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The twisted funhouse

Migrated topic.


Rising Star

I have had just a few dmt expereinces before, which were for the most part very nice, very meditative, introspective, and elevating. They were at nighttime, alone.

But today I smoked a strong blend of dmt-enhanced leaf during the day, when it was bright and sunny, alone in my room when no one was home. After taking a small, light inhalation I felt nice, and decided to take two more. As soon as I blew out the third hit I realized that I was tripping very hard. I was immediately thrust into a vibrant funhouse, and my entire bedroom transformed into a bright circus with a sinister aspect to it, and I realized that I was being pullled upwards out of myself to who knows where. I inuitively fought the experience. I felt like I was on the verge of a breakthrough but was too scared to proceed. I feel like if I had waited until nighttime to do this and took three or four huge inhalations and held each one in for long enough, then I would have definetley broken through, regardless of whether or not I tried to resist the experience. I feel like there's definitely somethingt that DMT wants me to experience, or show to me, but I have been to afraid to proceed every time. I'm also not going to smoke it on a whim again like I did this afternoon. I think I am going to wait until tonight, late at night, and go into a different room with my bong and smoke the dmt-enhanced leaf there. I am going to take a breakthrough dose as well, and not resist the experience at all. I hope everything goes well. Thanks for reading.
I would also be curious of the opinions from people who are well versed in their take on daytime vs. nighttime. This is something I've been pondering over for awhile now.

From my understanding thus far, this is a strictly nightime thing, atleast in my world. It seems like to enter while the sun is still up is not "right".
thanks for reading and replying :)

yeah the whole thing kind of felt kind of messed up, and I didn't know what to make of it. I also remember some entiity intuitively telling me that it was "time to go", as in I had to pack my bags and leave, I was being spiritually guided somewhere out of my room to somewhere beyond. I feel sad for resisting the experience, exclaming out loud: "no, I"m not ready, I can't go, I have to stay here!" The trip was just begninning and I was going to get catapulted someplace else but I fought it out of fear. I hope that I did not upset the good entities in any way by resisting the experience. It's been five hours since my experience. Would waiting another five hours (making a total of ten hours since my previous session) be enough time to be able to try again? I actually still want to do it in my room, it's just that I'm a little reluctant to proceed now. But I agree with the whole daytime versus nighttime thing. I've had only good experiences at nighttime with dmt, whereas during the day it has always been a negative experience for me. I also think the music I was listening to might have negatively impacted my trip. It was a "dmt simulation" video on youtube with very eerie sound effects.
Best of luck tonight!

I have had quite a few trips outside on a sunny day, as opposed to inside at night, and the last one I had, I was right on the threshold of breakthrough and I got the message in my head that
"when others sleep, you will awaken"
So I will take the hint and have my next journey at nighttime.

Trips in nature are great though. I like to be under a big cedar tree in the forest and look straight up at all the branches, the fractals that form are amazing, last time it all looked like a domed snowflake pattern spreading to infinity and getting more spherical and enveloping me. Then it changed to all black and white, then slowly dissapated.
Small doses open eyed outside are cool, but to go deep, I think they prefer you do it at night for some reason.
Less distractions at night too.

Sometimes as the trip is fading, I will sort of ask in my mind if I can come back in, and see what they say, or what vibes you get from them. There will be no problem with tolerance if that's what you mean, but if they tell you you've had enough, best to heed that warning!

Good luck, keep us posted!

I actually feel like I haven't had enough, not nearly enough.

I want to breakthrough completely to ego-oblivion and enlightenment.

I don't want to be blocked from spiritual experience and realization!


And I don't win or lose, I go beyond both dualities into something far greater.

I think if I did this in a different setting and with a more relaxed state of mind, then I could potentially have experienced something far more profound.

I don't wnat to be subjugated in any way whatsoever. I don't want to be subjected to constraints or limitations place on my SOUL.

I don't know if I should try again tonight or not. But I need to do what I think I should do, not what others think I should or shouldn't do.
I was too petrified to smoak first.

Ayahuasca with a real shaman. If you can find it.. I found mine through some fellow travelers at a Burn. I will never be fearful to travel again, and I will probably always have a changa-caapi mix as I feel like she is there to protect me and not let me get caught up in all the nonsensical stuff.
Yes, you certainly should do what you feel is right,
I wasn't suggesting you do what I said, nor what I have done.
I wanted to share my experiences about daytime trips versus night trips, as it was asked about in this thread.

I mentioned about not blasting off too frequently IF they caution you, I wasn't trying to suggest that was your situation, just that it is likely to lead to a bad experience if one is told it's enough, and chooses to ignore the warning, as many here will confirm.

I apologize if it came across that way, it was not my intention.
I believe as well that you and everyone on the planet should be able to choose to experience something so amazing and profound as only DMT can provide.

*edit: I meant the right to choose to pursue the experience and the right to choose to alter your consciousness, not so much that it is an entitlement, it is a very special gift that we should all be very thankful for the opportunity to experience*

Once again, good luck, I hope you find what you seek.
Take care,

It would behoove you to take a more humble approach when it comes to these matters. I'm not sure anyone has a mandatory right when it comes to being given gifts of this nature. It's one thing to humble yourself and open up to an offered revelation, it is another thing to try and demand it. These are gifts given, be thankful for what you get. It is nowhere near the category of what you think you "deserve". Be a friend. :thumb_up:
I have smoked DMT during the day and at night. I definitely prefer the day. I am quite sensitive to bad weather and darkness. So especially days with a blue sky and a bright sun, those are my days. I am also more fit during the day and often too tired in the evening.

And not smoking on a whim anymore, why? Sometimes those spontaneous efforts will give beautiful trips. To cut it short: you never know before what is the right thing to do. The most out of the ordinary actions can initiate the best.
Asher7 said:

It would behoove you to take a more humble approach when it comes to these matters. I'm not sure anyone has a mandatory right when it comes to being given gifts of this nature. It's one thing to humble yourself and open up to an offered revelation, it is another thing to try and demand it. These are gifts given, be thankful for what you get. It is nowhere near the category of what you think you "deserve". Be a friend. :thumb_up:

Hi, I think you misunderstood me. What I said was that I deserve spiritual experience and realization. Read anything from any great spiritually enlightened teacher and they will say the same thing, that it is every soul's birthright to be completely God/Self-realized.

I agree with you acidshard, I also believe everyone should have the right to experience the ineffable.
It is first and foremost a choice.

By using the terms "right" or "deserve", you imply a requirement of external approval and external responsibility. The term "choice" implies internal approval and internal responsibility. I think the latter aligns much better with the spirit of the nexus.

When going in, be prepared to go in all the way. Doubts, reservations and internal conflict tend to be multiplied by the action of tryptamines.
When going in, be prepared to go in all the way. Doubts, reservations and internal conflict tend to be multiplied by the action of tryptamines.

By this do you mean that I need to take a full-breakthrough dose every time I decide to smoke spice?

I didn' realize really quite how easy it is to do this with dmt-infused herbs (not changa). With a simple dmt-infusion of peppermint at a ratio of 1:1 really 1-2 bong hits is all it takes. The difficult part is working up the nerve to go through with it :d

I didn't journey again last like intended. I think I need to give it a break before trying again. This time I'll make sure the setting is optimal. In other words, having a clean room, no daytime tripping, only good music playing in the background, and prior preparation. I think that this can potentially produce an amazing breakthrough experience.
GuruD said:
When going in, be prepared to go in all the way. Doubts, reservations and internal conflict tend to be multiplied by the action of tryptamines.

By this do you mean that I need to take a full-breakthrough dose every time I decide to smoke spice?
No, I'm not telling you how far to go. Just that when you decide to do it, don't hold back on it.

Personally, I don't like background music while smoking dmt or drinking pharmahuasca. I find that it distracts too much from being fully immersed. Others do like music, possibly because it anchors them to something familiar.

My first ever dmt trip and breakthrough was during the daytime, outside in sunny nature.
That's neat. I also prefer to journey or trip without music, I always do in fact, but for a change I put on a track entitled: "dmt simulation" and it just made my trip way worse, and I was tripping so hard that I couldn't think of using a computer, so I couldn't turn it off, and my hesitation and reluctance to embrace the sheer power of the experience made a very strong internal conflict and made my trip worse and worse, but thankfully within 30 minutes I felt completely ok. And no lasting paranoia or brain damage or anything. It felt like a sudden, violent exorcism of sorts. The mix I put together is really strong; dried peppermint leaf 50% dmt by weight. It's so easy to breakthrough in just one hit from a nice glass bong. I feel like I have a lot to learn from this, but scared to. And personally for me, I just don't find tripping during the day very productive. 95% of my exploration has always been done at night. I just feel much more comfortable at nighttime. I think that I need to proceed with this beautiful plant essence but only seldom and only when I'm fully prepared, and only when my setting is optimal. A completely clean room is a must for me, as is darkness and (usually) silence.
All my psy taking including dmt is done at night and alone, except for the occasional mild outdoor daytime acid trip, very rare though. I'll admit I'm feeling an urge to dmt outdoors though, with my skin in contact with the earth. Am I alone in this?
Mescaline is much more outdoors friendly in my world. I just can't think of a way to mesh the dmt into it. I'm sure it works for some people though.

In regards to music. I like music no matter what, anytime all the time, it's always on. Only two things have ever changed that, salvia & dmt. On my last "learn your lesson" dmt experience (vaped) the music switched over from being something you hear with ears to something you see with your eyes and it was all in there, in my head, not over there coming out of that radio on the table. It's hard to explain because it doesn't make any sense.

Anyways, it hit out of nowhere. I don't know if we have any hunters around but the only way I can describe it is like when you're tracking a bear. You are stealth (almost to a fault you later find out) and you're slipping through, all eyes.... you think you know where you're headed and you round a tree and that bear is 6 feet away. And you both make eye contact, neither one knowing the other was there....booom, adrenaline drop that is literally hallucinogenic.

That's how it was, the music became visual though in that same adrenaline drop sense. And then it was just me and "the bear". Who is the one that's supposed to say hi in that scenario?

Anyways I blacked out so maybe that's the hyperspace equivalent of getting scared and fainting. The lesson learned was, things can transform into other things so a strict refining of all available stimuli is very much something to take into consideration.

Once I made it back and managed to find some sort of footing, I went back to listening to the radio, business as usual. It's getting switched off though next time.:thumb_up: :thumb_dow
hi, I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts of what type of music would be best to listen to in the background IF one chooses to listen to music during the experience? Would drumming be good, or chanting, or singing? Ot instrumental music? Every time I have partaken of the sacred dmt, I have felt like I was dying literally, not just an aspect of me, and not figuratively speaking, but literally like dying. I don't know how else to describe it, has anyone else felt this way? I felt like I was on the verge of breakthrough but something prevented it, and I think it was both my setting and my intense FEAR. What If I'm just not permitted in hyperspace? What if I never will be? Or what if I'm not able to, because of the so-called gatekeepers? I can't believe how radically different this experience was from the first few times. And I still haven't broken through, not yet. Is this really the place we go when we die? Or one of the many places? Because it's vastly different each time. So what determines which alternate reality you end up in? And in a universe of infinite possiblity, that seems to indicate that even a never-ending torturous hell is possible, and many different degrees of it. What to do? If I can't get over my fear of breaking through now, then what will come of me when I die?
One of the musicians here hung out with Terrence.. they have beautiful music.

I usually put on tribal Icaros. I am tainted by my Ayahuasca journies.
Icaros are supposed to be blessings when traveling beyond.

Random one.
GuruD said:
I actually feel like I haven't had enough, not nearly enough.

I want to breakthrough completely to ego-oblivion and enlightenment.

I don't want to be blocked from spiritual experience and realization!


And I don't win or lose, I go beyond both dualities into something far greater.

I think if I did this in a different setting and with a more relaxed state of mind, then I could potentially have experienced something far more profound.

I don't wnat to be subjugated in any way whatsoever. I don't want to be subjected to constraints or limitations place on my SOUL.

I don't know if I should try again tonight or not. But I need to do what I think I should do, not what others think I should or shouldn't do.

I understand that you want to go far, believe me. But speaking from experience, consider working your way up to that level. You don't have to. If you want you can go all the way down the rabbit hole. But in my experience this results in a memory wipe. In other words, you may have gone far and you may have lost your ego completely, but you might not be able to remember any of it. And if you can't remember any of it, it's hard to bring anything back for integration or introspection.

Don't set yourself up for a hyperslap! Or do... whatever you feel is best.

Good luck!
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