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The twisted funhouse

Migrated topic.
strtman said:
I have smoked DMT during the day and at night. I definitely prefer the day. I am quite sensitive to bad weather and darkness. So especially days with a blue sky and a bright sun, those are my days. I am also more fit during the day and often too tired in the evening.

And not smoking on a whim anymore, why? Sometimes those spontaneous efforts will give beautiful trips. To cut it short: you never know before what is the right thing to do. The most out of the ordinary actions can initiate the best.

Interesting, this is the first I've heard of someone being in favor of voyaging on a whim. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against it. In fact, I admire your bravery! And perhaps I'll try it...

I always feel like it's something I have to mentally prepare for, for at least a day or two. But that's just been my strategy, and we all know how well strategies hold up on the other side!

Good stuff
It is like DMT calls to you. I have had thoughts just pop in my head to do it and I do. During these experiences where I acted on a whim, just a quick thought, a quick pull, like something is saying that they do indeed have something to show you, I always experienced a feeling of joy and peace. No fear or trepidation. It's an odd feeling when it comes. Unlike any pull towards anything I can think of.

I guess that was my way to get over fear. When I experience fear before a trip I do not let it stop me. I figure, screw it, face it head on. I have had difficult experiences going into it like this but I do not regret facing it. Can't all be puppy dogs and kittens.

I like the contrast. I like that I have experienced the difficult and the positive with DMT. It is a more rounded lesson plan. What I think is that it is all illusion. The positive can distract from what is really going on just as much as the difficult. Terror and fear are difficult, it's a distraction, it's not real. The positive is the same to me. A distraction and not real.

I can't really say why I feel this way. It's hard to put my finger on it. I just feel like it's all the same thing. As soon as the labels are applied it becomes something else. It must be observed fully and totally every time. Total acceptance of what is occurring, no matter what it is. Not having a preference. That is what I have now, no preference. And with this attitude I have gleaned more of a lesson for myself.

That said I will use DMT planned or unplanned. I will accept anything that comes.

During my planned visits to hyperspace I enjoy a certain atmosphere. I like to put on music without lyrics. I like to smudge myself and my environment with white sage. I don't believe in spirits or anything, I just like the smell and ceremony and mental preparation. I like to trip at night with very little light, a couple candles someplace safe. I set intentions during meditation for about 30 mins and go for it.

I get called much less often anymore. I visit hyperspace maybe four times a year now. I don't want to pester the teacher. I come when the teachers calls or is it when the student is ready the teacher appears. Either way, communication is occurring. Something is being taught. That is how I approach DMT, as a classroom.

Pay attention and be respectful is my only rule. This attitude has improved the quality of my DMT experiences. It has improved many aspects of my real life as well. The lessons we learn there are to be applied here and vice versa. It's all connected.
DmnStr8 said:
Pay attention and be respectful is my only rule. This attitude has improved the quality of my DMT experiences. It has improved many aspects of my real life as well. The lessons we learn there are to be applied here and vice versa. It's all connected.

This is one of the keys to making any of this worthwhile in my opinion.
I prefer daytime journeying. Night time can be hard core
with no other option but to face the visions head on .
I like having the option of opening my eyes and seeing
the morphing of nature during the day . What it does visually to natural landscapes is beyond amazing in my opinion .
Day time in nature with no music is my groove .
I would suggest paying close attention to dose and work your way in gradually . Use Caapi leaf or extracts to help things along and provide context and teaching to the experience.
Don't forget to breath and talk yourself through it if it gets too much . Don't let it scare you hold your own and be strong .
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