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The Nexian #1

It might be nice to see a more structured trip report feature in #2, with reports selected from a number of members... Possibly use this as an enticement to get Nexians to write more reports.
Well I am happy to contribute a trip report.

I have a plethora of tantalizing and mindblowing ones to choose from.

For The Nexian #1, it would perhaps be appropos to offer up my first smoalked DMT experience... still among the very most intense experiences of my life. 25 years of further spice journeying, while perhaps taking me deeper, have not delivered a more startling and world shattering experience... if only because after that, I always had that experience as a reference point. A massive time defying breakthrough on my first attempt... of course, I was already on an eighth of cubensis and maybe 500 mics of clean LSD when I sat down to take that fateful toke....

If I understand correctly I should PM my submission?

I will go ahead and get started... tomorrow or tuesday at the latest I will have something.

I would love to have more trips report to choose from. For now I talked to jbark and will get his Ay with I and I report into #1.

Send your reports via PM or ask for my email and send them.

Much peace and love.
I PM'd you the trip report. It is a doozy.


I am sure my fellow Nexians will get a kick out of it.


Thanks again for taking on this task.

Ok, so I've started to receive some of the articles and I am putting them together. Feel free to send any articles/suggestions either here, via Pm or email.

It will take a bit more time to finish but I think it will be worth the wait.

Thank you all for contributing!
Maybe I'll send you a piece I wrote on my 5meo death experience, that arrested a twenty five year hardcore heroin addiction and saved my life and soul,where I was reborn and vomited a lifetimes worth of accreted karma on the form of a giant black snake made out of fractal smoke. Gotta rewrite it though.
I take it that all copyright is author retained, since I plan to publish of elsewhere..
cool idea, can't wait to see it at Barnes and noble!

I also am working on the Entheogenic Tarot, perhaps reproducing a card or two would be cool.
This won't be ready for at least a month though, I'm just thinking on print
Do we have any news about this? I know layout can take time, and I now JtJ was in the middle of things, but I remember running two months ago to deliver our article in time for MAPS conference, and now... I often am tempted to share it already besides the e-zine, since it covers questions asked often in the forum. I have refrained a few times from copypasting it.
Vodsel said:
Do we have any news about this? I know layout can take time, and I now JtJ was in the middle of things, but I remember running two months ago to deliver our article in time for MAPS conference, and now... I often am tempted to share it already besides the e-zine, since it covers questions asked often in the forum. I have refrained a few times from copypasting it.

Yes. I find myself in the same boat.
I think that with the little time that JTJ has for this at the moment, that we need an interim project leader to make sure this great idea keeps moving on.

Unfortunately I currently have little time left for other projects but I think there are several other members here who are able to pull a project like this. So if you want to temporarily take over this project, please let us know in this thread!

Kind regards,

The Traveler
If someone can and wants to take over it would take a lot of pressure of my back. I know it passed a long time since it should have been done, but the situation I'm going trough now is a bit more important than this; because if I dont have a house to live in or food to eat I will never get to finish it anyway :).

Thank you all for the help, the patience and the support you have showed.

Much love !

The term e-magazine can be a wide # of things - from a .pdf to a full website with iterative / scheduled content. I have a number of layout / design and web related skills that could likely help with the production, but I'd like to know a bit more about where within that spectrum you want to create this Nexian e-zine to say whether I can definitively help make it happen.

A couple of questions along that line:

- If it is to be a website, does nexus already have a hosting environment that can support it? If it is pure html,css,js and/or if it were PHP / WordPress as well?

- Either for the first edition or subsequent ones, would it be something that a select # of people would want / need to be able to edit? Or how it gets made is quasi-irrelevant as long as it does ;P

- Does something that interacts like either http://mattduvall.com/peeler.js/ or http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/longform/tebow/index.html provide an interaction that appeals to you? Both are javascript UI elements that allow an interesting scroll effect.

Peace and pancakes!
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