
JourneyToJah said:
Thanks everyone :D. I am waiting for some news that could change the rest of my life and I would never have to worry about anything again, and I may have to move again; so I'm not contracting the internet until I dont know if I stay here or not.

Sorry if this keeps me away from the Nexus but its something very important for me and a lot of people that I care for and worked for years. Fingers crossed and hope that change is happening :)

Much love to you all, stay safe !

That's great news. Do what you gotta do my friend.


Hey hey y'all...

I see I am coming to this party rather late. What is the status of this?

Will this be an e-zine?

Where will it be released or distributed?

Is any more material still needed?

I would be happy to contribute something to this endeavor, so let me know how I can help.


It's in full swing for a late April or early May release. It will be a quarterly zine and we are definitely interested in contributions. Do you have anything specific in mind?
I was literally just thinking about you yesterday HF :love:

Looking forward to seeing a contribution from you

I could be inspired to contribute just about anything... I see that in the OP, there is no one designated with the meat & potatoes TRIP REPORT section.

I would be happy to provide on of those if that is what is still open.

As a standby option, I would be happy to do something on the Psychedelic Music tip. Maybe a profile of one of the greats... Ozric Tentacles and Shpongle come immediately to mind.

Let me know and I can whip something up in a day or so.

You definitely can and should :)

I haven't delivered yet the piece about jurema (will be ready in 2-3 days). You're easily on time to submit something. And ours is going to be a four page thing... the e-zine extension should not be an issue.

Also, regarding the section list, not everything has to be necessarily covered and new ideas are more than welcome. Or simply a couple opinion pages. Once the #1 is done, we can discuss how it turned out overall and adjust or limit contents for further issues as we go.

Welcome aboard HF :thumb_up:
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